The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: TUESDAY EBRUARY 29 1916 17 MAGAZINE PAGE Ocean Steamships ON SOCIALISM AND RELIGION LETTERS ROM THE PEOPLE THE MAN OR THE TIMES the Real Estate in Springfield EDW or Home Seekers and Investors left corner Dr Great ours and Excursions it per Special Notices TERMS EASY at Hotels EDW MURPHY CO Members of Springfield Real Estate Board Special Notices OR SALE Real Estate in Springfield resultant of various concurrent Herbert Kratzer of 155 West Maple is 500 MAIN ST SAETY Resorts Atlantic City 310 UNION ST CAN'T BE OOLED IRST ROM THE GOLDEN BOOKS Country Resorts Mass TRY EINER IRST Special Notices 244 MAIN STREET Springfield Mass OR SALE 40 BUILDING LOTS Chocolates Real Estate Wanted Real Estate Agents to to st Winter Resorts Real Estate Other Places on the pro Real Estate arms of the of It people Special Notices until mnn iirimmii 1IIIIH 1MIIH mim moral and spiritual forces in organized religion Let mmi nun NIHII twin IIUUJ ClHli I'llW umu iinm uinii or OUS HOUSE per per num nmu titun UIIHI uuui nmn Ulilll itnin ft ft Hotel St Charles On the Beach ront Newlin Haines Co NAYONNAI! DRESSiNl surance' the Peace houseman Strand Hotel On the Beach ront Off and II Edwards tS3 Bridge Sn Main 310 Main Worthington tSS Main I have all kinds of safe prop ositions large and small Safe because I personally look into each and every proposition that is listed with me I have hun dreds of satisfied customers Let me add you to my list It will pay you to Now Is the Time for intending TO BUILD 1915 PRICES Laundering Expensive Lingerie Waists OR SALE GOOD TWO STORY HOUSE with barn and three acres of land in center of a retired Tillage in ranklin County with steam and trolly service Hood 29 Northern ave Northamp ton Mass Tel 1379 The Holmhurst Central Near the Beach Henry Darnell I ELO TITLE CONVEYANCING Are from the heart of modern New England and they evince the same strict purity and skill that made famous the grand old New England cooking The lover of fine chocolates fairly revels in the varied delicious centers of fresh fruits nuts berries creams and honey coated with luscious choco late of the highest grade The nearest store catering to the best trade will gladly show you Samoset Chocolates Hotel Chefsea On the Beach ront Thompson Co Seaside House On the Beach ront Sons The Central Near the Beach Samuel Ellis Hotel Dennis On the Beach ront Walter Rughy This property is lo cated uniquely in that it is in the most desir able neighborhood in the city or terms etc see Delightful tours Including beautiful Nassau Havana and the lorida East Coast Departures every week SIX APARTMENT BLOCK AND BARN CASH PAID OR IRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES 0 BOX 106 We do the work by hand using Ivory soap and our laundresses have had long experience in this delicate nnd important work Call us up Try the Scott way Remarkable new feature Through Southern California by Automobile Departures twice a week Tuesdays via Apache Trail and Wednesdays via Grand Canyon Also Cruises to the West Indies and Tours to South America and China Japan RAYMOND HITCOMB CO 300 Washington St Boston A Wentworth 12 Court St A Carroll 3S0 Main St Spfld IN THE VALE KASHMIR An American amily Summers In a ar Corner of India A volume that will excite interest for several reasons is Summer in the Vale of by Ward Denys (James William Bryan press Washington) It is an artistic book profusely Illustrated with photdgraphs and having eight pictures in color four of them painted especially for this volume by Col Hart it de scribes a little known and rather out of the way country and it is said to be the first American book on the subject Strictly speaking Kashmir is not a part of India maps and other evidence to the contrary notwithstand ing But it may pass just now as a frontier province up in the shadow of the Himalayas Dr Denys and his family started from Bombay going by rail to Rawal Pindi which is 1000 miles straight north on the map and then driving 200 miles eastward across country to Srinagar the capital of Kashmir The proper way to spend in Srinagar is to own or rent a house boat and our traveler was fortunate in getting a private boat whose owner The that Roosevelt reminded that Let him with stone Marlborough Blenheim On the Beach ront American and European Plans Josiah White Sons Company Galen Hall Hotel and Sanatorium Young Mgr The Shelburne On the Beach ropt European Plan Weikel Mgr your by 1 4 Shipping and Packing Central Storage Warehouse 'Phone 98 315 Bridge St Dwight Winter 3 Elm St The exiled empress agreed to this and has often of Prince Victor as her adopt This arrangement overlooked NAUHEIM SANITARIUM 48 orest Park Scientific knowledge and treat ment applied to the care of diseased con ditions Pleasant sunny rooms Physi cian and trained nurses in constant at tendance Best of service Tel 1195 150 to 160 feet deep and all in one tract Gas electric light sewerage high dry three to four minutes from two trolly lines Inquire STEBBINS 13 Lyman Street st st st st st Longmeadow $500 to $1300 So Park Terrace $1200 to $1500 SI 700 $7000 he says as vigorous as made but let there be a between the REVIEWS Real Estate Advertisem*nts GLEANINGS AND GOSSIP Missouri boasts that she produces annually 25000000 corncob pipes and enough smoking tobacco to fill them The state also has the largest peony farm in the world To raise an endowment fund of 000000 and to bring alumni every where into closer touch with the uni versity is the object of a nation wide campaign which Cornell men recently have instituted Rhys ord of Niles' adjudica tor of the birthdav eisteddfod in Lima says young Will Superior location with an unobstructed view of beach and boardwalk A recognised standard of excellence Ccrv600 WALTER BUZEY HOLCOMB AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER TEL One of the small banks has $10000 to loan If you wish 3 4 or $5000 call me up It may be just the Ioan they want OREST PARK AVE Attractive Residence of 11 Rooms One of the very best and well arranged houses in the Park Built by owner Oak floors steam heat 2 fireplaces gas and electricity: 2 baths and extra marble shower New awnings and screens through out Large lot 75x154: stucco garage rose garden and shrub bery Price and Terms Reasonable LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT $02 CARB BLDG Springfield Mas Examines and Certi fies Titles Droit Deeds and Mortraer Protects all parties in Real Estate Transac tions Edw Hubbard Edw I Henry Clark John Crane Co NEW BOOKS A THIS HOTEL A INSPf CTEO ANO ENDORSED 8Y THE COMMERCIAL MAGAZINE SPRINGIELD MASS BUILDERS and INDIVIDUALS to get their choice of LOTS An Old Admirer Rehearses Mr Roose Qualifications To the Editor of The Republican Ever since creation dawned mon have come on to the stage of action to meet the wants of their day Hoses lad the children of Israel out of land Columbus discovered thia land of ours The pilgrim fath ers planted the seed of religious lib erty on our shores Washington fought eight long years to free Amer ica from British rule Lincoln lifted the curse that held mankind down Roosevelt stood at the helm of the ship of state for seven short years The big men In Congress with the big stick over their heads performed the work intrusted to them to do Russia with her mighty power yielded to icooseveit In the final hour railroad men were made to bend tho knea When coal famine was in the land he made coal kings produce coal Whan the yellow fever scourge was in New Orleans he was the flrat man at the scene He prepared the way for the Pana ma canal which is the glory of all who follow the seas He made the colored troops pay dearly for the dastardly act in the Brownsville fray He made the western editor retrace his sayings He proved In court his sayings about crooked men In all public and pri vate acts he has shown himself equal to every emergency America Is drifting on to locks al ready in sight and unless we have man of the Roosevelt blood to stand on the deck to map out the course She will go like the great ship Titanic for want of a right captain and crew America's doom is the hand writing on the wall War not only exists in the European world but right in America a warring spirit in being cherished that unless checked will bring about a greater disaster than the one in convention in 1912 Men of whom we should expect bet ter things are attempting to destroy the greatest living American as did the rabble in the days of Christ who beat him with staves pierced him with swords and spears wrote in scriptions of that nature calculated to destroy but failed to destroy his use fulness Jesus Christ's life is the light of the world Men who write inscriptions com paring Roosevelt to a Benedict Ar nold remind me of a lad who said to his mother has called me to The mother looking up from her work said: son was it not some otner noise you man who wrote or said is a savage should be the proverb holds true out fault cast the first The day has already dawned and before its eve millions all over this land will indorse by their votes the sayings of a resolution adopted by men convened in convention in a west ern state Theodore Roosevelt the greatest living DIMOCK Stafford Springs Ct eb 24 1916 AutamnWINTER ALWYSdcliuhiZil! I7ACH soy son has its own particular attractions and in the opinion of many of our visitors Atlantic City is at its best in Winter when the sun shines brightly and the bracing sea air renews your health and revives your spirits best people are to be seen daily prome raading the famous boardwalk or enjoying a gallop on the beach THE LEADING HOUSES ARE ALWAYS OPEN And will furnish full information rates etc on application (Hotels are all American Plan unless otherwise EIGHT ACRE HOME Never offered before: 5c fare 8 room partly modern house barn hennery 8 acres class land apple orchard: $4500 COLLESTER 244 Main St TO RENT OR TAKE ON shares a farm with stock and team cash rent Wm Danforth lorence Mass uller Building Corner Main and Bridge Sts It makes no difference wheth er it is a large or small ARM DWELLING APARTMENT BUILDING or a BUSI NESS you intend to buy re member my advice SAETY IRST HHld few years ago: federal govern ment wasted $300900000 a year cum monsense business methods would ave $1000000 James Courts clerk of the committee on ap propriations reported several years ago: 1888 Congress appropriat ed for war purposes $7 500001) 000 James Richardson for 20 years member of the Hcnne of Representa tives said: "Allowing $25000 to con struct a milo of railroad this sum would build a railroad 10 times around the Those who are supposed to know tell us the yellow fever is caused by the bite of a mosquito the typhus fever Is spread by body or head parasites the bite Of woodticks produces spotted fever What la the name of the in Two amily Ave Large cor ner lot 75 129 15 rooms Quartered oak floors: steam heat: gas and elec House is less than 4 yrs old inished in oak Well appointed inside and commands fine western view Inquire for Price and Terms Palmer Ave So Main St Cor State and Water $500 Taylor St $400 Cross St near Main $300 NORTH ARCH Lots on side streets $450 up AND OTHERS expert appraisal Is only possible after two years of ex perience in the real estate business or the value of your property con sult one of the following Members of rne Springfield Real Estate Board: 4 Hamblen 313 Main Leonard Murphy Co Hanlon Co CEDAR ST 7 R00M COTTAGE MUST be sold at once Agawam 7 room house barn 17 acres: good tract to develop 8 room bouse garage 1 acre lots fruit Powers opp Watershops Tel 2678 PARK AND HILL Duplex bouse Owner going away nearly new fine reoalr Bungalows for $3200 to $7000 Hill 16 room two family oak fin ish steam heat fireplace double garage built for a home Wilbraham mad nice ly finished and well built 2 family If looking for a home see WILCOX Tel 4698 374 MAIN ST THE ET1QUET IT rom the Boston Transcript Aunt You'll be late for the party won't you dear? Niece Oh no auntie In our set nobody goes to a party until every body else gets there Only three hours from ew York City via CENTRAL Rof NJorPENNRR Consult ticket agrents for further information LORIDA BUILDING LOTS ON THE HILL Colonial Ave $1200 Marlboro Ave $1200 State St $1000 to $2000 Ingersoll Grove $5000 was departing for England The Jhelum river is the highway for such craft which are however intended rather for floating cottages than for actual navigation Dr Denys describes his houseboat the attendant kitchen boat his outfit" of servants and ill his menage not to say menagerie with considerable detail The reader who is lured by the further description of superb scenery strange customs and other delights of this far vacation land has here many of the data desirable in planning such a trip Life in the hills is much the same in every corner of India and those who have had experience or who know it in literature will discover that the present volume has considerable fa miliar material There is the same Anglo Indian atmosphere the hills the background problems of the na tive servants in the right foreground a prince of athletic prowess in the center and an excursion to a ruined temple being planned in the left corner This is not at all de rogatory to the present book Dr Denys finds enough local color inKashmir to' make his book a welcome addition to tourist literature rather than a repetition of old material foist ed upon an unsuspecting public by means of artistic bookmaking The author takes his work seriously but Msht touch it is neither heavy nor flippant as tourist books may be but is a well balanced travel narrative 1 111 HL turns his own ship from her course Alone in desperate liberty She forges on and how she fares No man alive inquires or cares Though she were sunk beneath the eta Iler helm obeys no firm control She drifts a prey for storms take or sounds to clutch for rocks break A ship condemned like a lost soul $5000 Buys Good Single tl Room House on Princeton St 2 fire places furnace heat: good size 60 foot lot To the Editor of The Republican: It would perhaps please some peo ple to know what Admiral letcher said regarding preparedness Notwith standing the fact that many public men seem to think the folks who elect ed them to office are all fools there are some people who are trying to keep their heads on a day or two longer "At the beginning of the Ad miral letcher said "England had 72 battleships Germany 39 United States 40 The American navy could not only whip the German navy but was the second navy in the He com mands the Atlantic fleet Admiral Blue commander of the Pacific fleet said about the same Lieut Gen Nelson A Mlles the control of the federal government and the States there are now at least 1000000 serviceable ri fles Our gun and ammunition fac tories are manufacturing at least fi000000 rifle cartridges daily and will soon be capable of manufacturing daily 50000 artillery shells In fact there is now being constructed In our country daily more war ma terial than any two armies now war ring against each other in Europe are using in the same time I am pre pared to say that our coasts are as well defended as the coasts of any country with the same class of high power guns and heavy projectiles and I have no sympathy with the misrep resentations that have been made in the effort to mislead the Said Gen Isaac Sherwood who is 81 years of age and who has fought In 42 battles: Is the greatest crims of the human race It is not In my philosophy that if the murder of one man makes a villlan murder of thousands makes a hero! A stand ing army means waste depression moral decay A nation cannot be moving toward peace while definitely preparing for war It is proposed to tax a patient and tolerant people that an overpowering army of Idlers may bo endowed to consume the savings of the Industrial classes increasing the already high cost of living and producing nothing but discontent and trouble It is a crime against the re public without sanity nnd without ex cuse How utterly idiotic is the idea that any European nation exhaust ed in fighting tnen with business and industry paralyzed loaded down with a debt that staggers belief and can not be paid with Its land filled with millions of widows nnd five times as many fatherless children with 6000 O0O maimed and crippled soldiers legless armless Insane and sightless who have escaped from tho damp horrors of tho trenches and the lurid 'I of battle all dependant on the empire Is going to make an Impossi ble crossing of 3000 miles of ocean with an army that it Is impossible to equip or transport and attack 100 000000 people of the United States between whom and them there la no Helen Keller said: is not preparing to ueiciia tne people United Helen Koller is correct! The are not fooled! Senator Nelson Aldrich few years ago: HAVEN VILLA REST 17 New Boston St Old Hadley Mass Tel 126S (Northampton Exchange) Autumn and Winter Boarders Best of Care' Good ood Home Has All Modern Comforts Terms Reasonable MARY HAVEN Matron OREST PARK SECTION New two family 14 room bouse: electric ity gas bath hardwood floors steam heat open brass plumbing separate en trances Price $6300 Terms $1000 down McKNIGHT DISTRICT Single house of 11 rooms gas batb hard wood floors open brass plumbing: large lot all in good condition Terms and price right NORTH END Two family 16 rooms gas bath bard wood floors furnace heat set tubs lot 51x128 $6300 Terms $1000 down HEALEY HEALEY 327 Main St Real Estate and Insurance Two amily Washington Boulevard Excep tionally well located 15 roonu hardwood floors steam heat gas? and electricity 2 fireplaces garage: only twozyears old Anxious to sell below cost This is a real bargain at the price BERKSHIRE HILLS speedy recovery from la grippe Herv troubles and sleepless nights go to HINSDALE MASS Where yon will find all the comforts of home: steam heat sun parlors hot and cold baths Reduced rates to June 1st $7 and np per week Send for booklet Tel 15 BARDEN Prop bite produces treason and the people are not deceived by misstatements MINA PACKARD Windsor ebruary 24 1916 Or if a captain hail at first He sees her for a thing acurst SUMNER AYR 9 R00M HOUSE stea Must sell: ow er Tel 1993 ISKE CO Real Estate nnd ire Insurance 1344 4576 318 Main DELAY EXPLAINED rom the Yonkers Statesman Patience So Peggy is putting off her marriage as long as possible? Patrice Oh yes she loves atten tion you know RENCH LINE Compugnio Transatlantique POSTAL SERVICE NEW YORK to BORDEAUX ROCHAMBEAU Mar 43 PM CHICAGO Mar 11 3 LA TOURAINE Mar 18 3 LAAYETTE Mar 25 3 OR INORMATION APPLY A WENTWORTH 12 Court St or A CARROLL SS9 Main St Springfield That They Are Not Essentially An tagonistic Maintained by a Well Known Socialist John Spargo in his new book Socialism and (Huebsch $1) gives a characteris tically thorough and painstaking anal ysis of the history and principles of a relationship which has long been a subject of much earnest controversy His position is well known as that of a recognized spokesman for the social ist party and his declaration that ac ceptance of orthodox socialism and of religious faith are not inconsistent is in itself a practical answer in part to those who deny the contention How ever he does not by any means claim such weight for his opinion in itself but sets forth in impressive array the facts upon which his opinion is based That he meets the question squarely is evident from this definition of re ligion which he reaches after an inter esting review of the conceptions of religion held by many religious lead ers philosophers and critics of va rious countries and times: be lief in and worship of a supreme pur posive power (or powers) called God (or gods) and the regulation of his life according to what he believes to be the pleasure or desire or the com mands of the God (or gods) wor The basic principles of Marxian so cialism the author points out are the so called conception of the economic doctrine of sur plus value and the theory of class struggles three interrelated ideas The materialistic conception of history he shows should not be confused with the very different thing philosophical materialism The former takes man and the universe for granted the lat ter attempts to account for them Modern religious thought conceives of God as ruling the universe by law The materialistic conception of his tory or tho doctrine of de is a theory of the working of social law Its acceptance does not necessarily lead to socialism: indeed many nonsocialists hold the theory in a more literal and extreme interpreta tion than do many socialists Among such extreme believers are men promi nent in religious leadership Some socialist writers indeed believing in both economic determinism and philo sophic materialism have confused the two or this confusion socialism is not responsible Mr Spargo thus de fines or describes materi which is still another name for the fundamental Marxian doc trine: Historical materialism is the theory or doctrine that the methods of Product ion distribution and exchange and a I the in stitutions and social relations which these Involve together with such physical fac tors as race climate geographical posi tion and fertility of soil the economic environment which Is the pre dominant factor in social evolution As the basis of the entire superstructure of society this economic environment is the principal but not the nant force In the evolution of political in stitutlons laws ethics philosophy es thetics nnd even of religions conceptions Hut in accordance with the (treat law ot natural causality that every effect is the reKUiLWUL 91 vaxavwo and not of any one single cause aua mat ererv effect becomes in turn a cause ot other penomena it is a necessary part of the theory that the various results of the economic environment in the form or political institutions laws ethical codes philosophical theories esthetic ideas re ligious views and so on become active causes reacting upon one another ana upon the economic environment which pro duced them functioning as codeterminants of social evolution Because these co determinants can only function within the limits of the economic environment and are therefore subject to it: they must be regarded as secondary and subordinate factors Mr Spargo notes the fact that the birth of Marxian socialism was close ly contemporary with the promulga tion of theory of evolution and also occurred at a time when re ligious faith was at a comparatively low ebb On the other hand he calls attention to the fact that official ut terances of socialist organizations as based on teachings have re peatedly and almost uniformly dis claimed a belief in the inconsistency of religion and socialism He also points to the fact that many devout adherents of religious faith have been among the leaders of organized so cialism He concludes that of the atheism that one encounters in the socialist movement to day is a sur vival it is directed against a con ception of God that is antiquated and crude It really has little relation to the best theological thought of to However he agrees that there Is still much hostility to the churches because churches and syragogs have been dominated by the interests of the possessing class the class against which socialism as the move ment of the proletariat must strug While he regards this hostility as natural he believes that if the so cialist movement is to succeed it must enlist the embraced protest against religious i 'U a fnirc "La a3 i io'ArAiic a a Liy pun it can be Just discrimination hvpocrisy of the few the unworthy minority and the splendid faith and spiritual integrity of the great ma street will be a second John McCor mack which certainly seems from tins distance to just about settle the mat ter The new steel helmets which rench soldiers are wearing are turned out with extreme rapidity in spite of the 64 operations that go toward complet ing each one and are said to have proved wonderfully efficient in reduc ing casualties from wounds in the head That there is one physician for ev ery 667 people in the United States I is the claim of a trade paper and I means that if every inhabitant were ill once a year our doctors would average less than two cases a day Has there not been a slip made some where? Seal and seal bone deposits on the Pribilof islands of Alaska debris from the terrible slaughters of past days are now said to be very valuable as fertilizer Ground bone brought $35 a ton in December and one of the de posits in question is a mile long half a mile wide and fully six feet deep The men and women of Seattle seem to take their religion with extreme seriousness a small thing like fire in the church building last Sunday morn ing having merely disturbed the serv ice until it was extinguished where upon everyone went back to his pew and took up the hymn at the stanza where the alarm had sounded A Duluth hospital St Derelict Elizabeth Cavazza She wanders up and down the Main Without a master nowhere bound The currents turn her round and round Her track is like a tangled skein And never helmsman by his chart So strange a way as hers may steer To enter port or to depart or any harbor far or near The waters clamor at her sides The winds cry through her cord age torn The last sail hangs to tatters worn Upon the waves the vessel rides This way or that as winds may shift In ghastly dance when airs blow balm Or hidden in a lethargic calm Or fury hunted wild adrift When south winds blow does she re call Spices and golden fruits in store? Or north winds nets off Labrador And iceberg's Iridescent wall? Or east the isles of Indian seas? Or west new ports and sails un furled? Iler voyages all round the world To mock her with old memories? or her no lighthouse sheds a ray Of crimson warning from its tower No watchers wait in hope the hour To greet her coming up the bay No trumpet speaks her hearty hoarse if a captain hail at first Ql hi hi HARVARD STREET You will like the location for a home It contains 11 rooms 2 fireplaces steam heat toilet and lavatory first floor: lot 60x127 ft: slate roof: can be bought right Here is a double cottage also modern bargain You can have a home here at $15 per month GEO LAMPSON 310 Main St TEL 4348 iti NOY This sign is DISPLAYED which is carrying on a campaign for funds got the first contribution from a roughly dressed lumberjack who passed in $385 Asked who he was the man replied: never mind that just a common He said he had been kindly treated at the institution a few years before when unable to pay The sea trade of great port Rotterdam has increased tre mendously since the war broke put and it is now necessary to deepen the channel connecting the port with the North sea to a depth of 38 feet which later will be continued to 41 feet at high tide the operation' involving re moval of more than 10000000 cubic yards of earth by dredging The Dallas Tex agency of the American Bible society reports dis tribution during 1915 of nearly 104000 Bibles over the states of Texas Okla homa Arkansas and Louisiana The American Bible society is purely mis sionary its object being to translate the Bible into all languages and dis tribute the volumes at cost donating the Bibles to those who cannot pay There are nine agencies in the United States and 12 in foreign countries Erzerum which has recently fallen to the Russians was visited 23 cen turies ago by the 10000 Greek mercenaries whose march through Mesopotamia Xenephon described in his famous The city was then known as Gymnias by which name Xenephon called it and when the beleaugered Greeks reached it after their perilous journey they were safe because so near the Black sea and its plentiful bordering colonies of their friendly countrymen Charles Knecht of St James Mo claims the honor of being the young est soldier enlisted during the rM Beet which infests our government of war He was born November 1 1853 flees? Its name Is profits and Jits and enlisted Sptember 15 1861 The Craftsman press of Rochester has published Church Chronicles 1815 a centennial history of the irst Presbyterian church of Rochester by Charles Mal ford Robinson The material has been assembled with care and the pro duction of the book is particularly commendable The typography and il lustrations are in perfect and the lightness of the book is further evidence of a genuine concern for the peace of mind BAY STR BET 9 room house nil up In Al shape steam heat flreplace excelent location for room ing house or price and terms ask WILLIAM ELTHAM Room 609 Mass Mutual Bldg 500 Main St Tel CSg Laundry OOO rHnn SALADDRESSI JW THE BONAPARTE AMILY Who the Present Head of It I Question Discussed To the Editor of The In your Issue of ebruary 23 you have an interesting note on Prince Roland Bonaparte and state among other things that he is the head of the Bonaparte family I think that this statement is an error as I have followed the movements on this point for some time and have not seen an account of any such arrangements After the death in 1S73 ot the fugi tive Hmperor Napoleon III in Eng land his only son became the head of the family without dispute as right fully he should have been After the tragic death of this young man in the service of the English in Africa in 1879 the honor passed to Prince Vic tor (as he was then called) He was the older of the two sons born to Jerome Bonaparte (son of Jerome brother of Napoleon I) after his po litical marriage with the daughter of the king of Italy in 1859 to ce ment the friendship of Italy and rance after their war against Aus tria The prince imperial left with his mother the empress in England be fore ho started on his fatal expedition to Africa a will in which he desired that Prince Victor should succeed him as the representative of the Bona parte family reactity spoken ed son Prince father then living but it was agreeable to all including the father who was drawing toward 60 years of age and was not agree able to some powerful factors In rance because of his close relationship to the royal family of Italy When he died in 1S91 Prince Vic tor assumed the title of Prince Napoleon ajid has since been known by this title His recent marriage to tho princess Clementina of Belgium was for many years deferred by that country lest the alliance with the prospective claimant of the rench throne would offend tho rench re public Neither he nor his brother Prince Louis have lived in rance childhood days ended there in 1870 as the rench government has not wanted them on Its soil I have not seen any account that Prince Napoleon has ever given up this honor of being the head of his illustrious family although the honor has been an empty one for many years since the rench republic has become so strong that it cares little for the to tho fallen throne Besides if there were any change I doubt if the honor would go to Prince Roland Bonaparte He repre sents a branch that has always been unpopular with the other branches of the family He is the grandson of Lucien who quarreled with his illus trious brother over a century ago and secured no recognition when the royal was announced in Europe in 1804 This branch lives in Paris and has for a generation This would not be the case if Roland were the head of the Bonaparte family as the rench republic has banished from its soil all claimants for the throne whether they represented the Bonaparte em pire or the Bourbon or Orleans king doms I am not right in my or against vou I will be Iad to learn of it through yourselves or some correspondent JOHN A CALLAHAN Holyoke ebruary 26 1916 EXPERT OPINION rom the Louisville Courier Journal I picked up this hair pin at Pompeii Do you think the Pompeiian women wore hairpins such as think it more likely that: it was dropped by another responded the professor after some thought Kian linn IIIRII (11)0tun lllffi! HMf A A BIBLIOGRAPHY VIRGINIA The April July and Octobei num bers of the Bulletin of the Virginia state library which are bound in a single volume contain part one of a bibliography of Virginia The work in cludes the title of books in the Vir ginia state library which relate to Virginia and Virginians It does not include official documents Nearly 7000 volumes are listed The work was produced under the direction of Earl Swem assistant librarian of the Virginia state library A ROCHESTER CHURCH ON THE BRAIN rom the Baltimore American "I am sorry your was taken sick just as he was working so hard for our prohibition campaign What seems to oe inc trouoier "The doctor says he has water ora in SUPERSTITIOUS rom the Washington Star your husband believe in i "About the same as he does in ghosts He admits that there might ue nu ii tv emu tile mention scares mm areadiuny LARGE CORNER LOT Located near State st: 14700 square feet of land: ideal situation for garage service station or apartments and stores WM HANLON CO 310 MAIN ST HIGH STREET HOME Coxy 8 room house furnace open plumb ing hardwood floor A moderate nrieed home within walking distance center JOHN CRANE CO 2S9 MAIN ST Opp Members of Springfield Real Estate Board JUST ST JAMES AVE In the McKnlgbt district strictly mod ern 9 rootn house new hardwood floors first and second story beautiful electric light fixtures new bathroom etc Lot 60 x125 House in perfect condition price gnd terms reasonable RAYMOND SHATTUCK CO 293 Bridge Street Tel 6790 MAYON NAISE SALAD DRESSING The Original Don't buy imita tions buy How and get the quality If it Isot the best you ever used return and ret money Soldill first class tailers MADE BY Howard HAVERHILL MASS BERMUDA Hquhjs kch rost Tq Lomas AIRYLAND Bound Trip an Steamer 25 and Up Evangeline flIg rom alternate Tuea Thun Sate I Bailinc frost eacb Wednesday nr DelUbtful crulsec about I est Indies2 Mar 24th or booklets apply to Quebec Co 32 Broad wav or any ticket agent COTTAGES AND TWO Single: Randall ave 6 $2300 $400 cash Hobson st 5 garage $3200 $500 cash Orange st 7 $2800 $500 cash Rush ave 6 $2300 $500 cash Cleve land st 6 $2600 $1000 cash: Court land st 8 $3000 $300 cash Two merits: Euclid ave 14 $5200 $300 cash Dawes st 14 $5000 $500 cash: Alden st 14 $5200 $500 cash: Chester st 10 $'1500 $500 cash Home City Realty Co 264 Main st Tel 4830 $200 CASH Will buy a new cozy 6 room cottage on the Hill Balance as rent Three car lines within 1 walk of house Exceptional opportunity to secure a home or full information and appointment to see house see SCHMELZINGER 264 Maint 93 ALBEMARLE AVE off Wilbraham road handsome new 2 family with steam heat Tiffany blend pa paper 16" indirect bowl for dining rooms Lot 60x108 Also another house of simi lar design at 49 Alvord gt orest Park with lot 50x122 ft These houses are of exceptional merit and can be seen by appointment with owner and builder DEANE RUSH 274 MAIN ST Tel 30 ACRE ARM STEP TO TROLLY stores churches high school 10 rooni house with bath: barn big hennery in cubator cellar: 2uO breeding birds apple chard Price right Exchange for city property Collester 241 Main st REAL ARM BARGA1NS ARMS $2000 to $120('0 with or without stock and tools arms solicited Phillips's ann Agency Williamsburg Mass BULLETIN containing descriptions of Counectlcut and other New England farms tor sale Just out ord arm Specialist New Ila Ten Con ARMS OR SALE RAX BARD lett 4 Lakin Hall Block Westfield Mass TO BOItIWW TWO THOU" sand dollars ou farm property good se curity Address 30" Kepuo llcan Office Landscape Architects CAKL KU ST PARKER RAYMOND SHATTUCK CO REAL Estate Loans 293 Bridge st Tel 6790 BRINKERHO BUSINESS Real Estate 307 Main SETH BARLOW REAL ESTATE and ire Insurance caring for prop erty a specialty Cor Spring and Worth ington Tel 31 6 JMES SMITH REAL ESTATE 374 Main st Tel 0083 THE A A BALL CO BUILD ing and Real Estate 116 State st Houses built and sold Easy terms YERKALL WARRINER REAL Es tate Insurance Mortgages 374 Main Tel 3430 HARRY WEBSTER REAL ESTATE and ire Insurance Care of real estate nnd collecting of rents a specialty Loans negotiated and appraising Office 23 Elm street WM II DEXTER REAL ESTATE AND ire Insurance Houses built and land for sale 25 Elm st GAULT REAL ESTATE ROOM 24 Carr Bldg 25 Harrison ave Tel 21 05 1 II REAL ES tate Office Rooms 201 and 202 137 State street Tel 1817 15 DWIGHT REAL ESTATE Rents Mortgages justice or Notary Public Public Ware 25 Harrison ave Tel 483 feWWIIHWtWIHKBMIUHIHHIS dbiii Nllll IMH'l Rllll nun' Mill 'M I'' 'Y' CO BULLETIN 1 4 I 4 (JO Atlantic ary SLaf 11 ni ih i iji in is nrzgi mya a ui is rr io 1IL 1 1 3 5 CHIE THEM AuL 9 1 1 is I 2 a 2 3 111 ill IS iTni 5 55 hi kry ATfcWTIG'CITYNJ I 9 kin ihiiiW pH 1 Will) 'r rt 4 1 i 2 "I11" 1 I 1 Ill i IJ11 1 I AV kt I xr wiiH teS3LJdiL x( iWni RJ wh vv jft Wy 31 1 i mim tHL 1 I xTa 1 mini gwr lwjjC saw J' wu kMkJvM Ww SzrU 9 1 1 'V A At irmnin.

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.