Chapter 11 - Mind Your Gnome Business | Hogwarts Cafe (2024)



Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Quidditch Season 3 Chapter 11 of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. Last time, you learned that Skye’s dad offered to help train your team again. Given what happened last time, you suggested he train all four house teams so that no one has an unfair advantage. Surprisingly enough, your teammates agreed to that, and the captains of the other three houses liked the idea. Later on, you trained with Ethan Parkin and learned the fake-out maneuver.

Near the end of the practice, a horde of Gnomes invaded the Quidditch Pitch, which made it impossible to continue training. Not long after that, Madam Hooch announced that all of the Quidditch matches would be suspended until the pitch was restored. Needless to say, no one wants to see the Quidditch Cup final suspended, so you decided to do something about it.


Chapter Summary:

  • Task 1: Talk to Madam Hooch
    • Location: Training Grounds
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 1/5 stars
    • Choice: Convince Madam Hooch
      • We’ve learned from our mistakes: +5 Knowledge
      • This will help earn your trust: +5 Empathy
  • Task 2: Meet your Teammates
    • Waiting Time: 3 hours
    • Location: Quidditch Pitch
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Reply to Bean
      • We can do anything we set our minds to: +5 Courage
      • I don’t know, but we have to try: +5 Empathy
  • Task 3: Strategise with the Captains
    • Location: Three Broomsticks
    • Requirements:
      • Year 2 – Year 3: 1 hour – 5/5 stars
      • Year 4 – Year 5 Chapter 16+: 3 hours – 3/5 stars
    • Choice: Decide which strategy to use
      • We’ll drive them out with noise: +5 Courage
      • We’ll be stealthy: +5 Knowledge
  • Task 4: De-Gnome the Pitch
    • Waiting Time: 4 hours
    • Location: Quidditch Pitch
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
  • Task 5: Speak with Orion
    • Location: Quidditch Changing Rooms
    • Requirements:
      • Year 2 – Year 3: 3 hours – 3/5 stars
      • Year 4 – Year 5 Chapter 16+: 1 hour – 5/5 stars
    • Quidditch Friendlies: 175 Coins (Year 2), 200 Coins (Year 3), 250 Coins (Year 4), 300 Coins (Year 6)
    • Choice: Tell Orion why you love Quidditch so much
      • Quidditch provides balance (20 Knowledge): +10 Knowledge
      • My teammates are family: +5 Empathy
      • I love the thrill of the game: +5 Courage
  • Chapter Rewards: 300 Coins and 30 Dragon Club Experience Points

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(Disclaimer: Some of the tasks might have different star and attribute requirements, depending on your current progress of the main story. The following Walkthrough contains the images from Year 7, which pretty much has the highest requirements.)

Head to the Training Grounds once you are ready to meet with Madam Hooch. You’ll approach her and say that you want to talk about the state of the Quidditch pitch.

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She’ll ask you to be quick, and you’ll get straight to the point, offering to help restore the pitch. Madam Hooch will explain that she already contacted the professionals to handle the matter, but unfortunately, they won’t have time to remove the gnomes until after the end of the school year. In other words, the Quidditch Cup final is most likely going to get suspended.

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Madam Hooch will kindly ask her to adjust the tone of her voice.

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Your friend will apologize for her outburst, and Madam Hooch will admit she is unable to do much to save the Quidditch Cup final. You will suggest that you and Skye de-gnome the pitch, but Madam Hooch will be unsure if that’s the best idea.

Also, she won’t have time to discuss it since she’ll need to prepare everything for the next lesson. You will offer to help her with that if she is willing to consider your proposition.

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Convincing Madam Hooch requires earning five stars within three hours. One star is needed to pass.

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There is a bonus progress action tied to your character. Prioritize it if you want to save a bit of energy.

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Once you are done helping her, you will ask Madam Hooch if she will let you and Skye de-gnome the pitch. She will recall the time Skye and you de-gnomed the pitch in the past, but she will be hesitant to let you help because of everything that happened during the season.

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You will get the chance to convince her. There are two options to choose from. Both will lead to the same outcome, so feel free to go with the one you prefer.

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After considering it for a moment, Madam Hooch will agree to let you de-gnome the pitch. Both you and Skye will promise not to let her down, and you’ll quickly decide to gather your teammates and start working on de-gnoming the pitch.

You will need to wait three hours before you can continue. Since this chapter is not time-limited, you can simply wait until the timer runs out.

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Head to the Quidditch pitch once the waiting time is over. Upon arriving, you will notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you are curious to see what they have to say. You will inform your teammates about your plan to de-gnome the Quidditch pitch.

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Skye will also say a few words about it.

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Bean will be unsure if your team will be able to de-gnome the pitch alone. There are two options for you to reply with. Both of those will end up with a similar outcome, so feel free to pick either one.

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Bean will say that most of the team has no experience de-gnoming a pitch, but luckily enough, Skye and you know a thing or two about it.

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Shortly after, the two of you will start teaching others how to de-gnome the pitch. This requires earning five stars within eight hours. All five stars are needed to pass.

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Be sure to slide the screen left and right to see all the available actions. There are bonus progress actions tied to your character, Skye, and The Chaser. Focus on those if you want to save as much energy as possible.

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You will praise your teammates for quickly learning how to de-gnome the pitch.

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Unfortunately, there will be way too many gnomes for your team to handle alone, but you won’t be willing to give up easily. You’ll decide to see if other teams will be willing to help you get rid of the gnomes.

Skye will like your idea, and hopefully, the captains of the other teams will agree to help you save the Quidditch season.

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Proceed to the Three Broomsticks once you are ready to meet with the captains. When you arrive, you will be able to interact with some of the characters and see what they have to say. As soon as she sees you arrive, Rath will ask you to get to the point.

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You will make some small talk before telling her why you wanted to meet.

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Erika will remind you that the Quidditch season has been suspended, but you will tell her you found a way to save Quidditch. Rath will find that hard to believe, but you’ll assure her that you are not joking.

You will go on and say that Skye and you managed to convince Madam Hooch to let you de-gnome the pitch, but your team couldn’t deal with the gnomes alone. You’ll then ask the other captains for help.

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One of them won’t be sure if all four house teams can get rid of the gnomes.

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Rath will also doubt your plan.

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You’ll suggest working together and coming up with a proper strategy. Discussing a strategy requires earning five stars within three hours. Three stars are needed to pass.

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There are bonus progress actions tied to your character and the Opposing Beater. Focus on those if you want to save some energy.

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Rath will suggest driving the gnomes out of their holes by making noise and stomping. The Opposing Chaser will suggest a more stealthy approach.

In the end, you will be the one to decide which strategy to use. Both of those will work fine, so feel free to go with the one you prefer. However, if you like Rath, it is recommended to pick the first option.

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Shortly after, all of you will leave the Three Broomsticks to gather your teammates.

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You will need to wait four hours until all of the teams are ready to de-gnome the pitch.

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Head to the Quidditch pitch once the waiting time is over. Upon arriving, you will notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you are curious to see what they have to say. You’ll be glad to see all four house teams working together. The following line will differ, based on the strategy you chose.

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Skye will be glad that everything is going according to plan and Erika will also say a few words. Her lines will differ slightly, based on your previous choice.

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You’ll thank her for convincing her team members to help. Moments later, you will get back to de-gnoming the pitch. Restoring the pitch requires earning five stars within eight hours. All five stars are needed to pass.

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There are bonus progress actions tied to your character, Rath, and the Opposing Chaser. Focus on those if you want to save some energy.

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In the end, thanks to everyone’s efforts, the Quidditch pitch will be completely gnome-free.

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Skye will be very glad about it.

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Rath will say that Madam Hooch is sure to be impressed. Moments later, the Flying Instructor will show up.

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She will be glad that all four teams were able to restore the pitch. You’ll thank her for giving you a chance to save the Quidditch Cup final. Most importantly, Madam Hooch will officially announce that the Quidditch season can continue.

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Everyone will be happy to hear the news.

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Skye will tell you that Orion wants to have a word with you in the locker room.

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Proceed to the Quidditch Changing Room when you are ready. You’ll ask Orion if everything is all right.

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Apparently, he was quite impressed by the way you handled the whole situation. You’ll say that it was all thanks to his help and guidance. He’ll correct you and say that you were the one who made everything possible.

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You’ll say that it was all thanks to his help and guidance. He’ll correct you and say that you were the one who made everything possible.

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He’ll ask why you love Quidditch so much. There are three options to reply with. This choice won’t have a significant impact on the story, so feel free to pick the option you prefer.

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Shortly after, Orion will say that, thanks to your help, he was able to rediscover his spark and is ready to come back to Quidditch.

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Your teammates will be incredibly happy to hear that.

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You’ll suggest celebrating the occasion. Celebrating Orion’s return requires earning five stars within an hour. Since all five stars are needed to pass, avoid starting this task if you are low on energy.

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Make sure to slide the screen left and right to see all the available actions. There are bonus progress actions tied to your character, Skye, and one of your teammates. Prioritize these if you want to save a bit of energy.

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Everyone will be glad to have Orion back, and he will also be happy to be back with the team. This line will differ based on your previous choice.

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He’ll also say that it won’t be long before the Quidditch Cup final.

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Skye will remind him that the finalists are yet to be revealed, and thankfully, you shouldn’t have to wait too long for that. You will suggest practicing while waiting for the Headmaster to make the announcement.

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For the next task, you’ll need to complete two Quidditch friendlies.

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During these, feel free to choose the position you prefer.

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Also, try your best to successfully complete all the maneuvers to earn rewards.

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Once you are done, Season 3 Chapter 11 will come to an end. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. You will receive 300 Coins and 30 Dragon Club Experience Points.

Will your team make it to the finals? And will you win the Quidditch Cup? Find out in the next chapter of Quidditch for Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery!
Thank you for reading.

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Chapter 11 - Mind Your Gnome Business | Hogwarts Cafe (2024)


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.