Request Self-Scheduling from My Calendar (2024)

Note: This information applies to submitting self-schedule requests from My Calendar. If you are using My Schedule for employee self-service, see Request Self-Scheduling from My Schedule.

Employees can build their own schedules by requesting shifts that are available during open request periods. Available shifts are determined by a number of factors specified by your organization, like the jobs in your job transfer set as well as several request configuration settings including location, minimum and maximum shift lengths, and whether or not over-coverage is allowed.

You submit self-schedule requests using the Request Self-Schedule panel, which you can open from:

  • Manage My Schedule tile
  • My Calendar

About the Request Self-Schedule panel

The Request Self-Schedule panel simplifies the process of selecting and submitting self-schedule requests. Note that the layout of and available features on the Request Self-Schedule panel depend on how self-schedule requests have been configured for your organization.

Job field

The Job field displays your primary job. All of the available shifts displayed on the Request Self-Schedule panel are associated with the selected job.

Selected Shifts field

The embedded calendar and the shifts list on the Request Self-Schedule panel display all the available shifts in the open request period for the currently selected job. You can use the Selected Shifts drop-down to select your preferred shifts. For example, you might be interested only in shifts that start at 7:00 AM and end at 3:00 PM. Once you select a shift from the drop-down list, only instances of those shifts are displayed in the shifts list; continuing the previous example, shifts that start at 8:00AM or that end at 4:00 PM would not be displayed.

Click Tap outside the list once you have made your selections to refresh the list of available shifts.

Quick Shift Select

You can also use Selected Shifts to quickly add single shifts to your schedule:

  1. Select the desired shift in the Selected Shifts drop-down list.
  2. Click Tap the day on the embedded calendar on which you want to schedule the shift.
  3. The shift request is added to your schedule.

If you next:

  • Click Tap the same day, the selected shift is removed from that day.
  • Click Tap a different day, the selected shift is added to that day.
  • Choose a different shift in the Selected Shifts drop-down list, that shift is added to any days currently selected in the embedded calendar without any additional action.

This behavior works only for single shifts: if you have two or more shifts selected in the Selected Shifts list, no shifts are added to the days you click tap on the embedded calendar.

Note: When you select a date from the embedded calendar, the shift list after the calendar is filtered to display only the selected and available shifts on that day. See The embedded calendar for more information.

Refine button

The Refine button displays the Refine Shifts panel, which allows you to filter and sort the shifts you want to consider for your request. Filter options vary based on how your organization has configured self-schedule requests, but they can include the ability to:

  • Filter shifts by location and job
  • Filter shifts by start and end time
  • Specify the sorting order in which shifts are displayed
  • Use the People Also Working drop-down to display only your available shifts that overlap, in whole or in part, with those of any of the colleagues you select

Filter selections are saved

The system automatically saves the filter settings you specify when you click tap Apply on the Refine Shifts panel. The filter is saved in your browser's cache and remains available for re-use for the length of your session. This filter is not available if you log in to UKG Pro Workforce Management™ on another computer or start a session in another browser. Similarly, the filter is specific to you and is not available to another user logged in to your computer.

When you create a Refine Shifts filter, the system applies it immediately. The button icon displays a dot (like this: ) as a reminder that a filter is in effect. If you do not see the shifts you expect with the filter settings you have selected:

Click Tap the Refine button to open the filter, and then either:

  • Modify the existing settings, or
  • Click Tap the Clear Filters button to restore default settings

To turn off the Refine Shifts filter, click tap the Clear Filters button.

Refreshing shifts

Before you submit a self-schedule request that uses shift templates, you can use the Refresh button to refresh the list of available shifts. When you click tap the Refresh button, the system validates the current list of shifts to ensure they are available and that they conform to the rules and coverage settings your manager has configured for you:

  • Shifts you have selected for submission that are still available remain selected.
  • Shifts you have selected for submission that are now unavailable display a message and the reason the shift is no longer available. (This occurs when the selected shift would violate over-coverage rules or exceed allowed hours, for example.) These shifts are disabled and cannot be selected for submission; they are removed from the list the next time it is refreshed.
  • Shifts you have not selected for submission that are now unavailable are removed from the list.
  • Shifts that were not previously available are displayed if they satisfy applicable rules and coverage settings.

Note: If you have scrolled the list of available shifts before you click tap the Refresh button, the system retains your previous position when the refresh action is completed. Any shifts you expanded (to view shift details, for example), however, are closed during the refresh action.

The embedded calendar

The embedded calendar in the Request Self-Schedule panel identifies days on which open shifts are available for your primary job for the current period that is open for self-schedule requests. The embedded calendar can display up to six weeks; if the self-schedule open period exceeds six weeks, you can use the left and right scroll buttons to display additional weeks.

In the embedded calendar, dates display:

  • A solid red block if the day has one or more available shifts
  • A purple block if you are already scheduled for one or more shifts on that day
  • A red/blue block if you have requested a shift on that day
  • No block if there are no shifts available for the current job
  • A block with underneath it if the day has multiple scheduling items (such as a previously assigned shift or a planned absence)

Days outside the open request period are grayed-out.

Clicking a day on the embedded calendar filters the shifts list to show shifts only for that day.

Clicking Clear Selection deselects any selected days in the embedded calendar. Any shifts that you have already selected are not affected by Clear Selection; they remain selected.

Displaying common shifts

When you select two or more days from the calendar, the Show Common Shifts check box is enabled. When you select this check box, the system filters the shifts list to display only those shifts that are common to all the days you have selected. Selecting a common shift from the shifts list adds that shift to all the days you selected in the calendar to form the common shifts group.

If a previously selected shift is common across days you later select for a common shifts group, selecting the shift from the shift list simply adds it to any days in the group for which the shift has not already been selected; duplicate shifts are not created.

Note: If you select or remove days from the calendar after you have selected the Show Common Shifts check box, you must select the Show Common Shifts check box again to determine the common shifts for the new set of days you have chosen.

The shifts list

Shifts are displayed in a list organized by date in ascending order. Each date displays up to three shifts at a time. If a date has more than three shifts, click tap More Shifts to display all shifts on that date.

Each shift in the list is represented as a block that displays:

  • The shift label
  • The shift start time, end time, and length
  • The assignment, location and job associated with the shift
  • Note: The assignment is displayed only for multiple assignments employees.

  • A View Details button that displays summary and detail information about that shift. Scroll buttons () let you view information for all the other shifts in the self-schedule period one shift at a time. You can also select the shift from this panel.

Depending on how your self-schedule requests have been configured, the shifts list is either displayed after the calendar, or it is displayed instead of the calendar. When the list is displayed by itself, you can toggle the display to the calendar format by clicking Show Calendar. Click Tap Show List to return to the default display.

To submit a self-schedule request for one or more shifts, you can either:

  • Select the days on which you want to work one or more shifts for your primary job. (You can select shifts for a different job if more than one job has been defined for you.)
  • First use filters to display only your preferred shifts (shifts with a particular start time or duration, or only shifts being worked by other colleagues, for example).

The shifts list displays both previously scheduled shifts, as well as the shifts you have selected for the request. Previously scheduled shifts are displayed whether or not they are related to the currently selected assignment.

Shifts summary

The shifts summary appears at the bottom of the Request Self-Schedule panel. Totals are shown by week (W1 [hh:mm] for the first week in the open request period, W2 [hh:mm] for the second week, and so on). Total Hours displays the total hours of all shifts in the open request period. Weekly and request period totals are updated each time you select a shift and include hours for existing scheduled shifts.

By default, only hours for the shifts related to the selected assignment are displayed. Click Tap to expand this portion of the Request Self-Schedule panel to display hours for all shifts, regardless of assignment. Click Tap to restore the display to hours for the selected assignment only.

Note: The hours/minutes format is configurable and might appear as [].

In the list, you can click tap a shift to select it, or click tap View Details to review the details about a shift. Click Tap More Shifts to expand the list of displayed shifts.

Submit a self-schedule request

The procedure for submitting a self-schedule request varies based on whether your organization has configured self-schedule request types to use shift templates or open shifts. To get started:

  1. Open the Request Self-Schedule panel from either the Manage My Schedule tile or My Calendar:
    • Manage My Schedule tile:
      • Click Tap Home>Manage My Schedule >Build my schedule.
    • My Schedule:
    1. Open My Schedule using one of these methods:
      • Click Tap Home>My Schedule tile >View My Schedule .
      • Click Tap Main Menu>My Information>My Schedule.
      • Note: The system displays an informational banner indicating the start and end dates of the request period.
    2. Click Tap Request then select Self-Schedule to open the Request Self-Schedule panel.<![CDATA[]]>
  2. In the Request Self-Schedule panel, if necessary, select the type of self-schedule request you want to submit and click tap Apply.

    Note: Your organization determines which self-schedule types are available; if only one type is available, it is selected automatically and you can start the procedure with the next step.

  3. If the Request Self-Schedule panel displays:

    • Both a calendar and a shifts list, go to Self-schedule requests that use shift templates.
    • Only a shifts list, go to Self-schedule requests that use open shifts.

Self-schedule requests that use shift templates

To submit a self-schedule request that uses shift templates:

  1. (Optional) Change the value in the Job field to display open shifts for a different job. (This field displays your primary job by default.) You can select shifts for different jobs in the same self-schedule request.

    Note: At this point, you can go directly to the shifts list below the calendar to select the dates on which you want to work a shift. See Step 5. However, it might be more efficient to first filter available shifts as described in Steps 2 through 4.

  2. (Optional) If you want to display only your preferred shifts, use features in the Selected Shifts drop-down list.

    Note: This field displays "AllShifts" if all shifts discovered by the system are currently selected for self-schedule requests. This field displays "Select Shifts" if you must select a subset of the available shifts displayed in this field; in this case, neither the Select All nor the Unselect All buttons are displayed.

    1. Click Tap the shift or shifts you want to include in your self-schedule request. The calendar and the shifts list are updated to reflect your choices.

      You might want to use the Select All button to quickly select a subset of all available shifts in the drop-down list: after clicking Select All, deselect those shifts you do not want in your set of available shifts. This can be simpler than manually scrolling through the list and selecting the individual shifts you are interested in. Use Unselect All to undo the shift selection in the drop-down list.

    2. (Optional) Use the Search Shifts field to filter available shifts based on the string you enter. The calendar and the shifts list are updated based on your search string.
    3. Click Tap outside Selected Shifts to close the drop-down list.
  3. (Optional) Click Tap the Refine button, then:

  • Specify the order in which you want the system to display the shifts you select in the shifts list.

  • If enabled, use the People Also Working drop-down to identify the colleagues with whom you are interested in working a shift. Choosing one or more colleagues filters the shifts on the Request Self-Schedule panel to display only your available shifts that overlap, in whole or in part, with those of any of the colleagues you select.

  • (Optional) Click Tap the dates on the calendar on which you wish to work one or more shifts. The shifts list under the calendar is filtered to show shifts for only those dates.
  • In the shifts list below the calendar:
    1. Click Tap a shift to select it. When you select a shift:
    • The calendar display for the date of that shift changes to a red/blue block, and the shift in the shift list is highlighted.
    • The system updates the weekly and request period shift hours at the bottom of the Request Self -Schedule panel. Individual totals are displayed for each week in the request period (W1 [hh:mm] for the first week, W2 [hh:mm] for the second, and so on). A total for all shifts selected in the request period is displayed under Total Hours [hh:mm]. Weekly and request period totals include hours for existing scheduled shifts.
  • (Optional) Click Tap View Details to review the details about a shift.
  • (Optional) Review your self-schedule request by referring to the calendar, or by clicking Review to get more detailed information.
  • Note: Shifts are listed by week. Use the Show Calendar button to toggle the display to a calendar format; use the Show List button to return the display to the default list format.
  • (Optional) Click Tap Edit Request to make any changes, such as removing or adding shifts, or changing the currently selected job to add shifts from another job. If you change jobs in the Jobs drop-down, currently selected shifts remain in the the self-schedule request.
  • Click Tap Submit to submit the self-schedule request.
  • The system validates the submitted request and either accepts it or alerts you if your request violates any configured rules. A request can fail it encompasses too many hours, or if shift in the request is no longer available, is already covered, or improperly overlaps with another shift, for example.
  • Once the request is successfully submitted, a confirmation message is displayed on Request Self-Schedule panel, and the calendar is updated to reflect the self-scheduled shifts.
  • Self-schedule requests that use open shifts

    To submit a self-schedule request that uses open shifts:

    1. Scroll through the list of shifts and click tap the shifts you want to request. To simplify the list, you can:
      • (Optional) Toggle the display to the calendar format by clicking Show Calendar. Clicking a date on the calendar jumps to that date in the shifts list and automatically selects the first shift on that date.
      • (Optional) Use the Refine button to:
        • Filter shifts by location and job.
        • Sort shifts by start and end time.
        • Use the People Also Working field to display only your available shifts that overlap, in whole or in part, with those of any of the colleagues you select.
    2. Click Tap Review to review your selections.
    3. (Optional) Click Tap Edit Request to add or remove shifts.
    4. Click Tap Submit to submit your request.

    Edit a submitted self-schedule request

    You can edit a self-schedule request only while the submission period is still open. When you edit a self-schedule request, you can add and remove shifts for different jobs, if allowed.

    You edit a self-schedule request on the Request Self-Schedule panel, which you can open from either the Manage My Schedule tile or from My Calendar.

    To edit a self-schedule request:

    1. Open the Request Self-Schedule panel from either the Manage My Schedule tile or My Schedule:
      • Manage My Schedule tile:
        • Click Tap Home>Manage My Schedule >Edit my schedule.
      • My Schedule:
      1. Open My Schedule using one of these methods:
        • Click Tap Home>My Schedule >View My Schedule .
        • Click Tap Main Menu>My Information>My Schedule.
        • Note: The system displays an informational banner indicating the start and end dates of the request period.
      2. Click Tap the Requests tab.
      3. Locatethe request you want to edit, and click tap Edit Request.
    2. Make the changes needed, and then review and submit the request as usual.

    Request Self-Scheduling from My Calendar (2024)


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