Brandenburg begins Europa Universalis 4 as a small nation in northern Germany with a big ambition: to become the dominant power in the region. As Brandenburg, EU4 lets players take control of this nation and lead it to greatness.
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Historically, Brandenburg would expand, growing into the Kingdom of Prussia and leading Germans toward a unified Germany. Paradox Interactive’s Europa Universalis 4 lets players follow in the Brandenburgian’s footsteps or forge a new path in an alternative timeline.
Whichever route players decide to take, they will need to expand Brandenburg’s territory, grow its economy, and build a powerful military to defend against ambitious neighbors. Navigating Brandenburg to form Prussia can be a challenging but rewarding experience for EU4 players.
Relive history or write a new story in Europa Universalis 4.
EU4 Brandenburg Overview
In EU4, Brandenburg begins 1444 in a rough position but has plenty of opportunities to turn their situation around. Players need to quickly decide on the direction of their nation, as looming threats have eyes on Brandenburgian territory.
Paradox presents the following message at the start of a EU4 Brandenburg run:
The recent history of the March of Brandenburg has been a sad state of affairs. With poor soils, swamps, and wild forests, Brandenburg is not the richest lands of the Holy Roman Empire, and under Wittelsbach and Luxemburg rule, the region has been treated as a source of quick income. With the ascendence of the Hohenzollern Dynasty, things have slowly begun to change. Friedrich I spent his entire reign wearing down the influence of the Brandenburg estates and fighting the prevalent lawlessness, sending his armies against the castles of the many robber barons that have for long had a free reign over the region. In many ways, Friedrich II, 'the Iron,' has proven to be his father's son, resuming the policies intended to crush the power of local potentates and greedy burghers. He has also sent out feelers to the Teutonic Order for the reclamation of Neumark, a land originally part of Brandenburg but pawned by his predecessors. The difficulty in asserting state power is amply demonstrated by the Kalmar Union kingdoms of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, where a king attempting to achieve similar goals was recently deposed and replaced by a Bavarian Wittelsbach. If Brandenburg is to be made a durable state, it must also remain united, avoiding squabbles like those among the Wettin heirs in Electoral Saxony to the south. The nearby kingdoms of Poland and Bohemia are both without rulers in 1444, one as a direct result of the failed Crusade of Varna against the Ottomans, and the other due to the rejection of the Habsburg heir Ladislaus the Posthumous by the Bohemian nobility. Despite the Bohemian lands still not having recovered from the Hussite wars of the last decades the Heretic Hussites remain a strong factor in Bohemian politics, making the kingdom a cause for concern among all its neighbors, Brandenburg included.
– Brandenburg Start, Europa Universalis 4
As Bradenburg, EU4 leads players towards military dominance and forming Prussia. Its missions give claims on the land needed to create the popular formable nation and toward securing dominance in northern Germany.
Although EU4 Brandenburg Ideas are not as militarily focused as Prussian ideas, they do offer some combat bonuses. Brandenburgian ideas and ambitions also offer diplomatic boons and bonuses to make the most of the surrounding forests.
Brandenburg EU4 Ideas
Traditions: −15% Construction cost, −20% Cost to fabricate claims
Northern March: +10% Infantry combat ability
Found the Kammergericht: +10% National tax modifier
Divide the Estates: −10% Stability cost modifier
Pomeranian Wars: +10% Morale of armies
Seat of the Old Emperors: +1 Diplomatic reputation, +0.10 Imperial authority modifier
Iron Tooth: −2 National unrest
Geheimer Rat für die Kurmark: +5% Nobility loyalty, +5% Burghers loyalty
Brandenburg Ambition: −25% State maintenance
Brandenburg EU4 Strategy
At the start of EU4, Brandenburg is an Elector of the Holy Roman Empire. As a member of the HRE, players are offered some protection from the Emperor and have a strong chance at holding that title themselves.
However, the Holy Roman Empire can also be a complex network of alliances that pulls players into much larger and costlier wars. Conquering HRE land also gains more Aggressive Expansion. If Brandenburg expands too quickly, a player might find themselves on the receiving end of a coalition.
Fortunately, Europa Universalis 4 does favor Brandenburg’s historical role in forming Prussia and strengthening its position in northern Germany. This is reflected in Brandenburg EU4 missions.
Brandenburg’s EU4 missions can be divided into three main parts: expanding into Prussia, expanding into German lands, and strengthening the military. Players also have access to a few minor Brandenburg missions.
While players are free to pursue any Brandenburg EU4 strategy they choose, forming Prussia is the goal of most.
Expanding into Prussia – Eastwards Expansion Branch
Europa Universalis 4’s Brandenburg missions guide players toward the nation’s evolution into Prussia. Opening missions put a target on Teutonic land in the east. Fortunately, a Brandenburg EU4 event can fire to purchase two territories for 100 ducats.
Players will be rewarded for reclaiming the territories with claims on Pomeranian lands. Wolgast is a formidable opponent on its own, but with unfortunate alliances, any of the nations in Pomerania can present a large war. Beware: Poland has an interest in the area and will look for allies.
Once enough of Pomerania is conquered, Brandenburg EU4 missions will direct players toward Prussian land. The area is extremely volatile. In 1444, it is controlled by the Teutonic Order, but the knights face a rebellious Danzig and eager-to-expand Poland. A side branch of the mission tree also leads toward the conquest of Bohemian and Polish lands.
All in all, players will have plenty of strategic opportunities in the west as Brandenburg in EU4.
Expanding into German Lands – Westward Expansion
Once Brandenburg expands into 15 total provinces, players can complete the mission ‘A Show of Strength,’ which grants permanent claims on the Lower Saxony region. Missions will continue to give more claims in the West, advancing Brandenburg into Westphalia and the Rhineland with the ultimate goal of uniting Germany.
A side branch of this mission tree also pushes for players to expand their trade reach into China.
Strengthening the Military – The Army and the State
If players manage to build 50% Professionalism with their armies, they will unlock the first mission of ‘The Army and the State’ branch. This leads to more missions to develop Berlin and reform the state, reaching into the Age of Reformation.
Minor Brandenburg EU4 Missions
Brandenburg EU4 missions have a short short set of unique goals in Franconia. The short ‘Franconian Conquest’ branch requires players to secure Ansbach and gain 6 provinces in the region.
Fortunately, Ansbach’s ruler is of the same dynasty as Brandenburg (technically, he is Brandenburg’s heir). This gives players a better chance at securing a Personal Union over the OPM and their Junior Partner, Bayreuth.
Take caution, however, as the extra route of expansion can cause more aggressive expansion.
Brandenburg EU4 missions also has access to the standard HRE goals of defending the faith and taking the Emporership.
Brandenburg Guide EU4
Europa Universalis 4 is a dynamic game bound by the chaos of randomness. In other words, no two games of EU4 Brandenburg are alike.
While Brandenburg EU4 guides can guide players in a certain direction, the complex nature of the game can quickly render those plans void and useless. Events and wars may leave some late-game targets vulnerable, and alliance chains can make early targets near-invincible.
It is important to remember that the following Brandenburg EU4 guide is loose instructions. Players should keep an eye on how their game progresses and respond accordingly.
Opening Moves – Brandenburg EU4
Players should grant privileges to the estates based on their skill level. More experienced players might jump for the extra Monarch Points, while beginners might not be comfortable giving away so much of Brandenburg’s Crownland.
‘Religious Diplomats’ is a must. The added goodwill towards Christian nations (everyone in the HRE) will help stave off problems with aggressive expansion. Better diplomacy also boosts the chances of Brandenburg becoming Emporer of the HRE.
Players should not take the Burghers’ loans at the start of the game. A unique Brandenburg EU4 event can fire where the Teutonic Order offers to sell Neumark and Dramburg for 100 ducats. This event is scripted to fire only if the player has four loans or less, and the Burghers give five.
Alliances and Politics
Brandenburg is not a strong nation in 1444, but it should be able to secure a decent set of alliances. Depending on the route the player wants to take, there are a few candidates to approach diplomatically.
A Brandenburg EU4 run to be Emporer of the HRE is not an impossible mission. Players should be able to secure enough votes from the smaller HRE Electors. Depending on RNG, Bohemia and/or Saxony can start rivaled to Brandenburg.
Any HRE playthrough should focus on relations with Austria. As the Emperor of the HRE, it is important to keep them on your good side. Without an alliance, the Austrians could work to hinder a player’s expansion.
The prospect of the Burgundian inheritance always makes Burgundy a viable diplomatic option to pursue, but players might find themselves in a war with a much bigger foe.
Royal marriages with Anhalt and Ansbach could prove to be more valuable. Brandenburg EU4 strategists have a higher-than-usual chance of inheriting both thrones and advancing their missions.
Poland can be an invaluable short-term ally, but as a rival, they can make a player’s Brandenburg EU4 game a nightmare. Keep an eye on their political maneuverings. The Polish will set their sights on the Teutonic Order. Taking it before Brandenburg sets the stage for a big war with their eastern neighbor.
Finally, several minor HRE nations are willing to accept Brandenburg as an ally. If players have the space for the relations, picking up some small areas outside Brandenburg’s zone of conquest can be a massive plus.
Early Wars
Brandenburg’s missions will progressively give it claims on the territory it needs to expand and form Prussia. While the unique Brandenburg EU4 event to acquire Teutonic lands usually fires, there is a chance it will not. In this case, players will need to obtain a claim and conquer it themselves.
While unfortunate, this could end up helping Brandenburg in the long run. If the Teutonic Order decides to keep its land, players should focus on taking a port province from the Pomerainians. Going to war for Neumark and Dramburg with access to a port allows access to the rest of the Teutonic lands. Players can grab key territory from the Teutons before Poland has the chance.
Expanding into German lands does help build a power base, but it can also chew up Brandenburg’s resources and build AE faster. Players should pick and choose what they decide to do in the West, keeping in mind they will get free claims on the area for taking most of Pomerania.
Aggressive plays might want to open their Brandenburg EU4 run with an early war with Saxony. Visualizing the Elector can provide a massive power boost and remove a potential rival from the board at the cost of high aggressive expansion. This path also gives Brandenburg access to the Franconian region.
Players should weigh the costs and benefits of their opening moves as EU4 Brandenburg.
Opening Moves
Aggressive expansion will be one of the biggest hurdles facing players as EU4 Brandenburg. Although HRE diplomacy is handicapped with members getting one less diplomat, it is essential in managing the malus. Players should stay focused on their war targets and take steps not to accrue more AE than needed.
Brandenburg also needs to strengthen its economy. It does not have a healthy income, and fielding a large army for conquest can easily put the nation into a deficit. Furthermore, Brandenburgian lands are all woods and forests, making them expensive to develop.
Growth through conquest is the most viable path for expansion. Players should focus on establishing a foothold in the lucrative Baltic Seas trade node. Conquering Pomerania will help expand access, but Lubeck, a valuable trade province, can provide a solid foothold.
Consolidating Saxon lands is also an option for players. The small nations of Magdeburg and Anhalt present easy targets, with Brandenburg having a good chance at inheriting Anhalt diplomatically. Goslar is an OPM but is also a Free City under the Emperor’s protection. Taking it directly is difficult, but conquering it indirectly can provide a massive reward.
Finally, if Brandenburg is successful in securing the throne of Ansbach, players will receive claims on the Franconia area, presenting a new venue for conquest. While Ansbach can be built up to be able to hold its own, players will need to find a way to connect Brandenburgian lands to their nation.
Later On
Brandenburg faces big decisions when the Reformation spawns in Europe. Players looking to form Prussia must choose to embrace one of the Protestant branches. Once embraced, Brandenburg is one step closer to forming Prussia.
Embracing the Reformation does put a pause on Brandenburg’s ambition to rule the Holy Roman Empire. Once Catholicism is abandoned, Protestants are ineligible to be Emperor. This can be changed if the Protestant League claims victory over the Catholics, changing the Empire’s official religion.
Remaining as Brandenburg is also an option for players wishing to stay Catholic or avoid Prussia. Brandenburg EU4 ideas are not entirely focused on the military. Players could build economic power in north Germany and forgo their Prussian destiny.
In Closing
In closing, there is no wrong Brandenburg EU4 strategy. Players literally have a world of possibilities open to whichever path they decide to take.
Tell us about your Brandenburg EU4 run, suggest challenges, or offer different strategies in the comments below.