Quidditch Season 3 Chapter 5 - Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery (2024)

Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Quidditch Season 3 Chapter 5 of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. Last time, Skye, Erika, and you tried to find a way to get both teams to cooperate during detention. Eventually, you made the cleaning of the Great Hall a competition, and the teams were focused on cleaning instead of arguing. Unfortunately, you had to pick a winner, which made some players unhappy. Later on, you talked to your teammates and convinced them to be a bit more cooperative with Erika’s team, in order to be able to play Quidditch competitively again. Eventually, you managed to find a way to solve everything. You agreed with Erika to have a secret Quidditch match between your teams, which should resolve the conflict. Now is the time to inform your teammates about it. Head to the Quidditch Pitch when you are ready.
[Disclaimer: Some of the tasks might have different star and attribute requirements, depending on the Year you’re in. The following Walkthrough contains the images from Year 7, which pretty much has the highest requirements.]

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Upon arriving, you will be able to interact with some of your teammates and see what they have to say.

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You will hope that your teammates will like the plan to organize the secret match with Erika’s team.

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Still, that is your best chance to get the teams to cooperate.

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Skye will remind you that all of them want to play Quidditch again.

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However, she will be concerned about preparing the Quidditch pitch.

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On top of that, you will have to be very secretive about it.

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You’ll realize that she is making some good points.

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Skye will say that she wants to be as prepared as possible.

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You’ll agree there’s a lot to consider before doing anything.

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She will wonder which part of the plan you are most concerned about. There are three options to respond with. This choice will affect some of the dialogues later on, but it won’t significantly impact the story, so feel free to pick whichever option you prefer.

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In any case, you will agree with Skye that the plan is solid.

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She will be glad to hear that.

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She’ll admit she is looking forward to playing official Quidditch matches again.

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You will hope that Rath and her teammates feel the same.

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Skye will say that her rival will make sure her teammates are ready.

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Moments later, she will gather the team.

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You’ll tell your teammates that Skye and you have come up with a new plan.

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You will say that you’ve decided to play a secret match with Rath’s team.

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You’ll then get to inform the team about the plan. This requires earning five stars within an hour. One star is needed to pass.

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There is a 5-cost action linked to your character. Focus on your actions if you are looking to save a bit of energy.

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You will admit that pulling off the secret Quidditch match won’t be easy.

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Your previous choice will take effect here.

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You’ll be very confident that your teammates are up for the challenge.

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Skye will also say a few words to motivate the team.

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All of your teammates will happily cheer in unison.

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You will be very glad about this outcome.

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Skye will say there’s still a lot to be done before everything is ready.

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She’ll wonder if there’s anyone who could advise you.

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You will decide to talk to Murphy once the practice is over.

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Skye will like your idea.

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During this practice, you will need to play Keeper.

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As usual, try your best to successfully complete all the maneuvers to earn the rewards.

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Head to the Commentary Box once you are done.

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Murphy will say that he knows about your plan to get the teams reinstated.

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You’ll be surprised to hear that, especially since the whole thing is supposed to be a secret.

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Andre will admit that he was the one who told Murphy about the plan.

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As it seems, Erika asked him for help.

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You will wonder if she’s gotten her team on board.

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Andre will assure you they will be ready.

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Your previous choice will take effect here.

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Murphy will tell you there’s nothing to worry about.

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He will be quite confident he can help you.

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You’ll ask him to tell you more about everything you need to organize a Quidditch match.

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Discussing Quidditch matches requires earning five stars within three hours. Three stars are needed to pass.

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There are two 5-cost actions tied to your character, so focus on your own actions if you want to save some energy.

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After discussing things, you will figure out that the top priority is to find a suitable location for the new pitch.

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Given that you’ll need a large, open space, you will realize there’s only one option suitable enough – The Training Grounds.

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Both Andre and Murphy will agree with you.

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McNully will wonder if you are feeling confident after picking the location for a pitch. There are two options to reply with. This choice won’t significantly impact the story, so feel free to pick either option.

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You will thank your friends for helping you.

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Andre will be curious to know the next part of your plan.

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You’ll say there are some things you have to finalize with Rath and Skye before putting the plan into motion.

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Before continuing, you will need to complete three Quidditch friendlies.

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During these, you can feel free to play whichever position you prefer.

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Once you are done, you will need to wait five hours until Skye and Rath are ready to meet with you. Since this chapter is not time-limited, it is recommended to wait until the timer runs out.

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Proceed to the Three Broomsticks once the waiting time is over.

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Upon arriving, you will notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you are curious to see what they have to say.

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Skye will ask you about your discussion with Murphy and Andre.

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You’ll tell her about the idea to build a new Quidditch pitch on the training grounds.

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Both Erika and Skye will like the idea.

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Still, you will have to be careful not to get caught.

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Unfortunately, you don’t have any other option.

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Rath will suggest finding a way to conceal the game.

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Sadly, concealing the entire Quidditch match would be immensely difficult.

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You will suggest playing the match at night.

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Rath and Skye will like that idea.

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However, there’s a lot left to plan, so you’ll suggest discussing it.

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Discussing plans requires earning five stars within eight hours. All five stars are needed to pass.

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Be sure to slide the screen left and right to see all the available actions. There are 5-cost actions linked to Rath and Skye, so focus on those if you want to save as much energy as possible.

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You’ll sum up the things you still need to do in order to have everything prepared.

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You will say that getting a referee is very important.

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Skye will ask if you have anyone in mind.

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You’ll tell her that Orion might be a perfect person for a referee.

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Erika will say that having your team member as a referee would be unfair.

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You’ll be quite sure that Orion would be a very fair referee.

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Skye will agree with you on that.

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However, she will be concerned it’s too soon for him to come back to the pitch. There are two options to reply with. This choice will have an effect during a dialogue later on, but it won’t change the story in any big way, so feel free to pick whichever option you prefer.

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In the end, Erika will agree to have Orion as a referee.

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You will decide to look for him and see if he’s up for the challenge.

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You will need to wait three hours until Orion is ready to meet with you. Since this chapter is not time-limited, you should simply wait until the timer runs out.

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Proceed to the Clocktower Courtyard once the waiting time is over.

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When you arrive, you will be able to interact with some of the characters and see what they have to say to you.

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You will thank Orion for agreeing to meet with you.

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He’ll say he is always curious to hear about your latest adventures.

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You’ll tell him he will definitely like the latest one.

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You will inform him about a Quidditch match you are organizing.

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Orion will find it odd that Madam Hooch is allowing the teams to play against one another.

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You’ll admit that you haven’t really informed her about it.

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Orion will wonder why you are willing to risk more punishment for a rematch.

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You’ll explain that the teams were unable to find harmony by cleaning together in detention, which is why you decided to have a secret match.

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Orion will be impressed by your leadership.

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You’ll admit you had an amazing teacher.

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He will say that he still hasn’t been able to reignite his spark.

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He’ll ask if you want to help him find his spark again.

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You will say that it wasn’t your intention.

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Orion will wonder what you have in mind.

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You’ll tell him you want him to referee the secret match.

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Your previous choice will take effect here.

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Still, Orion will be unsure if he should referee the secret match.

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He’ll decide to think about it for a moment.

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Convincing Orion to referee the match requires earning five stars within three hours. Three stars are needed to pass.

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There are 5-cost actions linked to your character and Orion. Prioritize those if you are looking to save some energy.

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You’ll be happy to see Orion having a moment of vivification again.

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He’ll admit he’s glad about it as well.

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You will ask if he’s made a decision about refereeing the secret match.

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Before answering your question, he will ask if you can promise that the things between the two teams won’t get worse after the match. There are two options to reply with. If you want to be completely honest with Orion, it is somewhat recommended to pick the second option.

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Either way, Orion will agree to referee the match.

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You will be immensely happy to hear that.

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Now all that’s left is to finish the preparations.

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Proceed to the Training Grounds when you are ready.

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Upon arriving, you will notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you are interested to see what they have to say.

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You will find it hard to believe that everything is going according to plan.

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Not only did the teams stopped arguing, but they also decided to genuinely cooperate and help each other.

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Skye will hope that soon enough, both teams will be back on track.

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You’ll remind her that all of you should take things one step at a time.

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And the first step is to make the goalposts.

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Before you get started, Skye will ask if you care about winning the match or only that everyone works together. There are two options to reply with. This choice won’t have any huge impact on the story, so feel free to pick either option.

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Skye will be glad that Orion agreed to referee the match.

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Shortly after, you will start building the pitch. This requires earning five stars within eight hours. All five stars are needed to pass.

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Be sure to slide the screen left and right to see all the available actions. There are 5-cost actions tied to your character and Erika. Focus on those if you want to save some energy.

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Once you are done, the goalposts will start looking like the real Quidditch goalposts. You will be amazed at everyone’s cooperation and commitment.

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Even Rath will admit that the pitch is looking good.

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Before you get to say anything, you will hear a familiar voice nearby.

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You will turn around and spot Madam Hooch standing nearby. Needless to say, you will be surprised to see her.

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She will want to know what all of you are doing on the training grounds so late.

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You will tell her that you had the best of intentions.

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You’ll explain that the teams couldn’t cooperate in detention, so everyone decided to find a different way to work together.

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Madam Hooch will wonder if that way included breaking the rules.

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You will nod and say that you only wanted the teams to come together over the thing that broke them apart in the first place.

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Madam Hooch will ask you about the end result.

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You’ll tell her that all of you nearly completed building the Quidditch pitch.

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Unfortunately, she interrupted you before you were able to finish.

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Madam Hooch will admit that she is impressed, especially since she’s never seen the two teams getting along.

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Skye will wonder if that means she will reinstate the teams.

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Madam Hooch will consider it for a moment.

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After a short while, she will decide to reinstate both teams.

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Everyone will be incredibly happy to hear that.

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You will wholeheartedly thank Madam Hooch.

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You’ll find it hard to believe that your plan worked.

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Both Skye and Rath will thank you for coming up with the plan.

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Next, you will need to complete two Quidditch friendlies.

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As usual, you can feel free to pick the position you prefer.

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Once you are done, Chapter 5 of Season 3 will conclude. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards.

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Thanks to your plan, and the joint efforts of both teams, you proved to Madam Hooch that you can work together and cooperate. And now, you are back on track. But what will happen next? Find out in the next chapter of Quidditch of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery!
Thank you for reading.

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Quidditch Season 3 Chapter 5 - Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery (2024)


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.