Pan Kritik - [DOC Document] (2024)

Pan Kritik - [DOC Document] (1)

Pan K Michigan Institutes 20101/42 Seniors Lab


Pan K ............................................................................................................................................. 1short 1nc......................................................................................................................................... 2Long 1NC (1/4)............................................................................................................................... 3Long 1NC (2/4)............................................................................................................................... 4Long 1NC (3/4)............................................................................................................................... 5Long 1NC (4/4)............................................................................................................................... 72NC Crisis Management Link........................................................................................................82NC Engagement Link................................................................................................................... 92NC Generic Links (1/3)...............................................................................................................102NC Generic Links (2/3)...............................................................................................................112NC Generic Links (3/3)...............................................................................................................122NC Instability Impact.................................................................................................................132NC Nuclear War Impact.............................................................................................................142NC Otherization Impact..............................................................................................................152NC Turns Case............................................................................................................................ 162NC China ≠ Threat (1/6).............................................................................................................172NC China ≠ Threat (2/6).............................................................................................................182NC China ≠ Threat (3/6).............................................................................................................202NC China ≠ Threat (4/6).............................................................................................................222NC China ≠ Threat (5/6).............................................................................................................242NC China ≠ Threat (6/6).............................................................................................................252NC AT: Threats Exist..................................................................................................................262NC AT: Threats Real................................................................................................................... 272NC Alt. Key to Policy-Making.....................................................................................................282NC Alt Solves.............................................................................................................................. 292NC Now Key to Solve................................................................................................................. 302NC AT: Empirics......................................................................................................................... 312NC AT: K Inevitable – Elites.......................................................................................................322NC AT: Perm .............................................................................................................................. 332NC AT: Realism (1/2).................................................................................................................. 342NC AT: Realism (2/2).................................................................................................................. 352NC Reps Key (1/2)...................................................................................................................... 362NC Reps Key (2/2)...................................................................................................................... 372AC Perm ..................................................................................................................................... 382AC China = Threat (1/3).............................................................................................................392AC China = Threat (2/3).............................................................................................................402AC China = Threat (3/3).............................................................................................................41

Pan Kritik - [DOC Document] (2)


China is painted as a threat not because we have an objective understanding but because it fits within our definition of ourselves and justifies US power politics. These constant predictions of war leave no choice but to prepare for war—turning the case.

Our alternative is to vote negative to reject these representations—allowing for a more effective foreign policy. Pan, 04 (Political Science, Australian National U, Chengxin, Department of Political Science at Australian National University, “The ‘China Threat’ in American Self-Imagination: The Discursive Construction of Other as Power Politics”, Alternatives, June-July, ebscohost)

I have argued above that the "China threat" argument in mainstream U.S. IR literature is derived, primarily, from a discursive construction of otherness. This construction is predicated on a particular narcissistic understanding of the U.S. self and on a positivist-based realism, concerned with absolute certainty and security, a concern central to the dominant U.S. self-imaginary. Within these frameworks, it seems imperative that China be treated as a threatening, absolute other since it is unable to fit neatly into the U.S.-led evolutionary scheme or guarantee absolute security for the United States, so that U.S. power preponderance in the post-Cold War world can still be legitimated. Not only does this reductionist representation come at the expense of understanding China as a dynamic, multifaceted country but it leads inevitably to a policy of containment that, in turn, tends to enhance the influence of realpolitik thinking, nationalist extremism, and hard-line stance in today's China. Even a small dose of the containment strategy is likely to have a highly dramatic impact on U.S.-China relations, as the 1995-1996 missile crisis and the 2001 spy-plane incident have vividly attested. In this respect, Chalmers Johnson is right when he suggests that "a policy of containment toward China implies the possibility of war, just as it did during the Cold War vis-a-vis the former Soviet Union. The balance of terror prevented war between the United States and the Soviet Union, but this may not work in the case of China."^^ For instance, as the United States presses ahead with a missile defence shield to "guarantee" its invulnerability from rather unlikely sources of missile attacks, it would be almost certain to intensify China's sense of vulnerability and compel it to expand its current small nuclear arsenal so as to maintain the efficiency of its limited deterrence. In consequence, it is not impossible that the two countries, and possibly the whole region, might be dragged into an escalating arms race that would eventually make war more

likely. Neither the United States nor China is likely to be keen on fighting the other. But as has been demonstrated, the "China threat" argument, for all its alleged desire for peace and security, tends to make war preparedness the most "realistic" option for both sides. At this juncture, worthy of note is an interesting comment made by Charlie Neuhauser, a leading CIA China specialist. on the Vietnam War, a war fought by the United States to contain the then-Communist "other." Neuhauser says, "Nobody wants it. We don't want it, Ho Chi Minh doesn't want it; it's simply a question of annoying the other side."94 And, as we know, in an unwanted war some fifty-eight thousand young people from the United States and an estimated two million Vietnamese men, women, and children lost their lives.

Therefore, to call for a halt to the vicious circle of theory as practice associated with the "China threat" literature, tinkering with the current positivist-dominated U.S. IR scholarship on China is no longer adequate. Rather, what is needed is to question this un-self-reflective scholarship itself, particularly its connections with the dominant way in which the United States and the West in general represent themselves and others via their positivist epistemology, so that alternative, more nuanced, and less dangerous ways of interpreting and debating China might become possible.

Pan Kritik - [DOC Document] (3)

LONG 1NC (1/4)

China is painted as a threat not because we have an objective understanding but because it fits within our definition of ourselves and justify US power politics. These constant predictions of war leave no choice but to prepare for war—turning the case.

Our alternative is to vote negative to reject these representations—allowing for a more effective foreign policy. Pan, 04 (Political Science, Australian National U, Chengxin, Department of Political Science at Australian National University, “The ‘China Threat’ in American Self-Imagination: The Discursive Construction of Other as Power Politics”, Alternatives, June-July, ebscohost)

I have argued above that the "China threat" argument in mainstream U.S. IR literature is derived, primarily, from a discursive construction of otherness. This construction is predicated on a particular narcissistic understanding of the U.S. self and on a positivist-based realism, concerned with absolute certainty and security, a concern central to the dominant U.S. self-imaginary. Within these frameworks, it seems imperative that China be treated as a threatening, absolute other since it is unable to fit neatly into the U.S.-led evolutionary scheme or guarantee absolute security for the United States, so that U.S. power preponderance in the post-Cold War world can still be legitimated. Not only does this reductionist representation come at the expense of understanding China as a dynamic, multifaceted country but it leads inevitably to a policy of containment that, in turn, tends to enhance the influence of realpolitik thinking, nationalist extremism, and hard-line stance in today's China. Even a small dose of the containment strategy is likely to have a highly dramatic impact on U.S.-China relations, as the 1995-1996 missile crisis and the 2001 spy-plane incident have vividly attested. In this respect, Chalmers Johnson is right when he suggests that "a policy of containment toward China implies the possibility of war, just as it did during the Cold War vis-a-vis the former Soviet Union. The balance of terror prevented war between the United States and the Soviet Union, but this may not work in the case of China."^^ For instance, as the United States presses ahead with a missile defence shield to "guarantee" its invulnerability from rather unlikely sources of missile attacks, it would be almost certain to intensify China's sense of vulnerability and compel it to expand its current small nuclear arsenal so as to maintain the efficiency of its limited deterrence. In consequence, it is not impossible that the two countries, and possibly the whole region, might be dragged into an escalating arms race that would eventually make war more

likely. Neither the United States nor China is likely to be keen on fighting the other. But as has been demonstrated, the "China threat" argument, for all its alleged desire for peace and security, tends to make war preparedness the most "realistic" option for both sides. At this juncture, worthy of note is an interesting comment made by Charlie Neuhauser, a leading CIA China specialist. on the Vietnam War, a war fought by the United States to contain the then-Communist "other." Neuhauser says, "Nobody wants it. We don't want it, Ho Chi Minh doesn't want it; it's simply a question of annoying the other side."94 And, as we know, in an unwanted war some fifty-eight thousand young people from the United States and an estimated two million Vietnamese men, women, and children lost their lives.

Therefore, to call for a halt to the vicious circle of theory as practice associated with the "China threat" literature, tinkering with the current positivist-dominated U.S. IR scholarship on China is no longer adequate. Rather, what is needed is to question this un-self-reflective scholarship itself, particularly its connections with the dominant way in which the United States and the West in general represent themselves and others via their positivist epistemology, so that alternative, more nuanced, and less dangerous ways of interpreting and debating China might become possible.

Pan Kritik - [DOC Document] (4)

LONG 1NC (2/4)

Images of threats reinforce the security dilemma between states and breed mutual antagonisms that make threat-thinking self-fulfilling prophecies. The affirmative’s construction of threats is based upon the grip of expert discourses that blind us to alternative views of reality—refusing this hegemony is a transformative act.Foster, 94 ((Professor at the National Defense University), Gregory, Alternatives, v. 19 n.1 p. 86-88)

By ridding oneself of the many bad habits of English usage we have adopted, one can think more clearly, Threattalk becomes threatthink. The resultant paranoia and intolerance invariably blind us to emerging developments and conditions that truly threaten our well-being but fall outside the bounds of our distorted perception.

This brings us to a second fundamental issue: the effect our image of threat has on reality. The late Kenneth

Boulding made the astute observation that there is a reciprocal, escalatory dynamic associated with threat imagery. For example, Country A, feeling itself threatened (however and for whatever reasons) by

Country B, increases its armaments to reduce its insecurity. This makes B feel threatened, and so B increases its armaments to bolster its security. This makes A feel even more threatened, so A again

increases its armaments. This growing threat “forces” B to further increase its armaments. And so on until either war breaks out or some other change (such as internal economic collapse) reverses the process. This is how threatthink becomes

threat. If there is a single, documentable truth to be derived from an assessment of threat-based thinking, it is that the perception of threat—at least where that threat has a human

component—almost invariably becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. For this reason alone—the fact that we have shown ourselves perversely capable of creating unwanted inevitability—we must face up to a third fundamental issue: the more general failure of our overall approach to envisioning the future. Most of us justifiably consider ourselves unqualified to

divine the future. We therefore typically defer to experts and authorities—futurists and assorted government

technocrats presumably posssessed of special powers or information the rest of us do not have—who end up thereby dictating not only our future but our present as well. These are the individuals who tell us

not only that there are threats, but what they are and how we must deal with them. What we refuse to recognize is that the future these purported visionaries are able to see is invariably nothing more imaginative than a simple projection

of what already is happening. It also is an assured way for them to solidify and perpetuate their own power over us. The future they see, because the rest of us accept it on authority as all but inevitable, closes out any perceived need to pursue other potentially fruitful possibilities; it provides an excuse for ignoring present needs that, if fulfilled, might well produce a markedly different future; it ensures nothing more enlightened or progressive than creeping incrementalism and evolutionary drift; it creates false expectations about what can and will be; and when it fails to materialize—as it so often does because of the unexpected—it produces feelings of helplessness, not among the purveyors of the deception, but amoung those of us who have so carelessly relinquished our fate to them.

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LONG 1NC (3/4)

There has always been a China security threat—these perceptions are created by the US military-industrial complex. Our institutions need enemies to survive, and China fits the bill—this cycle of enemy creation necessitates the sacrificial destruction of millions.Clark, 06 (No Rest for 'China Threat' Lobby, Gregory Clark is vice president of Akita International University and a former Australian diplomat. Japan Times, Jan. 7, 2006,

For as long as I have been in the China-watching business (more than 40 years now), there has always been a China "threat." It began with the 1950-53 Korean civil war, which initially had nothing to do with China. Even so, Beijing was blamed and, as punishment, the United States decided to intervene not only in Korea but also in China's civil war with Taiwan, and later threaten a move against China by sending troops close to China's borders with Korea.

When China reacted to that move by sending in its own troops, the China-threat people moved into high gear. The next China threat was supposed to operate via the overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia. Coping with it meant the West had to prop up a range of incompetent, corrupt rulers in the area, and intervene cruelly to suppress revolts by local Chinese against discrimination in Malaya and then in Sarawak. It also meant that the U.S., Britain and Australia had to work very hard and covertly to prevent the 1959 election of an intelligent Chinese, Lee Kwan Yew, to

the Singapore premiership. Lee was then seen, amazingly, as a front for those dreaded Chinese Communists. The China-threat lobby moved into overdrive over Vietnam in the early 1960s. There a clearly nationalist-inspired civil war supported more by Moscow than by Beijing was denounced by Washington and Canberra as the first step in planned Chinese "aggression" into Asia. In Moscow in 1964, I had to accompany an Australian foreign minister, Paul Hasluck, in a foolish, U.S.-instigated bid to persuade the Soviet Union to side with the West against those aggressive Chinese. Hasluck gave up only after a bemused Soviet prime minister, Alexei Kosygin, told him point-blank that Moscow was doing all it could to help North Vietnam, would continue to give help, and that it would like to see Beijing doing a lot more. In 1962, as China desk officer in Canberra, I had to witness an extraordinary attempt to label as unprovoked aggression a very limited and justified Chinese counterattack against an Indian military thrust across the Indian-claimed border line in the North East Frontier Area. Threat scenarios then had China seeking ocean access via the Bay of Bengal. The London Economist even had Beijing seeking to move south via

Afghanistan. Then came the allegations that China was seeking footholds in Laos, northern Thailand and Myanmar -- all false. U.S., British and Australian encouragement for the 1965 massacre of half a million leftwing supporters in Indonesia was also justified as needed to prevent China from gaining a foothold there. So too was the U.S. and Australia's 1975 approval for Indonesia's brutal takeover of East Timor. Since then we have seen Beijing's claims against Taiwan condemned as aggressive, despite the fact that every Western nation, including the U.S., has formally recognized or accepted China's claim to sovereignty over Taiwan. China's efforts to assert control over Tibet are also branded as aggression even though Tibet has never been

recognized as an independent entity. And so it continues to the present day. With the alleged Soviet threat to Japan having evaporated, we now have an army of Japanese and U.S. hawks -- Foreign Minister Aso included --

ramping up China as an alleged threat to Japan and the Far East. Much is made of Beijing's recent increases in military spending. But those increases began from a very low level; until recently its military were more concerned with running companies and growing their own vegetables. And Beijing faces a U.S.-Japan military buildup in East Asia that is avowedly anti-China and that spends a lot more than China does. Of course, if the Chinese military were placing bases and sending spy planes and ships close to the U.S. coast, and were bombing U.S. embassies, the U.S. role in

that buildup might be justified. But so far that has not happened. Tokyo's claims to be threatened by China in the East China Sea are equally dubious. So far, the only shots fired in anger in that area have been Japan's, in a legally dubious huntdown and sinking of a North Korean vessel. Tokyo makes much of China's challenge to Japan's claimed EEZ (exclusive economic zone) median line of control in the East China Sea (Beijing says the EEZ border should be based on the continental shelf extending close to the Ryukyu islands and proposes joint development between the two claim lines). But international law on EEZ borders still does not firmly support Japan's median line position. And the recent Australia-East Timor agreement on joint development of continental shelf oil/gas resources in the Timor Sea, and the 1974 Japan-South Korean agreement for joint development in the East China Sea continental shelf, both strongly suggest that Beijing's joint development

proposal is not entirely unreasonable. But no doubt these details will be dismissed as irrelevant. Our powers-that-be need threats to justify their existence. As we saw during the Cold War, and more recently over Iraq, once they declare that such and such a nation is a threat, it becomes impossible to stop the escalation. The other side naturally has to show some reaction. The military-industrial- intelligence complex then seize on this as the pretext further to expand budgets and power. Before long the media and a raft of dubious academic and other commentators are sucked into the vortex. Then when it is all over and the alleged threat has proved to be quite imaginary, the threat merchants move on to find another target. But not

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before billions have been spent. And millions have died.

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LONG 1NC (4/4)

The United States creates enemies to define ourselves as a great civilization—China fulfills this role when we treat them as a threat. Instead, we ought to question this vision of universal American hegemony. Pan, 04 (Political Science, Australian National U, Chengxin, Department of Political Science at Australian National University, “The ‘China Threat’ in American Self-Imagination: The Discursive Construction of Other as Power Politics”, Alternatives, June-July, ebscohost)

What does this U.S. self-knowledge have to do with the way in which it comes to know others in general and China in particular? To

put it simply, this self-knowledge is always a powerful analytical framework within which other societies are

to be known. By envisioning a linear process of historical development with itself at its apex, the United States places other nations on a common evolutionary slope and sees them as inevitably traveling

toward the end of history that is the United States. For example, as a vast, ancient nation on the other side of the Pacific, China is frequently taken as a mirror image of the U.S. self. As Michael Hunt points out, we imagine ourselves locked in a special relationship with the Chinese, whose apparent moderation and pragmatism mirror our own most prized attributes and validate our own longings for a world made over in our own image. If China with its old and radically

different culture can be won, where can we not prevail? Yet, in a world of diversity, contingency, and unpredictability, which is irreducible to universal sameness or absolute certainty, this kind of U.S. knowledge of others often proves frustratingly elusive. In this context, rather than questioning the validity of their own universalist assumptions, the people of the United States believe that those who are different should be held responsible for the lack of universal sameness. Indeed, because "we" are universal, those who refuse or who are unable to become like "us" are no longer just

"others," but are by definition the negation of universality, or the other. In this way, the other is always built into this universalized "American" self. Just as "Primitive ... is a category, not an object, of Western thought," so the threat of the other is not some kind of "external reality" discovered by U.S. strategic analysts, but a ready-made category of thought within this particular way of U.S. self-imagination. Consequently, there is always a need for the United States to find a specific other to fill into the totalized category of otherness.

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Literature that talks about crisis management with China is just as implicated in threat construction as literature that explicitly identifies China as an enemy—both justify US will to dominate the worldPan, 04 (Political Science, Australian National U, Chengxin, Department of Political Science at Australian National University, “The ‘China Threat’ in American Self-Imagination: The Discursive Construction of Other as Power Politics”, Alternatives, June-July, ebscohost)

The discursive construction of the U.S. self and the "Chinese threat" argument are not innocent, descriptive accounts of some "independent" reality. Rather, they are always a clarion call for the practice of power politics. At the apex of this power-politics agenda is the politico-strategic question of "what is to be done" to make the United States secure from the (perceived) threats it faces. At a general level, as Benjamin Schwarz proposes, this requires an unhindered path to U.S. global hegemony that means not only that the United States must dominate wealthy and technologically sophisticated states in Europe and East Asia— America's "allies"—but also that it must deal with such nuisances as Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milosevic and Kim Jong II, so that potential great powers need not acquire the means to deal with those problems themselves. And those powers that eschew American

supervision—such as China—must be both engaged and contained. The upshot of "American leadership" is that the United States must spend nearly as much on national security as the rest of the world combined.6' This "neocontainment" policy has been echoed in the "China threat" literature. In a short yet decisive article titled "Why We Must Contain China," Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer insists that "containing China" and "undermining its ruthless dictatorship" constitute two essential components of "any rational policy toward a rising, threatening China." Not only is a policy other than containment considered irrational, but even a delay to implement it would be undesirable, as he urges that "containment of such a bully must begin early in its career." To this end, Krauthammer offers such "practical" options as strengthening regional alliances (with Vietnam, India, and Russia, as well as Japan) to box in China; standing by Chinese dissidents; denying Beijing the right to host the Olympics; and keeping China from joining the World Trade Organization on the terms it

desires.^^ Containing China is of course not the only option arising from the "China threat" literature. More often than not, there is a subtle, business-style "crisis management" policy. For

example, Bernstein and Munro shy away from the word containment, preferring to call their China policy management.^^ Yet, what remains unchanged in the management formula is a continued promotion of controlling China. For instance, a perusal of Bernstein and Munro's texts reveals that what they mean by management is no different than

Krauthammer's explicit containment stance. TM By framing U.S.China relations as an issue of "crisis management," they leave little doubt of who is the "manager" and who is to be "managed." In a more straightforward manner, Betts and Christensen state that coercion and war must be part and parcel of the China management policy: In addressing the China challenge, the United States needs to think hard ahout three related questions: first, how to avoid crises and war through prudent, coercive diplomacy; second, how to manage crises and fight a war if the avoidance effort fails; third, how to end crises and terminate war at costs acceptable to the United States and its allies.^^ This is not to imply that the kind of perspectives outlined above will automatically be translated into actual China policy, but one does not have to be exceedingly perceptive to note that the "China threat" perspective does exert enormous influence on U.S. policy making on China. To illustrate this point, I want now to examine some specific implications of U.S. representations of the "China threat" for U.S.-China relations in relation to the 1995-1996 Taiwan Strait missile crisis and the "spy plane" incident of 2001.

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Engagement with China is producing slow reform and lowering military threats. Knee-jerk threat perceptions should not overwhelm these positive long-term trends. Lubman, 04 (Stanley, "The Dragon As Demon: Images Of China On Capitol Hill" (March 4, 2004). Center for the Study of Law and Society Jurisprudence and Social Policy Program. JSP/Center for the Study of Law and Society Faculty Working Papers. Paper 18., Stanley Lubman is Lecturer in Law and Visiting Scholar at the Center for the Study of Law and Society, University of California ( Berkeley),

After Tiananmen, as Lampton and others have most usefully recalled, American policy was thrown into indecision over whether to engage or punish China.14 The conflict between these orientations was nowhere more apparent than in the annual Congressional debates over the renewal of Most

Favored Nation (MFN) treatment of Chinese imports into the US. The annual ritual was required by the Jackson-Vanik Amendment to the Trade Act of 1974, which required Congressional agreement to approve or reject a Presidential decision to extend MFN to “non-market” economies. The debates, as Lampton says, “created an annual opportunity…for politicians and interest groups to demonstrate their commitment to American values and to promote their concerns.”15 The debates were further complicated by the vacillation of President Clinton, who early in his first term linked extension of MFN to China with progress on specific human rights issues, and then, less than a year later, delinked trading status and human rights.16 The institutional changes and policy debates during the 1990s that have been briefly noted here provide essential background to the PNTR debates of 1999-2000. Well before PNTR became an issue, debate in Congress and among both policy-makers and academics had produced sharply

opposed views of China. The issues are fundamental: Will China’s economic growth lead to political reform domestically, and will China, with its enormous potential economic and military power, be a constructive member of the international community or a threat to the security of other nations, including the United States? Those who urge continued US-China engagement emphasize that China has undergone extensive economic and social change since economic reforms began in 1979 that have improved the material lives of many Chinese and considerably increased their personal freedoms. Supporters of engagement urge that a long-term view must be taken of the possibilities for change in China’s political institutions. They recognize that China remains an authoritarian state dominated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and that the Chinese party-state continues to maintain institutions and practices that violate principles of human rights that have been given expression in United Nations conventions.

They argue, however, that the conditions necessary for the rise of civil society and democratic government can only develop slowly, if at all. Russia and Eastern Europe are examples of the difficulties that attend

transitions from Communist totalitarianism and planned economies toward democratization and freer economies. They also urge that China's involvement in international institutions will promote China’s positive participation in the international community; that membership in the WTO will make China increasingly subject to international trade rules; and that expanded foreign trade and investment will aid China’s economic development and, therefore, eventual political reform.

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Claiming that China will be dangerous because of geography, or economic destiny, or inevitable political clashes engages in the same type of threat construction as explicitly identifying China as a military threat. The common thread is the construction of a mysterious other that poses a threat to the international order. Pan, 04 (Political Science, Australian National U, Chengxin, Department of Political Science at Australian National University, “The ‘China Threat’ in American Self-Imagination: The Discursive Construction of Other as Power Politics”, Alternatives, June-July, ebscohost)

Likewise, with the goal of absolute security for the United States in mind, Richard Betts and Thomas Christensen argue: The truth is that China can pose a grave problem even if it does not become a military power on the American model, does not intend to commit aggression, integrates into a global economy, and liberalizes politically. Similarly, the United States could face a dangerous conflict over Taiwan even if it turns out that Beijing lacks the capacity to conquer the island. . . . This is true because of geography; because of America's reliance on alliances to project power; and because of China's capacity to harm U.S. forces, U.S. regional allies, and the American homeland, even while losing a war in

the technical, military sense.*>' By now, it seems clear that neither China's capabilities nor intentions really matter. Rather, almost by its mere geographical existence, China has been qualified as an absolute strategic "other," a discursive construct from which it cannot escape. Because of this, "China" in U.S. IR discourse has been objectified and deprived of its own subjectivity and exists mainly in and/or the U.S. self. Little wonder that for many U.S. China specialists, China becomes merely a "national security concern" for the United States, with the "severe disproportion between the keen attention to China as a security concern and the intractable neglect of China's [own] security concerns in the current debate."^^ At this point, at issue here is no longer whether the "China threat" argument is true or false, but is rather its reflection of a shared positivist mentality among mainstream China experts that they know China better than do the Chinese themselves.^^ "We" alone can know for sure that they consider "us" their enemy and thus pose a menace to "us." Such an account of China, in many ways, strongly seems to resemble Orientalists' problematic distinction between the West and the Orient. Like orientalism, the U.S. construction of the Chinese "other" does not require that China acknowledge the validity of that dichotomous construction. Indeed, as Edward Said point out, "It is enough for 'us' to set up these distinctions in our own minds; [and] 'they' become 'they' accordingly. "64 It may be the case that there is

nothing inherently wrong with perceiving others through one's own subjective lens. Yet, what is problematic with mainstream U.S. China watchers is that they refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of the inherent fluidity of Chinese identity and subjectivity and try instead to fix its ambiguity as absolute difference from "us," a kind of certainty that denotes nothing but otherness and threats. As a result, it becomes difficult to find a legitimate space for alternative ways of understanding an inherently volatile, amorphous China^^ or to recognize that China's future trajectory in global politics is contingent essentially on how "we" in the United States and the West in general want to see it as well as on how the Chinese choose to shape it.^^

Indeed, discourses of "us" and "them" are always closely linked to how "we" as "what we are" deal with "them" as "what they are" in the practical realm.

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Exaggerated threat perceptions are based on misunderstanding and simplistic projections of US values onto China. This demonization has rhetorical advantages for the arguer but is undermining our ability to have an effective foreign policy with China. Lubman, 04 (Stanley, "The Dragon As Demon: Images Of China On Capitol Hill" (March 4, 2004). Center for the Study of Law and Society Jurisprudence and Social Policy Program. JSP/Center for the Study of Law and Society Faculty Working Papers. Paper 18., Stanley Lubman is Lecturer in Law and Visiting Scholar at the Center for the Study of Law and Society, University of California ( Berkeley),

The arguments of members of Congress on abortion, religious freedom, and dissent are grounded in domestic issues of high “symbolic” significance to some Americans. Such arguments, however, are one-dimensional, and project American values and institutions onto a different society and culture without nuance or awareness of the difficulty of transplanting those values and institutions. As already noted, these critics of China give no hint that American leverage over China’s domestic policies might be extremely limited. Nor is there any evidence of recognition that considerable time would be required to

realize any program of political reform undertaken in China. Free from doubt, adamant in their moralism, unrelenting in their emotional criticism, and insistent on expressing the most idealistic representation of American values, the members of Congress who form an anti-China coalition have a significant debating advantage over those members who favor engagement. The latter must look to a future in which, they hope, economic and political reform will grow in a China benefited by trade, foreign investment, and a peaceful international environment. That future is uncertain, but the critics who have been quoted here can express their beliefs and hopes buttressed by a moral certainty that pro-

enagement members cannot affect. ... It is impossible to differentiate among the reasons underlying the demonizing of China by some in Congress, but some ignorance, willful or not, underlies the words of the demonizers. More than ignorance is involved, of course, and inquiry into the dynamics of Congressional participation in making China policy obviously must go behind the Congressional debate that forms the public record. Whatever

other factors are at work, however, the rhetoric that dominates discussions of China by some members of Congress promises to continue to deform not only their personal perspectives, but the contribution that Congress makes to formulation of this country’s China policy. At the very least, administration policymakers are “diverted from other tasks…Much time is spent dealing with often exaggerated congressional assertions about negative features of the Chinese government’s behavior…The congressional critics are open to a wide range of Americans— some with partisan or other interests – who are prepared to highly in often graphic terms real or alleged policies and behaviors of the Chinese government in opposition to US interests.”41

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Debates about the threat posed by China ignore that political descriptions do not just name threats but also create them—the silly assumption that their authors are objective ignores that reality is always socially constructed and ideology feeds the drive for US military expansion. Pan, 04 (Political Science, Australian National U, Chengxin, Department of Political Science at Australian National University, “The ‘China Threat’ in American Self-Imagination: The Discursive Construction of Other as Power Politics”, Alternatives, June-July, ebscohost)

While U.S. China scholars argue fiercely over "what China precisely is," their debates have been underpinned by some common ground, especially in terms of a positivist epistemology. Firstly, they believe that China is ultimately a knowable object, whose reality can be, and ought to be, empirically revealed by scientific means. For example, after expressing his dissatisfaction with often conflicting Western perceptions of China, David M. Lampton, former president of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, suggests that "it is time to step back and look at where China is today, where it might be going, and what consequences that direction will hold for the rest of the world."2 Like many other China scholars, Lampton views his object of study as essentially "something we can stand back from and

observe with clinical detachment."^ Secondly, associated with the first assumption, it is commonly believed that China scholars merely serve as "disinterested observers" and that their studies of China are neutral, passive descriptions of reality. And thirdly, in pondering whether China poses a threat or offers an opportunity to the United States, they rarely raise the question of "what the United States is." That is, the meaning of the United States is believed to be certain and beyond doubt. I do not dismiss altogether the conventional ways of debating China. It is not the purpose of this article to venture my own "observation" of "where China is today," nor to join the "containment" versus "engagement" debate per se. Rather, I want to contribute to a novel dimension of the China debate by questioning the seemingly unproblematic assumptions shared by most China scholars in the mainstream IR community in the United States. To perform this task, I will focus attention on a particularly

significant component of the China debate; namely, the "China threat" literature. More specifically, I want to argue that U.S. conceptions of China as a threatening other are always intrinsically linked to how U.S. policymakers/mainstream China specialists see themselves (as representatives of the indispensable, security-conscious

nation, for example). As such, they are not value-free, objective descriptions of an independent, preexisting Chinese reality out there, but are better understood as a kind of normative, meaning-giving

practice that often legitimates power politics in U.S.-China relations and helps transform the "China threat" into social reality. In other words, it is self-fulfilling in practice, and is always part of the "China threat" problem it purports merely to describe. In doing so, I seek to bring to the fore two interconnected themes of self/other constructions and of theory as practice inherent in the "China threat" literature—themes that have been overridden and rendered largely invisible by those common positivist assumptions. These themes are of course nothing new nor peculiar to the "China threat" literature. They have been identified elsewhere by critics of some conventional fields of study such as ethnography, anthropology, oriental studies, political science, and international relations.* Yet, so far, the China field in the West in general and the U.S. "China threat" literature in particular have shown remarkable resistance to systematic critical reflection on both their normative status as discursive practice and their enormous practical implications for international

politics.^ It is in this context that this article seeks to make a contribution. I begin with a brief survey of the "China threat" argument in contemporary U.S. international relations literature, followed by an investigation of how this particular argument

about China is a discursive construction of other, which is predicated on the predominant way in which the United States imagines itself as the universal, indispensable nation-state in constant need of absolute certainty and security. Continues… Similarly, when they claim that "China can pose a grave problem," Betts and Christensen are convinced that they are merely referring to "the truth."25 In the following sections, I want to

question this "truth," and, more generally, question the objective, self-evidentiary attitudes that underpin it. In my view, the "China threat" literature is best understood as a particular kind of discursive practice that dichotomizes the West and China as self and other. In this sense, the "truism" that China presents a growing threat is not so much an objective reflection of contemporary global reality, per se, as it is a discursive construction of otherness that acts to bolster the hegemonic leadership of the United States in the post-Cold War world. Therefore, to have a better understanding of how the discursive construction of China as a "threat" takes place, it is now necessary to turn attention to a particularly dominant way of U.S. self-imagination.

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Securitization creates an ideology of instability—existence is always threatened by massive conflict.Van Evera, 98 (professor of IR at MIT, 98, Stephen, International Security, Spring, p. 42-43)

The prevalence of exaggerations of insecurity is revealed by the great wartime endurance of many states that enter wars for security reasons, and by the aftermath of the world’s great security wars, which often reveal that the belligerents’ security fears were illusory. Athens fought Sparta largely for security reasons, but held out for a full nine years (413-404 BCE) after suffering the crushing loss of its Sicilian expedition—an achievement that shows the falsehood of its original fears. Austria-Hungary held out for a full four years under allied battering during 1914-1918, a display of toughness at odds with its own prewar self-image of imminent collapse. With twenty-twenty hindsight we can now see that modern Germany would have been secure had it only behaved itself. Wilhemine Germany was Europe’s dominant state, with Europe’s largest and fastest-growing economy. It faced no plausible threats to its sovereignty except those it created by its own belligerence. Later, interwar Germany and Japan could have secured themselves simply by moderating their conduct. This would have assured them of allies, hence of the raw materials supplies they sought to seize by force. America’s aggressive and often costly Cold War interventions in the third world now seem hypervigilant in light of the defensive benefits of the nuclear revolution, America’s geographic invulnerability, and the strength of third world

nationalism, which precluded the Soviet third world imperialism that U.S. interventions sought to prevent. Paradoxically, a chief source of insecurity in Europe since medieval times has been this false belief that security was scarce. This belief was a self-fulfilling prophecy, fostering bellicose policies that left all states less secure. Modern great powers have been overrun by unprovoked aggressors only twice, but they have been overrun by provoked aggressors six times—usually by aggressors provoked by the victim’s fantasy-driven defensive bellicosity. Wilhelmine and Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, Napoleanic France, and Austria-Hungary were all destroyed by dangers that they created by their efforts to escape from exaggerated or imaginary threats to their safety. If so, the prime threat to the security of modern great powers is…themselves. Their greatest menace lies in their own tendacy to exaggerate the dangers they face, and to respond with counterproductive belligerence.

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China shot down one of their old weather satellites to prompt dialogue about space cooperation. The affs evidence is ignoring this possibility because it based on the neo-con agenda weaponize space—they have been at it for decades and will look for any excuse to start an arms race that could prompt accidental nuclear war. Broad, 07 ( The World: Look Up! Is It a Threat? Or a Plea for a Ban? , By WILLIAM J. BROAD, Published: January 21, 2007, NYT).

THE nation’s star warriors, frustrated that their plans to arm the heavens went nowhere for two decades despite more than $100 billion in blue-sky research, felt a shiver of hope last week with news that China had conducted its first successful test of an antisatellite weapon. Having long warned of the Chinese threat, they now said their fears were vindicated and expressed optimism for their own projects, which range from new kinds of defensive satellites to flotillas of space weapons and orbital battle stations able to shatter all kinds of enemy arms. China, a group of 26 “Star Wars” supporters warned in a recent report, has “begun to erode American space dominance” and will accelerate that slide with “both lasers and missiles capable of destroying satellites.” H. Baker Spring of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative research group in Washington, said in an interview that the cost to the United States of new arms and defensive measures would most likely run to “billions or tens of billions of dollars a year, pretty much year in and year out,” and added, “I don’t think that’s excessive.” But the prospect of a new arms race in space is also energizing an opposition, including arms control supporters and fiscal conservatives alarmed at the rising costs of the Iraq war. Treaties could short-circuit the costly game of measure-countermeasure on the high frontier before it expands any

further, they say. Currently, no international treaty or domestic law forbids such developments. An unfettered arms race could hurt the United States more than any other nation, arms control advocates argue. The United States

owns or operates 443 of the 845 active satellites that now orbit the planet, or 53 percent. By contrast, China owns just 4 percent. “We not only have the most satellites but they are more integrated into our economy and our way of making war than any other country,” said Laura Grego, a staff scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists,

a private group in Cambridge, Mass., that takes liberal positions on arms issues and environmental issues. “We have the most to lose in an unrestrained arms race.” But that logic has not persuaded the Star Wars advocates, who say the United States needs to protect its huge investment in space satellites by being ahead of anyone else in shooting such devices out of the sky. Diplomats from around the globe have gathered in Geneva for many years to hammer out a treaty on the “Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space,” which would ban space weapons. Arms control supporters say China and Russia have backed the process, while the United States has dragged its feet. Last year, John Mohanco, a State Department official, told the diplomats in Geneva that as long as attacks on satellites remained a threat, “our government will continue to consider the possible role that space-related weapons may play in protecting our assets.” A Heritage Foundation analysis of such diplomacy says China is charging ahead to build space arms while “seeking to block the United States from developing its own anti-satellite weapons and space-based ballistic missile defense systems.” China’s strategy, the analysis says, is clear: “Work on public opinion in the United States to make moral arguments against weapons in space, develop international coalitions to limit the way that the United States can use space, and develop China’s own weapons systems and tactics to destroy American satellites and space-based weapons.” But Theresa Hitchens, a critic of the administration’s space arms research who is director of the Center for

Defense Information, a private group in Washington that tracks military programs, said that China’s antisatellite test might be “a shot across the bow” meant to prod the Bush administration into serious negotiations. In the test, a Chinese missile pulverized an aging Chinese weather satellite more than 500 miles above Earth on

Jan. 11. Ms. Hitchens warned that an arms race in space could easily spin out of control, noting that India has

been “rattling its sword” and some experts in that country are openly calling for antisatellite arms. A global competition that produced armadas of space weapons, she added, could raise the risk of accidental nuclear war if, for instance, a whirling piece of space junk knocked out a spy satellite.

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The affirmative’s construction of WMD threats is part of a cycle of otherness used to justify state intervention.Lipshutz, 02 (professor of politics at the University of California, 2000, Ronnie, After Authority, p. 49)

How and where do discourses of threat and security originate? Barry Buzan (1991:37) has pointed out that “There is a cruel irony in [one] meaning of secure which is ‘unable to escape’.” To secure onself is, therefore, a sort of trap, for one can never leave a

secure place without incurring risks. Moreover, security appears to be meaningless either as concept or practice

without an “Other” to help specify the conditions of insecurity that must be guarded against.

James Der Derian (1995), citing Nietzsche, points out that this “Other” is made manifest through differences that create terror and collective resentment of difference—leading to a state of fear—rather than a coming to terms with the positive potentials of difference. As these differences become less than convincing, or fail to be made manifest, however, their power to create fear and terror diminish, and so it becomes necessary to discover even more menacing

threats to reestablish difference. For this purpose, reality may no longer suffice. What is substituted, instead, is a dangerous world of imagined threats. Not imaginary threats, but threats conjured up as things that

could happen. Paradoxically, then, it becomes the imagined, unnamed party, with the clandestinely assembled and crude atomic device, and not the thousands of reliable, high-yield warheads mounted on missiles poised to launch at a moment’s

notice, that is used to create fear, terror, and calls for action. It is the speculation about mysterious actors behind blown up buildings and fallen jetliners, and not rather banal defects in wiring and fuel tanks, that creates the atmosphere

for greater surveillance and control. It is suspicion of neighbors, thought to be engaged in subversive or surreptitious

behaviors, listening to lewd lyrics or logged-on to lascivious Web pages, and not concerns about inner-city health and welfare, that brings calls for state intervention.

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Negative and simplistic caricatures of China are racist and weaken our ability to create intelligent foreign policy.Lubman, 04 (Stanley, "The Dragon As Demon: Images Of China On Capitol Hill" (March 4, 2004). Center for the Study of Law and Society Jurisprudence and Social Policy Program. JSP/Center for the Study of Law and Society Faculty Working Papers. Paper 18., Stanley Lubman is Lecturer in Law and Visiting Scholar at the Center for the Study of Law and Society, University of California ( Berkeley),

In Congress, alliances of partisans of single issues insist vocally on highly negative views of China. Critics of China’s human rights practices, including a repressive criminal process and suppression of dissent, have joined with members who speak for the religious right in decrying China’s birth-control policies and hostility to religions not licensed by the state. Supporters of Tibetan independence and an autonomous Taiwan add further heat to debate, as do others in whose geostrategic perspective China has already become a threat to American security. Underlying the views of some, echoing the labor

unions, is a commitment to protectionism. One respected Senator suggested during the debates that latent racism may lurk even deeper. These views cloud debate because they often caricature a complex society and foster unconstructive moralizing rather than analysis of the problems that they address. By demonizing China they obstruct the formulation and maintenance of a coherent American policy toward China and weaken Congress’ contribution to making US policy.

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Chinese threat literature is an exercise in the construction of US identity—not “true” statements about China. Pan, 04 (Political Science, Australian National U, Chengxin, Department of Political Science at Australian National University, “The ‘China Threat’ in American Self-Imagination: The Discursive Construction of Other as Power Politics”, Alternatives, June-July, ebscohost)

Instead, China as a "threat" has much to do with the particular mode of U.S. self-imagination. As Steve Chan notes: China is an object of attention not only because of its huge size, ancient legacy, or current or projected relative national

power. . . . The importance of China has to do with perceptions, especially those regarding the potential that Beijing will become an example, source, or model that contradicts Western liberalism as the reigning paradigm. In an era of supposed universalizing cosmopolitanism, China demonstrates the potency and persistence of nationalism, and embodies an alternative to Western and especially U.S. conceptions of democracy and capitalism. China is a reminder that history is not close to an Certainly, I do not deny China's potential for strategic misbehavior in the global context, nor do I claim the "essential peacefulness" of Chinese culture." Having said that, my main point here is that there is no such thing as "Chinese reality" that can

automatically speak for itself, for example, as a "threat." Rather, the "China threat" is essentially a specifically social meaning given to China by its U.S. observers, a meaning that cannot be disconnected from the dominant U.S. self-construction. Thus, to fully understand the U.S. "China threat" argument, it is essential to recognize its autobiographical nature. Indeed, the construction of other is not only a product of U.S. self-imagination, but often a

necessary foil to it. For example, by taking this representation of China as Chinese reality per se, those scholars are able to assert their self-identity as "mature," "rational" realists capable of knowing the "hard facts" of international politics, in distinction from those "idealists" whose views are said to be grounded more in "an article of faith" than in "historical experience."41 On the other hand, given that history is apparently not "progressively"

linear, the invocation of a certain other not only helps explain away such historical uncertainties or "anomalies" and maintain the credibility of the allegedly universal path trodden by the United States, but also serves to highlight U.S. "indispensability." As Samuel Huntington puts it, "If being an American means being committed to the principles of liberty, democracy, individualism, and private property, and if there is no evil empire out there threatening those principles, what indeed does it mean to be an American, and what becomes of American

national interests?" In this way, it seems that the constructions of the particular U.S. self and its other are always intertwined and mutually reinforcing.

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2NC CHINA ≠ THREAT (2/6) China is not a threat even by realist standards. Ye 2 (Jiang, Visiting Professor at College of IR, Ritsumeikan University, Japan, Professor, Humanity College, Shanghai Normal University, China; Will China be a “Threat” to Its Neighbors and the World in the Twenty First Century?,, DB)

Realist Perspectives on the Issue of “China Threat” The above comments on the theory of “China threat” are made through liberal IR theories such as the theory of globalization

analyzed by liberal IR scholars. Needlessly to say, it is mainly the realist IR theory that helps Western analysts to argue about the “China threat”. As well known, power politics is the basis of realist IR theory. For realists international relations are best understood by focusing on the distribution of power among states, because relations among states take place in the absence of a world government, which means that the international system is anarchical. According to those who have argued that China has been or will be the “threat,” it is mainly because China’s national power has been increased recently that the international power structure has undergone great changes, which will lead China to be a “threat” to its neighbors in the region and to the world at large. But even if we agree with the method of realist argument, we still need to ask a key question-whether China’s national power has really increased to such an extent that it will threaten the security of the region and even that of the world. Power is hard to measure because it is hard to create a formula that allocates realistic relative weights to military might, economic capacity, leadership capability and other factors in the power equation. On the

other hand power is constantly in flux which means power is dynamic. In order to create a framework to measure power according to its characteristics, most IR scholars tend to agree that when we measure any state’s power it should be divided into two types, one is “hard power” or “coercive power” and the other is “soft power” or “persuasive power ” . Any state’s military, economic and other assets contribute to “hard power” which traditionally can make another countries to do or not do something. The assets as moral authority or technological excellence that enhance a country’s image of leadership contribute to “soft power”. With the division of the two types of power in mind, let us measure whether China’s power has been great enough to be a threat in a realistic way. As anyone agrees, China is a rising power. From 1979 to 1997 China’s GDP grew at an average annual rate of 9.8% and even against the background of Southeast Asia financial crisis, China’s GDP grew at 7.8% in 1998 and even above 8% in 1999. From 2000 China’s real GDP began to exceed US$1,000 billion.15 According to Chinese official data that China’s 2001 real GDP has reached 9,593.3 billion Chinese Yuan which almost

equals to US$1.16 trillion.16 China’s GDP is now the seventh largest in the world and mainland China (except Hong Kong) is now the tenth-ranked international trader.

China’s foreign currency reserve is the second largest in the world after Japan. Yet, if we read all these numbers against the background of China’s huge population the picture will be quite different. China’s population has already exceeded 1.3 billion, which means that China’s real per capita GDP is only 7379.46 Chinese Yuan or less than US$1,000. Even according to CIA’s questionable PPP (purchasing power parity) estimation, Chinese per capita GDP is US$3,600, much lower than the world average US$7,200, and ranked at 133th.17 With such low per capita GDP China at best can be ranked as a median ranged power that Gerald Segal described in his article, “Does China Matter? ” in Foreign

Affairs in 1999.18 Just as China’s per capita GDP shows that China’s hard power is not as strong as those who argue about the “China threat” have imagined, China’s real military power, which is the core of hard power, remains a second-rate power . According to China’s official announcement that from this fiscal year 2002-2003, China’s defense spending will have a 17.6 percent increase. Actually China has already raised its military budget by one-third over the course of the last two years. But considering the gap between China’s US$20 billion defense budget and the US defense budget of about US$ 400 billion, or even the disparity between China’s defense budget

and the Japan’s US$40.77 billion defense budget, China’s military power should be considered very limited, to say nothing of the immense and growing technological gap between China and the U.S. or Japan. Just

as former US assistant secretary of defense Lawrence J. Korb expressed in a recent article: “China is not, and is extremely unlikely to be, a strategic military threat the way the Soviet Union once was.” 19 Some

Western sources and analysts prefer to estimate China’s defense budget much bigger than China’s officially announced figure. The estimation by CIA of China’s defense budget put it in the range from $45 billion to $65 billion for 2002, which still shows a big gap between China and the U.S. in military spending. If we use the

per capita defense expenditure index, the gap between China, the U.S. and Japan will be huge. While China’s hard power is essentially quite limited, its soft power is probably facing more serious challenge. For any state the core of the soft power may be the governing capacity-the capability of the government to mobilize political support, to provide public goods and to manage internal tensions. As we know, it is the policy of reform and opening to the world that has made possible the resent economic progresses in China such as consistently high growth rates, recent entry

into the WTO, and the huge amount of foreign direct investment (US$46 billion in 2001). At the same time, globalization has also brought about dramatic transformation in China’s economic, social, and to some extent political systems. During the transition period that began in the early 1980s, the Chinese government has faced and is still facing very series challenges to its governing capacity. There is no denying the fact that the gap between the rich and the poor in Chinese society has been widened tremendously as the economic reform has deepened. More than twenty years of pro-market reforms have produced a small number of millionaires and billionaires in China and a much larger number of impoverished people-the losers from reform. The urban unemployment rate is roughly around 10% while the unemployment and underemployment in rural areas are even more substantial. With limited revenue the state is unable to provide

assistance to the weak groups in society created in the process of the reform. What makes the situation more grave is that the corruption is widespread, as some of the ruling elite converted their public political power into private economic gains, building and profiting from patronage machines during the process of the economic reform, while the number of the poor people multiplied. All of these have undermined the political support to the government, although the Chinese government has tried to persuade the Chinese people to believe that the government would do its best to fight against corruption and help those week groups by executing some corruptive officials and by reforming the social security

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system. Although Chinese government has made tremendous efforts to provide enough public goods such as education, public health, law and order while promoting the reform and opening to the world, its recent performance still lags behind that of many developing countries. For a considerable period China’s education spending has been around 2.5 percent of its GDP22, below the average of 3.4 percent for most developing countries. China’s public health-care system has also been lagging behind many developing countries. According to the World Health Organization, China’s health system ranked 144th in the world, placing it among the bottom quartile of WHO members, behind India, Indonesia, and Bangladesh.23 Because the capabilities of the Chinese government to mobilize political support and to provide public goods have been weakened, the government’s capability to manage the internal tensions also faces a great challenge, which has led some western scholars to argue that China is facing a hidden crisis of

governance.24 The argument that China is facing a hidden crisis of governance needs to be made with stronger evidence and systematic theoretical analysis. One thing seems clear: even from a realist perspective, China’s soft power is almost the same as its hard power, that is, far from strong enough to “threaten” its neighbors and the world. Actually it is Chinese ruling elites themselves who are more aware of China’s realities in terms of both hard power and soft power, especially during the period of its leadership succession. The pervasive propaganda of the “Three Represents” theory25 demonstrates that the top ruling elites are deeply concerned about the legitimacy of the ruling Party-CPC and are really worried about the government’s capability of governance. At the same time the official acceptance of the inevitable trend of globalization and the willingness of moving along in harmony with globalization indicates that Chinese elites are keenly aware of the relative weakness of China’s power and the absolute necessity of cooperating with other countries in the international systems formed by the force of globalization.

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2NC CHINA ≠ THREAT (3/6) China is peacefully integrating into the world system - self-interest motivates international cooperation. Ye 2 (Jiang, Visiting Professor at College of IR, Ritsumeikan University, Japan, Professor, Humanity College, Shanghai Normal University, China; Will China be a “Threat” to Its Neighbors and the World in the Twenty First Century?,, DB)

No doubt, globalization has led the integration and the interdependence of all the actors in the international system to an unprecedented degree and the cooperative attitude of the state-still the main actor in the international system. Importantly, China as a rising power seems to be orienting itself much more than the established powers towards cooperation, because it perceives that the political authority of the states in the contemporary international system is in decline. For example, Chinese premier Zhu Rongji went to Washington to discuss China’s admission to the World Trade Organization, in April 1999 when NATO led by the United States was conducting air strikes against Yugoslavia, which China did not support and during which Chinese Embassy was hit by U.S. missiles. Obviously, the Chinese premier’s visit reflected the tremendous change in Chinese attitude toward the international system. Unlike Germany in the late 19th and early 20th century or Japan in the period between the two world wars, China as a rising power prefers to merge into the international cooperative regimes like WTO and tries its best to cooperate with the established powers and follow the international norms and rules. The behavioral change of the rising power is caused by the changes in the international system. In the traditional international system dominated by power politics the level of integration and interdependence was very low because there were no efficient international organizations such as WTO, IMF, World Bank, etc, nor were there any orientation towards cooperation for both the established or the rising powers. While in the contemporary international system pushed by the force of globalization both established powers

and rising powers are willing to cooperate with each other. With the behavioral changes of the actors in the contemporary international system in mind, it will be easier for us to find the flaws in the arguments about China threat. The Chinese official attitude towards the phenomenon of globalization can also help us to see how the structural change of the international system

since the end of the Cold War has influenced the rising power itself. According to China’s official statement, economic globalization is an inevitable trend of the economic development of the contemporary world. The Chinese government openly admits that “since the beginning of the 1990s, with the end of the Cold War, science and technology have developed rapidly and transnational companies have continued their expansion. The globalization process has obviously sped up, with conspicuous expressions found in the accelerated flow and disposition of production factors in the global sphere, the deepening of mutual influence of the economies in various countries and the strengthening of interlinks.” 8 With the guidance of

such a new ideology that moved away from orthodox Marxism, China has adjusted its attitude toward the world economic system from self-reliance to cooperation. China has already become a member of the IMF, the World Bank, and other international economic institutions and has been very active in those institutions that it once condemned as tools of capitalist imperialism. In December 2001 Chinese government proudly declared to the world that China had become the member of the WTO after long negotiations with United States and the European Union. All these actions exhibit clearly the willingness of the Chinese government to integrate China into the world market

system and catch up with the quick pace of globalization. This is in sharp contrast with the actions of Germany and Japan in the period between the two world wars.

Germany and Japan carried out autarkic economic policies in the 1930s, which led them to leave the world market and caused them to confront the established powers like Great Britain and United States. In contrast China has not only shifted its attitude towards the world market from self-reliance to cooperation but also has been taking a more active role in those international economic regimes. One of the main reasons why China as a rising power has not followed the examples of Germany and Japan in the 1930s is that the international system has changed. All states-the main international actors-operate in the international social-economic-political geographic environment and the specific characteristics of the international system help determine the pattern of the behaviors and intentions of the states. In the traditional power politic international system before World War Two there were few international cooperation regimes to regulate the behavior of the actors and the space for the rising powers was so narrow that the main method for them to further

their national interests was to concur and conflict with the existed powers. While under the development of globalization the international cooperation regimes are playing more and more important roles in the present international system and it will be more difficult for the rising power to further its national interests without cooperation with other powers within those regimes. That is why China has tried and is still trying its best to join and to act positively in the international organizations such as UN, WTO, IMF, and so on. China’s engagement with the world market and the multilateral international economic organizations is companied by its involvement in international and regional security institutions. The past few years have already seen the increasing interests and willingness of China to embrace the multilateral security mechanism, including its engagement with ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF). The ARF was initially established as a partial response to the

territorial disputes (South China Sea) with China and the concerns of US military readjustment in East Asia after the Cold War. China’s engagement with ARF, the regional multilateral security institution, has been widely recognized as a significant contributing element to encourage the development of features of inclusive nature of multilateralism. China’s participation in the security institutions9 shows that in the globalized international system self-interested actors prefer to construct institutions to enhance cooperation on security issues. Perhaps the adjustment of China’s behavior came from its anticipation of other states’ preference for cooperation within international security institutions, or from the institutions’ monitoring and sanctioning provision. But the fact remains that China is experiencing a kind of socialization under the international security institutions. It is worth noting that China’s confidence and further interest in deeper and broader participation in the regional security regimes improve its cooperation quality in reinforcing the process of norm diffusion. With all of these in mind, one must be very cautious when arguing about the China threat in the new century. It is quite common for Western IR scholars to argue that Chinese history and its domestic affairs cause China to prefer assertiveness strategy that will lead to China’s threat to the region and to the world. But a deep appreciation of Chinese history and its culture would tell one that such argument is lopsided if not prejudiced. The Chinese are proud of their culture and long history, and the traditional Confucian ideology of “restraining oneself and restoring the ritual to the world” has taught the Chinese not to impose its culture or world view upon others. Traditionally, Chinese elites would rather lead by example than by forceful conversion when China was a dominant power in the region in premodern times. Even when communist ideology prevailed and China’s foreign policy contained an element of exporting revolution, China was much less active than was the Soviet Union in trying to convert others. This is not to say that there have never been any assertive or aggressive elements in Chinese foreign policy. The

point is that under the strong influence of Confucian tradition China has been modeled and cultivated to be reactive rather than aggressive. While there were assertive and aggressive elements in terms of military action on the part of China in pre-modern times, many Western scholars have pointed out that historically Chinese military action has been defensive or punitive in nature and seldom imperialistic. Even the late Gerald Segal, a prominent western scholar for Chinese studies who was not so friendly to China, also conceded the same point in his book

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Defending China.10 From a Chinese perspective, military force is only used for domestic stability as in the case of Tibet and Taiwan or for national defense as in the case of Korea, India, and Vietnam.11 The traditional Confucian doctrine of “mean and mediocre” has helped the Chinese to adjust itself with ease in the transition from the great power politics to the current international politics that places emphasis on multilateralism and interdependence with the backdrop of globalization. Since the People’s Republic of China was founded, the pillar of China’s foreign policy has been the “Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence” laid out by the late Premier Zhou Enlai. Although Chinese behavior in the international community during the Mao era often contradicted the “Five Principles” to some extent12, such a contradiction has largely disappeared since the 1980s when Deng Xiaoping began to change Mao’s revolutionary ideology and initiated the policy of reforming and opening up to the world. With considerable speed the Chinese economy has been moving into global capitalist market system while extensive economic and cultural ties have already developed between China and the rest of the world especially between China and the West. It has been estimated that since the beginning of the 1990s’ as much as 20-40 percent of China’s gross national product has come from foreign trade.13 This certainly will lead China to persist in the policy of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in dealing with any other countries, especially with its neighbor countries such as Japan and its main trade partners like partners, also depend USA. A breakdown of the relationships across the Pacific would be disastrous

for China. Roughly 35 percent of China’s exports go to the United States. Moreover two of its most important trading on their ability to export to the American market.14 It is hard to imagine that China will be able to make any profit by de-stablizing the stability of the Pacific region or by stirring up trouble with United States.

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Even in a realist perspective – China is not a threatYe 2 (Jiang, Visiting Professor at College of IR, Ritsumeikan University, Japan, Professor, Humanity College, Shanghai Normal University, China; Will China be a “Threat” to Its Neighbors and the World in the Twenty First Century?,, DB)

Although Chinese government has made tremendous efforts to provide enough public goods such as education, public health, law and order while promoting the reform and opening to the world, its recent performance still lags behind that of many developing countries. For a considerable period China’s education spending has been around 2.5 percent of its GDP22, below the average of 3.4 percent for most developing countries. China’s public health-care system has also been lagging behind many developing

countries. According to the World Health Organization, China’s health system ranked 144th in the world, placing it among the bottom quartile of WHO members, behind India, Indonesia, and Bangladesh.23

Because the capabilities of the Chinese government to mobilize political support and to provide public goods have been weakened, the government’s capability to manage the internal tensions also faces a great challenge, which has led some western scholars to argue that China is facing a hidden crisis of governance.24 The argument that China is facing a hidden crisis of governance needs to be made with

stronger evidence and systematic theoretical analysis. One thing seems clear: even from a realist perspective, China’s soft power is almost the same as its hard power, that is, far from strong enough to “threaten” its neighbors and the world. Actually it is Chinese ruling elites themselves who are more aware of China’s realities in terms of both hard power and soft power, especially during the period of its leadership succession. The pervasive propaganda of the “Three Represents” theory25 demonstrates that the top ruling elites are deeply concerned about the legitimacy

of the ruling Party-CPC and are really worried about the government’s capability of governance. At the same time the official acceptance of the inevitable trend of globalization and the willingness of moving along in harmony with globalization indicates that Chinese elites are keenly aware of the relative weakness of China’s power and the absolute necessity of cooperating with other countries in the international systems formed by the force of globalization.

Chinese military spending proves that it is not a threat. Haizhou and Guangjin 10 (Zhang and Cheng, staff writers for China Daily, “China's military not a threat: Major General”,, DB)

Beijing: China's military development will not challenge the United States, a People's Liberation Army (PLA) major general and member of the country's top political advisory body said on

Wednesday. "China is the only permanent member of the UN Security Council that has not achieved territorial integrity," said Luo Yuan, a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

(CPPCC) and senior researcher with the Academy of Military Sciences. "We need to think more on how to preserve national integrity. We have no intention of challenging the US," he added. Luo's remarks came just before the opening of the third session of the 11th CPPCC, in response to Senior Colonel Liu Mingfu, who recently said in his newly published book that China should build the world's strongest military. "That's just his ambition," Luo said. "China's big goal in the 21st century is to become the world's No 1, the top power," Liu wrote in The China Dream, which appeared on the bookshelves in Beijing just a few days ago. Liu's 303-page book stands out for its boldness in a recent chorus of strong voices demanding a hard shove back against Washington over the US' arms sale to Taiwan and US President Barack Obama's meeting with the Dalai Lama. "I'm very pessimistic about the future," writes Colonel Dai Xu, in another recently published book, claiming China is largely surrounded by hostile or wary countries beholden to the US. "I believe that China cannot escape the calamity of war and this calamity may come in the not-too-distant future, at most in 10 to 20 years." Several others do not agree with the two

PLA writers. Zhao Qizheng, spokesman for the CPPCC, said China's military power does not threaten other countries. "China's defense spending was just about 1.4 or 1.5 percent of the country's GDP in recent years. US defense spending was more than 4 percent of its GDP, which is three times as big as China's," Zhao said on Tuesday. China's military budget in 2009 was 480 billion yuan ($70 billion). Zhao said only about a third of China's military spending went into the research, development and purchase of new weapons.

"Maybe it's not enough to buy a B2 bomber," he added. US military spending, by contrast, was about $494 billion, according to the Washington-based Center for Defense Information. "China's development does not aim at challenging any other country. China does not aim to change the current international system either," said another anonymous PLA officer and researcher with a top military think tank. Even though he admitted that Beijing has "all the necessary" sophisticated weapons, "we cannot compare with the US in terms of

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quantity". "Personally, I do not agree with big talks by some scholars, (which) could only misdirect China's national image," he said. "We should do more, but speak less."

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China is not a threat – demographics – Japan proves it is just fear-mongeringMcGuire 10 (D.J., co-founder of the China e-Lobby and the author of “Dragon in the Dark: How and Why Communist China Helps Our Enemies in the War on Terror.”, 3/4/10, The Epoch Times, “Deciphering Current Views on Chinese Regime Threat”,

The Zeitgeist had two more examples of where we are vis a vis Communist China: the threat is understood by most to be real, but perhaps stronger than it truly is. Unfortunately, those who know enough to understand how weak the Chinese Communist regime is still use that fact to ignore—to our peril—the Party’s motives. Our first example is unusual—broadcast television. CBS’ NCIS: Los Angeles is a new favorite in the household, with plots that usually surround your typical crime drama with a military veneer. On occasion, the show ventures into modern geopolitics—almost always regarding the Wahhabist-Ba'athist-Khomeinist War (better known as the War on Terror). This week, however, viewers were treated to one of the most anti-Communist TV hours since the Permanent Normal Trade Relations debate of a decade ago. An investigation of a naval officer’s suicide uncovers an espionage ring of whole families who agree to raise children as intelligence agents in exchange for life in America—and permission to have more than one child (the officer himself was the would-be spy; he took his own life rather than betray the United States). Now, whether Communist Chinese intel is smart enough (perhaps) and patient enough (absolutely) to hatch a plot like that isn’t the point. Here’s what is: the major themes of the anti-Communist movement—the danger of CCP espionage, the plight of regime victims bullied into becoming regime agents, the horrifying "one child" fiasco—were aired across the country on a major

network for all to see. If even Hollywood is prepared to accept the Communist Chinese threat, Washington can’t be that far behind. Unfortunately, so long as Washington continues to attract the Tom Friedmans of

the world, it will be a maddening place in the interim. This is why the Washington Post piece "There's a new Red Scare. But is China really so scary?" by Steve Mufson and John Pomfret is so helpful—to a point. The former Post correspondents in Communist China detail the holes in the “Chinese century” theory. Among the juicier nuggets:

"Projections of China’s economic growth seem to shortchange the country’s looming demographic crisis: It is going to be the first nation in the world to grow old before it gets rich. By the middle of this century the percentage of its population above age 60 will be higher than in the United States, and more than 100 million Chinese will be older than 80. China also faces serious water shortages that could hurt enterprises from wheat farms to power plants to microchip manufacturers. 'And about all those engineers? In 2006, the New York Times reported that China graduates 600,000 a year compared with 70,000 in the United States. The Times report was quoted on the House floor. Just one problem: China’s statisticians count car mechanics and refrigerator repairmen as ‘engineers.'" In other

words, the CCP isn’t nearly as strong as so many fear. Unfortunately, Pomfret and Mufson make an increasingly

common mistake. Some decades ago, Americans were obsessed with another emerging Asian giant: Japan.

But then something happened. Japan’s economy lost its game. The 1990s became a "lost decade," so much so that during the toughest days of the recent financial crisis, Japan was invoked as a cautionary tale, lest we not do enough to jump-start our economy. Indeed, I remember when fear of a rising Japan seemed to consume America. There’s only one problem: Japan was an American ally, a fact that always made the Nippophobia (assuming that’s a word) overblown and ridiculous. The CCP, by contrast, is an American enemy. This motive, lost on Mufson and Pomfret, but not on the Writers' Guild, makes all the difference. In the 1970s, European Communism was an economic basket case, too. The Soviet Union had a leader growing more and more detached from reality as his people suffered deeply. Yet the Soviets, like the CCP today, saw these weaknesses as reason to expand their power around the globe (in order to counteract the weakness), and because they came up against an unsure and self-doubting America, the decade that was supposed to spell out their doom turned into their best shot at global domination. The Chinese

Communist Party is in similar desperate straits, and may be facing a similarly distracted and despairing America. The CCP’s weakness should reassure us about our position, but not reassure us about the Party’s motive. That last part is still something Washington hasn’t quite figured out. That Hollywood—of all places—has figured this out is a good sign, but also a reminder of how far we still have to go until China is once again free and America is at last secure.

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China’s rise is peacefulXiao, 10 – Professor of International Politics at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs at Fudan University, Acting Director and Senior Fellow at the Department of American Studies at the Shanghai Institute for International Studies (Ren, "The International Relations Theoretical Discourse in China: One World, Different Explanations", Journal of Chinese Political Science, Vol. 15, Issue 1, March 2010, July 21st 2010, p. 18, KONTOPOULOS) PDF

The above words are a discussion about China’s distinctive international relations discourse. The Chinese viewpoints have changed over the years, sometimes because the leadership changed, sometimes due to a change in the international environment, and sometimes because the leaders’ thinking about the international environment changed, even though the environment did not change much.24 Some changes were fundamental such as that in China’s identification of current era from “war and revolution” to “peace and development.” The latter’s role in Chinese foreign policy making can never be overestimated. However, in the reform and opening years, continuation is clearly the major aspect of the Chinese foreign policy thinking. Over the past three decades,

China has adopted its own “independent and peace-oriented foreign policy.” From China’s perspective,

independence means that China does not simply follow others. Rather, it has its own views of the world and its own principles about international and regional disputes, and it makes objective and fair-minded judgments according to the rights and wrongs of the matter itself. Peace-oriented diplomacy means any diplomatic action has to be in favor of world peace, since development can only be achieved in a peaceful environment. And a crucial part of Chinese foreign relations is good neighbor

policy, which seeks to actively develop relations with the neighboring countries.25 In addition, a core foreign policy is that China neither attaches itself to any great power or power group, nor yields to any great power’s pressure, and does not ally with any great power. This is a conclusion reached after China has

summed up its experience over the past decades, and has become a long-term policy. Thus, IR theoretical discourse in China is inseparable from this “independent and peace-oriented foreign policy.” In other words, the theories are a logical result of China’s carrying out an independent foreign policy. Along with the rise of China’s international status, the possibility for China’s ideas to be accepted by others is also growing. For instance, “multipolarization” which China espouses and encourages, has been written down in the Sino-Russian Joint Communiqué on World Multipolarization and the Establishment of New International Order in April 1997, and later in

the Sino-French Joint Communiqué in May 1997. The latter states that “the two sides decide to closely cooperate further and enhance the world multipolarization process, ...[and] oppose any attempt to dominate in international affairs in order to achieve a more prosperous, stable, secure, and balanced world.” China’s rich historical and cultural tradition, plus its varied foreign policy practice, breeds its own diplomatic thoughts and theoretical discourse. In addition to this analysis, substantial work remains to be done in the future.

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The claim isn’t that the material reality conditions that create “threats” don’t exist—its that the meaning of those material conditions are molded in discourse, and that saying that some are threatening while others are not is entirely constructed and can be changed on a discursive level. Weldes, 99 (professor of IR at the University of Bristol, 1999 (Cultures of Insecurity, p. 12-13)

At this point it is important to clarify what we mean in referring to insecurities as social constructions, in order to preempt objections that some readers may have. Critics of constructivism sometimes understand a phrase such as, for example, “the social construction of the Soviet threat” (e.g., Nathanson, 1988) to mean that the Soviet threat did not in fact exist, that it was purely a fabrication. However, to refer to something as socially constructed is not at all the same as saying that it does not exist. A brief discussion of the example of nuclear insecurity may help define the distinctive nature of a constructivist perspective in security

studies. Our constructivism would not deny that nuclear weapons exist, that their use could maim and kill millions of people, and that a number of states possess a nuclear capability (including the United States,

Russia, Britain, France, China, Israel, India, and Pakistan, at least). On this a constructivist and the most empiricist arms-control experts can agree. However, our constructivism is interested in how one gets from here to such widely shared propositions as these: that the United States is threatened by Russian, but not by British, nuclear weapons; that Third World states are more likely to use their nuclear weapons than Western countries; that Iraq’s nuclear potential is more threatening than the United States’ nuclear arsenal; and that the United States is safer with nuclear weapons than it would be without them. In

the face of the heterogeneous dangers represented by nuclear weapons, there is nonetheless an established common sense, made real in collective discourse, that foregrounds some dangers while repressing or ignoring others so that, for example, Americans are likely to be more afraid of Pakistani than of British nuclear weapons, although neither have ever been used. It is this discursive constitution of the threat represented by nuclear weapons that we refer to as “construction,” and it means not that the weapons have been made up but that their meaning has been molded in discourse. As the

nuclear example immediately makes clear, these are not simply academic issues without significance in the “real world.” It matters deeply for a host of social relations whether one is more afraid of, say, an Iraqi or Swedish bomb, of carcinogens produced at the Rocky Flats plutonium plant or of a Russian first strike. Although conventional approaches in security studies might produce claims of a clear answer to such questions, a critical constructivist analysis works more deconstructively, producing not simple answers but forms of analysis that show how such answers become, in Roland Barthes’s phrase, “falsely obvious” (1972: 11).

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Even if threats are real, the question of how we choose to frame and react to them is crucial. Tuathail, 01 – Professor of Government and International Affairs and Director of the Masters of Public and International Affairs program at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Gearóid Ó, "Understanding Critical Geopolitics: Geopolitics and Risk Society", Geopolitics, Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 22, Issue 2/3, 2001, July 16th 2010, p. 12, KONTOPOULOS) PDF

None of this is to suggest that so-called "rogue states' are not threats that sometimes require resolute

international response. Rather, it is to challenge the ways in which the threat is represented as a territorial threat 'out there' from 'non-Western others' rather than as a pervasive threat from our very own techno-scientific modernity. Behind the territorializing of global risks in 'rogue stales' is a broader geopolitical question that is central to geopolitics today and likely to remain so into the twenty-first century: how does the West respond to the inevitable diffusion of weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles, techno-scientific capabilities pioneered by superpower military-industrial complexes, to developing states, to rogue stales and even

to failing states? Put differently, how is the Enlightenment West going to deal with the diffusion of its most deadly weapons, substances and delivery vehicles to the non-West? Whether the West responds by acknowledging that the problem is techno-scientific modernity as a whole - acknowledging that "we (too) are the enemy', that 'our' laboratories, 'our* corporations and 'our' scientists first developed most of the weapons that now threaten us - or whether it responds by territorializing logics that view the problem as 'out there' with 'them' is a crucial question.

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Critical interrogation key to effective policy-makingTuathail, 01 – Professor of Government and International Affairs and Director of the Masters of Public and International Affairs program at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Gearóid Ó, "Understanding Critical Geopolitics: Geopolitics and Risk Society", Geopolitics, Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 22, Issue 2/3, 2001, July 16th 2010, p. 5, KONTOPOULOS) PDF

Ironically, the vertigo of our contemporary condition has rendered critical geopolitics more relevant to policy making than ever before while shifting political winds have brought some former peace movement

figures to political power (Vaclav Havel in the Czech Republic and Josehka Fischer in Germany, for example). Critical geopolitics has long taken the dynamics of globalization, informationalization and "risk society" seriously, recognizing that a new modernity of 'and' (ambivalence, multiplicity, simultaneity, globality, uncertainty, formlessness and borderlessness) is exploding in our inherited modernity of "either-or" (calculability. singularity, linearity, nationality, certainty,

dimensionality and [b]orders).3 Like orthodox geopolitics, critical geopolitics is both a politically minded practice and a geopolitics, an explicitly political account of the contemporary geopolitical condition that seeks to influence politics. Unlike orthodox geopolitics, critical geopolitics has a much richer understanding of the problematic of 'geopolitics' and a better conceptual grasp. I wish to argue, of the problems facing states in conditions of advanced modernity. This is a brief introduction to critical geopolitics. As an

approach, critical geopolitics begins by arguing that 'geopolitics' is a much broader and more complex problematic than is acknowledged in orthodox understandings of the concept. to claim that geopolitics is the study of the influence of 'geography' on the practice of foreign policy by states is not to specify a narrow

problematic for 'geography' has a multiplicity of different meanings. All states are territorial and all foreign policy strategizing and practice is conditioned by territoriality, shaped by geographical location, and informed by certain geographical understandings about the world. Geography is not a fixed substratum as some claim but an historical and social form of knowledge about the earth. To consult 'geography' historically was not to view raw

physical landscape or 'nature' but to read a book. Though often forgotten today, 'geography' is not 'nature'. Rather, geography is an inescapably social and political geo-graphing, an 'earth writing'. It is a cultural and political writing of meanings about the world.4 Similarly, geopolitics is a writing of the geographical meanings and politics of states.

Social construction of threats utterly shape foreign policyTuathail, 01 – Professor of Government and International Affairs and Director of the Masters of Public and International Affairs program at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Gearóid Ó, "Understanding Critical Geopolitics: Geopolitics and Risk Society", Geopolitics, Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 22, Issue 2/3, 2001, July 16th 2010, p. 5-6, KONTOPOULOS) PDF

For heuristic research purposes, critical geopolitics divides geopolitics into formal, practical, popular and strucutural geopolitics (see Table 1, p. 111). Formal geopolitics refers to what is usually considered 'geopolitical thought' or 'the geopolitical tradition'. It is a problematic of intellectuals, institutions and the forces shaping geopolitical thought in particular places and contexts. Practical geopolitics is concerned with the geographical politics involved in the everyday practice of foreign policy. It

addresses how common geographical understandings and perceptions enframe foreign policy conceptualization and decision making. A good recent example of this is how the geographical notion of 'the Balkans' helped condition how US foreign policy-makers approached, conceptualized and responded to the Bosnian Civil War, with damaging results for the region and for European security. Popular geopolitics refers to the geographical politics created and debated by the various

media-shaping popular culture. It addresses the social construction and perpetuation of certain collective national and transnational understandings of places and peoples beyond one's own borders, what Dijkink refers to as 'national identity and geopolitical visions'.5 Finally, structural geopolitics involves the study of the structural processes and tendencies that condition how all states practice foreign policy. Today, these processes include, as we have noted, globalization, informationalization and the proliferating risks unleashed by the successes of our techno-scientific civilization accross the earth.

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The alternative radically and critically confronts the assumptions of security thinking. Place yourself in opposition to the affirmative’s uncritical security discourse.Lipshutz, 02 (professor of politics at the University of California, 2000, Ronnie, After Authority, p. 53-55)

In a cohesive, conceptually robust state, a broadly accepted defintion of both national identity and the security speech acts needed to freeze that identity is developed and reinforced by each of these three groups as a form of Gramscian hegemony. Each group, in turn, contributes to the discourses that maintain that conventional wisdom. The authority and power of these groups, acting for

and within the state, is marshaled against putative threats, both internal and external. The institutions of the state oversee policies directed against these threats, and the specific “idea” of the state—and identity of its citizens—comes to be reinforced in terms of, first, how the state stands and acts in relation to those threats and, second, the way those responsible for maintenance of the idea (through socializaiton) communicate this

relationship. The outcome is a generally accepted authorized (by authorities) consensus on what is to be protected, the means through which this is to be accomplished, and the consequences if such actions are not taken. Such a consensus is by no means immutable. Things change. A catastrophe can undermine a consensual national epistemology, as in the case of Germany and Japan after World War II. But it is also possible that what might appear to others to be a disaster, for exampel, Iraq’s defeat in 1991, can also provide an opportunity for reinforcement of that epistemology, as has been apparent in Iraq since 1991. The systemic changes discussed earlier can also

undermine consensus, although much more slowly. Domestic and external forces can act so as to chip away or splinter hegemonic discourses by undermining the ideational and material bases essential to their maintenance and the authority of those who profess them. If there is some question about the legitimacy of the state and its institutions, or the validity of its authority, those in positions of discursive power may decide to rearticulate the relationship between citizen authority and state idea. Russian president Yeltsin’s (unsuccessful) search for a new “national idea” is an example of this. Another involves the restoration or refurbishment of old epistemologies (as in “despite the end of the Cold War, the world remains a dangerous place; therefore rely on our judgement which so often before has proved

valid”). To put my point another way, a consensual conception of security is stable only so long as people have a vested interest in the maintenance of that particular conception of security. If social change undermines the basis for this conception—for example, by diminishing the individual welfare of many people, by making the conception seem so remote as to be irrelevant, by forgetting the civic behaviors that once reminded everyone

about that conception—consensus can and will break down.

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The Chinese missile test is a response to the Bush administration’s argument that there is no need for space cooperation because there is no issue in space. China has made multiple efforts to cooperate with the US on space issues and has been repeatedly shut down. Now is the key time to re-orient our thinking about the Chinese space threat, before military buildup becomes a self-fulfilling threat. Hitchens, 07 (Jan 22, Director of the Center for Defense Information, Analysis: Chinese Anti-Satellite Weapons Test in Space is Provocative and Irresponsible,

At 5:28 p.m. EST on Jan. 11, 2007, China launched a medium-range ballistic missile at an old weather satellite in-orbit. The test destroyed the satellite and allowed China to pick up the reins of a space arms race that the United States officially dropped 20 years ago. This move is even more portentous now, as the United States is entirely dependent upon its space assets and has much to lose if it allows space to be weaponized. China’s FY-1C weather satellite, in a polar orbit, was launched in 1999 and approaching the end of its lifespan, but it still worked electronically. This capability allowed it to be tracked by Chinese radar and its path adjusted so that its orbit would be conducive to an intercept. However, to directly intercept an object moving roughly 15,000 mph takes a tremendous amount of accuracy. The FY-1C was spotted by various space surveillance networks on Jan. 11. It disappeared from view and then reappeared on Jan. 12 in a cloud of debris. Hundreds of thousands of debris fragments could eventually destroy one of the nearly 125 other satellites operating in the section of space

where the FY-1C was hit. China’s action was irresponsible, and should be roundly condemned. The deliberate creation of persistent space debris in a highly used orbit is simply unacceptable behavior in space. It is unclear what Beijing hoped to accomplish with this provocative test. China has been one of the major players pushing for a treaty that would prevent the weaponization of space. Due to the recent test, China now has lost much of its credibility in the international arena. Some observers have suggested that the ASAT test could have been a strategic move by the Chinese to bully the United States into actually discussing such a treaty. After all, the U.S. argument against such discussions has been that since there are no official space weapons programs, there is no space arms race -- and thus no need for a treaty against weaponizing space. This head-in-the-sand position has certainly backfired on Washington. There is another possibility: that China wanted an ASAT weapon to hold the United States at

bay and that Beijing’s diplomatic stance is simply a cover for its real goal of challenging the United States in space. There certainly are many in U.S. policy and military circles who believe that China is the new threat, and that the United States must ready itself for an eventual military conflict in the Pacific. Official U.S. reaction has been careful, but pointed. According to Gordon Johndroe, the National Security Council’s chief spokesman, “The United States believes China’s development and testing of such weapons is inconsistent with the spirit of cooperation that both countries aspire to in the civil

space area…We and other countries have expressed our concern regarding this action to the Chinese.” This is somewhat ironic, however, considering the aggressively unilateral path in space being trod by the

administration of George W. Bush. The latest National Space Policy (NSP) staunchly defends “unhindered” access to space for the United States, while the previous policy pushed for access to space for all countries. The new NSP also reveals a deep distrust of international institutions that does not bode well for international

cooperation on space-related matters. Also, China has been striving to become accepted by the United States as a peer space-faring power. It has attempted, to little avail, to become part of the consortium behind the International Space Station and has hosted the head of NASA in an effort to get some sort of bilateral relationship started. While China’s efforts to become a peer competitor of the United States in space could have positive implications – cooperation on civil space programs and so forth – they could also have

negative ones if Beijing and Washington are intent on military competition. The United States has a rapidly-disappearing window where it can construct a cooperative atmosphere for space-faring powers. China’s move should be roundly criticized for taking such a dangerous step toward the abyss of weaponizing

space, but Beijing should not be shunned. The failure of the Bush administration’s policy of refusing to engage with

North Korea shows the dangers of ignoring potential adversaries. Instead, the United States and the international community need to take the time to finally have the difficult discussion about what actions are acceptable in space and, more importantly, which ones are absolutely unacceptable. Otherwise, space will become the new Wild West, a situation that is guaranteed to put everyone’s space assets even more at risk.

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Their empiricism argument is backwards—discursive representations PRODUCE empirical results.Weldes, 99 – Senior Lecturer at Bristol University, Ph.D. in International Relations from the University of Minnesota, Former Assistant Professor at Kent State University (Jutta, Cultures of Insecurity, Chapter 1, p. 17-18, KONTOPOULOS)

Constructions of reality and the codes of intelligibility out of which they are produced provide both conditions of possibility and limits on possibility; that is, they make it possible to act in the world while simultaneously defining the "horizon of the taken-for-

granted". (Hall, 1988: 44) that marks the boundaries of common sense and accepted knowledge. Such codes and the constructions they generate become common sense or accepted knowledge when they have

successfully defined the relationship of particular constructions to reality as one of correspondence; that is, they are successful to the extent that they are treated as if they naturally or transparently reflect reality. In this way, social constructions are reified or naturalized, and both their constructed nature and their

particular social origins are obscured. The creation of common sense and accepted knowledge is thus what Stuart Hall

has called "the moment of extreme ideological closure" (1985: 105). In essence, the creation of common sense and accepted knowledge depends on the explicit invocation of an empiricist epistemology—such as

underpins conventional security studies and "rationalist" (Keohane, 1988) international relations theory in general. It depends on the implicit or explicit invocation of a correspondence theory of language and meaning in which words and concepts are thought to point to their ostensible empirical referents. By authoritatively defining "the real," dominant representations of insecurity remove from critical analysis and political debate what are in fact particular, interested constructions, thus endowing those particular representations with "common sense" and "reality." Conversely, anything outside of the discourse—statements expressing other possible worlds or forms of life, for example—is represented as implausible, ideological, or spurious and so often consigned to the realms of fiction, fantasy, or nonsense. A corollary of this argument is that discourses are sites of social power in at least two important ways. First, some discourses arc more powerful than others because they are located in and partake of institutional power. Statist discourses are a prominent example. All things being equal,

the representations of state officials have immediate prima facie plausibility to the extent that these officials can be constructed as representatives who speak for "us." Such representations are likely to be so regarded not because they tell-us what the world "really" is like but because they issue from the institutional power matrix

that is the state. In their representations of insecurity, for example, state officials can claim access to information produced by the state and denied to most outsiders. They also have privileged access to the

media (Herman and Chomsky, 1989). And, an important point not to be overlooked, their representations have constitutional legitimacy, especially in the construction of insecurity. After all, "national security" is generally understood to be quintessentially the business of the state and the identification of insecurities is thus a task thought rightly to belong to its officials. Dominant discourses, especially those of the state, thus become and remain dominant in part because of the power relations sustaining them. In extreme cases, when there is little or no challenge to the legitimacy of such dominant discourses, their representations of insecurity become hegemonic—that is, they receive assent from most, if not all, of their publics and competing representations are easily dismissed as at best naive, and at worst treasonous. Discourses are implicated in power relations in another important way as well. Because discourses bring with them the power to define and thus to constitute the world, these representations of insecurity are themselves important sources of power. As Foucaulr argued, "power and knowledge directly imply one another;... there is no power relation without the correlative constitution of a field of knowledge, nor any knowledge that does not presuppose and constitute at the same time power relations" (1979: 17). As a result, they themselves become sites of contestation.

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Societal perceptions of China are more important to the relationship than official government contacts. Liss, 03 (Journal of Contemporary China (2003), 12(35), 299–318, Images of China in the AmericanPrint Media: a survey from 2000 to 2002, Alexander Liss is an M.A. student in the Asian Studies Program at the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University,

American society’s images and perceptions of China have had several recurring themes over the years. In the past, some of these have included the perception of China as a potential market for American goods and as a potential supply of converts for American missionaries. These images changed during the years of diplomatic isolation of the Cold War, turning the Chinese into a vast horde of

‘reds’, a faceless, invincible mass that threatened all of Asia. In the post-Cold War world, Sino–US relations face an uncertain future. The time is not far off when there will again be two superpowers, and there is the potential for conflict between them. In this new era, it is interesting to examine what images of China have emerged in contemporary American society. The goal of this paper is to do just that. By examining articles about China in four major American daily newspapers, over a three-year period, a rough sketch emerges of how China is perceived to the ‘average’ reader of these four publications. These images, while interesting in their own right, also provide a valuable benchmark for the direction of Sino–US relations. Overall, it seems that, just as in past periods of rivalry, negative images of China overwhelm the positive. But, before we can conclude that the current relationship is also one of competition, there are also some significant images of a country whose future lies entwined with the US in a partnership, not a battle. If we can take the articles of this study as a representative slice of American society at large, the

general trend seems to be one in which, although China is sometimes viewed in a harsh and critical light, there is still hope for the two countries to come together—or even for China to become more like the United States. The relationship between the United States and China works on many levels and involves many actors. The phrase ‘Sino–US relations’ usually brings to mind an image of interaction between the governments of each country. Yet, if we merely examine the diplomacy between the two countries, then we are left with an incomplete picture of the forces that affect how the nations engage each other. A key element to consider is the relationship between the two societies. Popular opinion and popular perceptions of each culture in the eyes of the other are far more subtle elements to consider, yet they are no less important than the official acts of government, and indeed, may even be more so.

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The permutation results in continued enmityShambaugh 3 (David, Professor of Political Science & International Affairs and Director of the China Policy Program in the Elliot School of International Affairs at The George Washington University and nonresident Senior Fellow in the Foreign Policy Studies Program and Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies at The Brookings Institution, “Introduction: Imagining Demons: the rise of negative imagery in US-China relations,” Journal of Contemporary China, Volume 12, Issue 35, May, p. 235-236, DB)

Americans both romanticized and demonized China and the Chinese—consider-[end 235]ing them to be cultivated and erudite as well as despotic and heathen, earthy yet superstitious, ideological yet pragmatic, stoic yet sad*stic, conservative yet extremist, calm and introspective yet warlike and aggressive, weak yet formidable, and so on. For their part, the Chinese respected and sought to emulate the United States, while also feeling revulsion over many aspects of American society and culture and contempt for American behavior abroad. The United States was, for many Chinese, a ‘beautiful imperialist’ (Mei Di).

Sometimes these contradictory and dualistic images existed simultaneously in the collective mindsets of each, while during other periods one set of stereotypes became dominant and held sway for some time before swinging back in the opposite direction. Either way, scholars noted that this

ambivalence produced a ‘love–hate syndrome’ in mutual imagery.2 This dual syndrome played directly into a fairly repetitive cycle in the relations between the two countries: Mutual Enchantment → Raised Expectations → Unfulfilled Expectations → Disillusion and Disenchantment → Recrimination and Fallout → Separation and Hostility → Re-embrace and Re-enchantment. And then the cycle repeats. While not always mechanical and predictable, the Sino – American relationship over the past century has tended to follow this pattern while ambivalent mutual images have paralleled and underlaid the pattern. The result has been alternating amity and enmity. Two other aspects of Sino–American mutual perceptions have also been evident over time. The first is that neither side seems comfortable with, or is able to grasp, complexity in the other. While it is apparent that mutual images have become more diversified and realistic over time as a result of mutual

contact and interaction,3 the perceptions of the other are still often reduced to overly simplistic stereotypes and caricatures which lack nuance and sophistication. Consequently, because they are derived from overly generalized image structures, they do not tend to easily accommodate incongruous information that contradicts the stereotypical belief— thus producing reinforcing cognitive dissonance and misperception. Certain images—such as the Chinese perception of American hegemony

or the American perception of the Chinese government’s despotic nature—become so hardened and ingrained that behavior of the other is filtered through these dominant image constructs and does not allow for nuance or alternative explanations. The second noticeable element is that perceptions of the other tend to

say much more about the perceiver than the perceived. That is, there has been a persistent tendency to externalize beliefs about one’s own society and worldview on to the other. Writers, elites, and officials in each society are so imbued with their own worldviews that they not only instinctively impose it and its underlying assumptions on to the other, but reveal an extreme inability to ‘step outside’ of their own perceptual mindsets and see either the other or themselves as the other would. This results in mutual ‘deafness’ and unnecessary arrogance on each side.

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Realists have seized upon China as an example of their theories—ignoring that their conclusions arise out of fears over an uncertain American future and the will to justify military domination, not a “true” picture of China. Pan, 04 (Political Science, Australian National U, Chengxin, Department of Political Science at Australian National University, “The ‘China Threat’ in American Self-Imagination: The Discursive Construction of Other as Power Politics”, Alternatives, June-July, ebscohost)

Having examined how the "China threat" literature is enabled by and serves the purpose of a particular U.S. self-

construction, I want to turn now to the issue of how this literature represents a discursive construction of other, instead of an "objective" account of Chinese reality. This, I argue, has less to do with its portrayal of China as a threat per se than with its essentialization and totalization of China as an externally knowable object, independent of historically contingent contexts or dynamic international interactions. In this sense, the discursive construction of China as a threatening other cannot be detached from (neo)realism, a positivist. ahistorical framework of analysis within which global life is reduced to endless

interstate rivalry for power and survival. As many critical IR scholars have noted, (neo) realism is not a transcendent description of global reality but is predicated on the modernist Western identity, which, in the quest for scientific certainty, has come to define itself essentially as the sovereign territorial nation-state. This realist self-identity of Western states leads to the constitution of anarchy as the sphere of insecurity, disorder, and war. In an anarchical system, as (neo) realists argue, "the gain of one side is often considered to be the loss of the other,"''5 and "All other states are potential threats."'•^ In order to survive in such a system, states inevitably pursue power or capability. In doing so, these realist claims represent what R. B. J. Walker calls "a specific historical articulation of relations of universality/particularity and self/Other."^^ The (neo) realist paradigm has dominated the U.S. IR discipline in general and the U.S. China studies field in particular. As Kurt Campbell notes, after the end of the Cold War, a whole new crop of China experts "are much more likely to have a background in strategic studies or international relations than China itself. ""^^ As a result, for those experts to know China is nothing more or less than to undertake a geopolitical analysis of it, often by asking only a few questions such as how China will "behave" in a strategic sense and how it may affect the regional or global balance of power, with a particular emphasis on China's military power or capabilities. As Thomas J. Christensen notes, "Although many have focused on intentions as well as capabilities, the most prevalent component of the [China threat] debate is the assessment of China's overall future military

power compared with that of the United States and other East Asian regional powers."''^ Consequently, almost by default, China emerges as an absolute other and a threat thanks to this (neo) realist prism. The (neo) realist emphasis on survival and security in international relations dovetails perfectly with the U.S. self-imagination, because for the United States to define itself as the indispensable nation in a world of anarchy is often to demand absolute security. As James Chace and Caleb Carr note, "for over two centuries the aspiration toward an eventual condition of absolute security has been viewed as central to an effective American foreign policy."50 And this self-identification in turn leads to the definition of not only "tangible" foreign powers but global contingency and uncertainty per se as threats. For example, former U.S. President George H. W. Bush repeatedly said that "the enemy [of America] is unpredictability. The enemy is instability. "5' Similarly, arguing for the continuation of U.S. Cold War alliances, a high-ranking Pentagon official asked, "if we pull out, who knows what nervousness will result? "^2 Thus understood, by its very uncertain character, China would now automatically constitute a threat to the United States. For example, Bernstein and Munro believe that "China's political unpredictability, the always-present possibility that it will fall into a state of domestic disunion and factional fighting," constitutes a source of dangers. In like manner, Richard Betts and Thomas Christensen write: If the PLA [People's Liberation Army] remains second-rate, should the world breathe a sigh of relief? Not entirely. . . . Drawing China into the web of global interdependence may do more to encourage peace than war, but it cannot guarantee that the pursuit of heartfelt political interests will be blocked by a fear of economic consequences. . . . U.S. efforts to create a stable balance across the Taiwan Strait might deter the use of force under certain

circ*mstances, but certainly not all.54 The upshot, therefore, is that since China displays no absolute certainty for peace, it must be, by definition, an uncertainty, and hence, a threat. In the same way, a multitude of other unpredictable factors (such as ethnic rivalry, local insurgencies, overpopulation, drug trafficking, environmental degradation, rogue states, the spread of weapons of mass destruction, and international terrorism) have also been labeled as "threats" to U.S. security. Yet, it seems that in the post-Cold War environment, China represents a kind of uncertainty par excellence. "Whatever the prospects for a more peaceful, more democratic, and more just world order, nothing seems more uncertain today than the future of

post-Deng China,"55 argues Samuel Kim. And such an archetypical uncertainty is crucial to the enterprise of U.S. self-construction, because it seems that only an uncertainty with potentially global consequences such as China could justify U.S. indispensability or its continued world dominance. In this sense, Bruce Cumings aptly suggested in 1996 that China (as a threat) was basically "a metaphor for an enormously expensive Pentagon that has lost its bearings and that requires a formidable 'renegade state' to define its mission (Islam is rather vague, and Iran lacks necessary weights)."56

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Their realism inevitable argument does not apply to China—our relationship and the ways in which we choose to construct them are fluid. Yaqing, 10 – Assistant President of the Foreign Affairs College at Bejing and Professor of English and International Studies (Qin, "International Society as a Process: Institutions, Identities, and China’s Peaceful Rise", The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 2010, July 21st 2010, Vol. 3, No. 2, p. 21-22, KONTOPOULOS) PDF

Identity in process means that an actor’s identity is constructed and re-constructed by processual forces which come from relations in motion. If we follow Buzan’s categorization, any state could be called a revisionist, including the United States, the UK, or France, for in their identity revisionist elements can be easily detected. This is essentially

the concept of ‘identity in fixity’, static and non-transformable. The reality is that any identity is identity in process. In the past three decades, China’s success in peaceful rise has been mainly due to its own change, which comes from interaction with and practices in international society.45 We did not have another cold war because, to a large extent, China changed and brought the change as well as itself into international society. It is often argued over the question that such change is tactical or fundamental, or as a result of

calculation or of ideational reshaping.46 It is a false question, for the two again are inseparable.47 Change includes behavior change and identity change, which are inter- and correlated. Action starting from interest calculation leads an actor into a process and once inside the process mere interest calculation will not work, for the process has its own dynamics and the complex relations may entangle the actor in endless intersubjective practices. The intensive interaction among the actor and other actors and between the actor and the process is powerfully transformative.48

Bian thus is the key to understanding such processes. Continuity through change and change through intersubjective practices is the key to the process-oriented interpretation of society as well as of identity. Buzan argues that it will be extremely difficult for China to accept the primary institutions of international society. We may use one example to illustrate the opposite. Even if we take a brief look at the case of the market institution, we may see how the process approach works. The story tells us how China has accepted the institution of market economy and together with it how China has gradually changed its identity from a most rigidly planned economy to largely a market economy. The process is a difficult, gradual, and through all the ups and downs, but it is not necessarily violent. Market economy has been long a primary

institution of the Western international society. China’s acceptance of the institution of market economy was extremely difficult and painful at the beginning. For thirty years since 1949, China adopted the planned economy model and practiced it to the extreme during the Cultural Revolution. Market was not a mere economic issue. Rather it was related to China’s identity as a socialist state and to the Chinese Communist Party’s identity as a revolutionary party. The first serious test for China’s reform and opening up was therefore whether China would accept the market institution. Using the three steps in the process approach we argue that the key to this test was how to look at the two opposites: market and planning.

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Representations are key in the context of China—they deeply shape our policies and Chinese reactions. Goh 5 (Evelyn Goh, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and Visiting Fellow at the East-West Center, Constructing the U.S. Rapprochement with China, 1961-1974: From 'Red Menace' to 'Tacit Ally', p. 6-9, DB)

The alternative questions posed in this study may be recognized as the "how possible" queries emphasized by constructivists, in

contrast [end page 6] to the basic "why" questions that realists try to answer. 16 Constructivist approaches prioritize ideas and identity in the creation of state interests because they work from the basis that all reality is socially constructed. 17 The international system, for instance, does not exert an automatic "objective" causal

influence on states' actions. Rather, state policy choices result from a process of perception and interpretation by state actors, through which they come to understand the situation that the state faces and to formulate their responses. Furthermore, actors may, by their actions, alter systemic structures and trends. 18 Even beyond that, some constructivists argue that actors themselves change as they evolve new ideas and conceptions about identity and political communities. Thus, the constructivist understanding of "reality" centers upon the interaction of the material and the ideational. 19 The forging of this intersubjective context is a contentious process, but often

particular representations are so successful that they become a form of "common sense," encompassing a system of understanding about a body of subjects, objects, and issues with implicit policy consequences. This structure of representation may be termed a discourse, and a radical change in policy occurs when the prevailing discourse is challenged and altered. The key

conceptual focus in this study is on discourses, rather than on ideas, belief systems, or ideology, because the

former conveys more effectively the multifaceted process by which meaning is constituted by policy actors and by which policy choices are constructed, contested, and implemented. Discourses may be understood as linguistic representations and rhetorical strategies by which a people create meaning about the world, and they are critical to the process by which ideas are translated into [end page 7] policy in two ways. 20 First, they perform a constraining or enabling function with regard to state action, in the sense that policy options may be rendered more or less reasonable by particular understandings of, for instance, China, the United States, and the relations between them. 21 Second, discursive practice is an integral element of sociopolitical relations of power. 22 As a key means of producing the categories and boundaries of knowledge by which reality is understood and explained by society, discourses are often deliberate and instrumental. In representing subjects and their relationships in certain ways, political actors have particular objectives and

specific audiences in mind. Here, the focus on changing discursive representations of China and China policy in official American circles allows us to study in particular the policy advocacy process – within internal official circles, to the public, and to the other party in the bilateral relationship – in a significant policy reversal. Bringing to bear the understanding that the creation of meaning by discursive practice is an essential means of influencing political action, this book investigates the contested process by which the different actors and parties defined and redefined identities, generated new knowledge, and created new meanings in order to construct and maintain a

new U.S.-China relationship. In this study, each discourse about China may be understood to encompass the following elements: an image or representation of China; a related representation of U.S. identity; an interpretation of the nature of U.S.-China relations; and the "logical" policy options that flow from these representations. For ease of reference, each subdiscourse that is identified here is centered

upon the core image of China upon which it is built. An image is simply the perception of a particular object or subject, the normative [end page 8] evaluation of it, and the identity and meaning ascribed to it. 23 The concept of images is employed here mainly as an analytical shorthand, as the image is but one of four subcomponents of each discourse. 24

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China is very sensitive to threat discourse—representations uniquely shape reality in this context. Krolikowski 8 (Alanna, doctoral student in International Relations at the Department of Political Science of University of Toronto, MA in International Relations at the Munk Centre for International Relations of the University of Toronto; State Personhood in Ontological Security Theories of International Relations and Chinese Nationalism: A Sceptical View:, DB)

This inconsistency between China’s putative maladapted type and its conduct toward other actors is further indicated by changes to China’s self-representations or, in other words, to the discourses through which China describes and explains itself and its circ*mstances to other actors. Returning to Giddens’s formulation of ontological security, we are reminded that an important component of actors’ behaviour in the high modern period is the capacity to reflexively self-monitor and engage in reconstructions, re-orderings and

developments of their “biographical” narratives, including of their relationships to others.53 While these means of producing and reproducing self-identity and identification are typical of individuals in our epoch, healthy basic trust is a

precondition for them: actors with low basic trust are unable to engage in this type of self-identity development.54 For Giddens, this inability is a form of neurosis, which often leaves individuals paralysed by and entrapped within their identity-affirming routines. Extending the analogy with the individual, we should expect that states with rigid basic trust will not be able to engage in this type of reflexive self-identity change.

China, however, provides one of the most striking examples of a state’s deliberate attempt at changing its self-identity and its relationships of identification with other states. Yong Deng, for

instance, describes at length the processes by which China has endeavoured to counter “China Threat theory” by articulating alternative representations of its identity, reputation and role in the international system.55 China threat theory refers to “foreign attributions to China of a harmful, destabilizing, and even pernicious international reputation.”56 According to Deng, Beijing has taken stock of realist theories of international relations which posit the tragedy of the security dilemma and, specifically, of realist theories that emphasize the probability of war occurring when rising powers challenge established

hegemons.57 China is thus aware of the security dilemma that it will confront “if its threat image abroad and material capabilities grow simultaneously.” 58 Citing suggestive findings from the literature on the

democratic peace and on security communities, Deng notes that one process through which threat image can be altered or overcome is social identification.59 States that identify with each other are less likely to perceive each other as threatening and are therefore less susceptible to the constraining effects of the security dilemma, while the opposite is true for states that do not share any sense of identification. This type of consideration lies at the source of Beijing’s hypersensitivity regarding China threat theory and its consistent efforts to

contest and undermine it.60 China’s “strategy” for reducing the influence of China threat theory includes several representational and other tactics. Probably chief among these is equating China threat theory with an outdated “mentality of Cold War-style power politics” and advocating that great powers take a less alarmist approach more suited to current realities in statements to external audiences.61 A second tack involves repeatedly offering reassurances to foreign

listeners of China’s peaceful intentions and its satisfaction with the status quo world order.62 The clearest example of this type of representation is found in Beijing’s “peaceful rise” discourse, a series of pronouncements about the uniqueness of the phenomenon of the growth of China’s influence over global economic and political processes that serves specifically to differentiate China from earlier rising powers that provoked wars.63 In a survey of official “assessments and policy designs” since the late 1990s, Jing Huang finds that this discourse is indicative of a new understanding of the international environment and concludes that it is supported by substantial changes to China’s practices, which show a more actively engaged, “cooperative and patient” China.64 Deng and Huang’s accounts of Beijing’s strategies find support in Chih-yu Shih’s analysis of Chinese academic responses

to China threat theory, in which he finds that “the introduction of IR theories to China one after another – first realism, then

liberalism and most recently constructivism – has directly affected how Chinese represent themselves, internally as well as externally.”65 Shih argues that “the self-representation of China in terms of ‘peaceful rise’ suggests the influence of liberal theory and ideology as an alternative to realism” in Chinese thought.66

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The permutation is best—the state determines foreign policy and must be included in any effective alternative. Weldes, 99 – Senior Lecturer at Bristol University, Ph.D. in International Relations from the University of Minnesota, Former Assistant Professor at Kent State University (Jutta, Cultures of Insecurity, Chapter 1, p. 18-19, KONTOPOULOS)

An issue we have so far neglected but that is obviously raised by any discussion of the social construction of insecurity is the

question of agency: just who is it that defines or constructs insecurities? Who actually articulates these "discourses of danger" and produces particular insecurities? In statist societies, the primary site for the production of insecurity is the institution or bundle of practices that we know as the state. Because identifying danger and providing security is, in modern politics, considered fundamentally to be the business of the state, those individuals who inhabit offices in the state play a central role in constructing insecurities. As Hans Morgenthau argued, statesmen are the representatives of the state who "speak for it,... define its objectives, choose the means for achieving them, arid try to maintain, increase, and demonstrate power" (1978: 1080). It is state officials who are granted the right, who have the authority, to define security and insecurity—to identify threats and dangers and to determine the best solution to them, although they are often assisted by what have been called "intellectuals of statecraft" (6 Tuathail and Agnew, 1992: 193), including the "defense intellectuals" iCohn, 1987) associated with weapons contractors and university research centers and the "security intellectuals" of think tanks such as RAND (Dalby, 1990). Beyond the state narrowly defined, discourses of insecurity are also produced and circulate through what Gramsci called the extended state (1971: 257-64 and passim)—schools, churches, the media, and other institutions of civil society that regulate populations.

The state is critical to determining security discourse—the perm is best.Krolikowski 8 (Alanna is a doctoral student in International Relations at the Department of Political Science of the University of Toronto. She completed an MA in International Relations at the Munk Centre for International Relations of the University of Toronto in August 2006; State Personhood in Ontological Security Theories of International Relations and Chinese Nationalism: A Sceptical View:, DB)

Jennifer Mitzen and others13 have explored the relevance of Giddens’ concept of ontological security for the study of world politics. In particular, Mitzen has used this idea to develop a theory of routinized relationships between states that can shed light on

enduring international rivalries.14 For Mitzen, ontological security is not only sought by individuals, as in

Giddens’s original articulation, but also by states.15 For both individuals and states, ontological security is necessary “in order to realize a sense of agency.16” In short, states, like individuals, need to feel secure in who they are, as identities or selves. Some, deep forms of uncertainty threaten this identity security. The reason is that agency requires a stable cognitive environment. Where an actor has no idea what to expect, she cannot systematically relate ends to means, and it becomes unclear how to pursue her ends. Since ends are constitutive of identity, in turn, deep uncertainty renders the actor’s identity insecure. Individuals are therefore motivated to create cognitive and behavioural certainty, which they do by establishing routines.17 While all actors satisfy the need for ontological security by routinizing their social interactions, they vary in their mode of attachment to these habituated behaviours: “some actors rigidly repeat routines, while others participate more

reflexively.”18 Actors who are very attached to their routines will reproduce these ontological security-providing behaviours even if they compromise their physical security. Thus, in Mitzen’s application, this approach offers a new explanation for very persistent conflicts between security-seeking states.19

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China is deliberately fostering the image of a peaceful rise to mask its growing military threat. Gertz 10 (Bill, geopolitics editor and a national security and investigative reporter for The Washington Times, author of six books, 3/5/10, Washington Times, “China rhetoric raises threat concerns”,, DB)

Recent statements by Chinese military officials are raising concerns among U.S. analysts that the communist government in Beijing is shifting its oft-stated "peaceful rise" policy toward an aggressive, anti-U.S. posture. The most recent sign appeared with the publication of a government-approved book by Senior Col. Liu Mingfu that urges China to "sprint" toward becoming the world's most powerful state. "Although this book is one of many by a senior colonel, it certainly challenges the thesis of many U.S. China-watchers that the People's Liberation Army's rapid military growth is not designed to challenge the United States as a global power or the U.S. military," said Larry M. Wortzel, a China affairs specialist who until recently was co-chairman of the congressional U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. A Reuters report on Col. Liu's book, "The China Dream," appeared Tuesday in the Communist Party newspaper

People's Daily. It quoted the book as stating China and the United States are in "competition to be the leading country, a conflict over who rises and falls to dominate the world." Mr. Wortzel said the statements in the book contradict those of former President Jiang Zemin and other Chinese leaders who said China's rise to prominence in the 21st century would be peaceful. They also carry political weight because the book was published by the Chinese military. The book was released after calls by other Chinese military officials to punish the United States for policies toward Taiwan, U.S. criticism of China's lack of Internet freedom and U.S. support for the exiled Tibetan leader Dalai Lama. One official, Maj. Gen. Luo Yuan, called for using economic warfare against the U.S. over arms sales to Taiwan and urged selling off some of China's $750

billion in holdings of U.S. debt securities. China's military also recently cut off military exchanges with the Pentagon after the announcement of a $6.4 billion sale of helicopters and missiles to Taiwan. Asked about Col. Liu's book, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said it would be wrong for China to view itself as a U.S. competitor. For the 21st century, U.S.-China relations are the most important ties in the world and "it is a mistake to see the relationship in zero-sum terms," Mr. Crowley said. Some U.S. officials in the past dismissed similar alarming statements from the

Chinese military as not reflecting official views. However, Chinese leaders have not disavowed Gen. Luo's remarks or those of others, such as Maj. Gen. Zhu Chenghu, who in 2005 said China would use nuclear weapons against the United States in response to any firing of conventionally armed long-range cruise missiles against Chinese cities. The statement contradicted Beijing's declared policy of not using nuclear weapons first in a conflict. Gen. Zhu reportedly was criticized and demoted but surfaced in print Feb. 10, calling for increased defense spending and boosting military deployments in response to the Taiwan arms

sale. China on Thursday announced that it would increase defense spending this year by 7.5 percent, a smaller increase than in previous years, in an apparent effort to limit criticism of its double-digit annual spending increases for more than a decade. The recent military statements also counter insistence by many U.S. officials that China's

strategic intentions toward the United States are masked by the lack of "transparency" in the communist system. U.S. intelligence analysts, in analyses and estimates, also have dismissed or played down evidence of Chinese military deception

to hide its true goals. They instead have said in classified reports that the use of strategic deception to hide China's military buildup is similar to masking efforts of Western powers. Critics of those analysts' "benign China" outlook say such views resulted in missing major strategic and military developments by China for more than a decade, such as new missiles, submarines and other advanced military hardware, some that were built in complete secrecy. The recent Chinese military statements have renewed the long-running debate in U.S. policy and intelligence circles about China's long-term military intentions and whether they pose threats to U.S. interests.

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China is rising peacefully now because it is in their short term interest, they are a major long-term threat. Kelly, 5/30/10 – Assistant Professor of Political Science at Pusan National University (Robert E, "Off to China… 1) The ‘China Threat’ Thesis", Asian Security Blog, May 30th 2010, July 21st 2010,, KONTOPOULOS)

1. China’s internal politics are repressive: Falun Gong, democracy dissidents, Muslim Uighurs, Tibet. Why would you expect a regime that treats its own people that way to be nicer to the ‘foreign devils’ (the 19th century mandarin term for western traders) ? Why would you trust a regime that shoots its own

people? When Iran and Zimbabwe do it, we worry. Why not with China? China is not a democracy. 2. While China is rising, it is vulnerable. It is benefitting enormously from the US/WTO-lead trading order. So of course they will say they want to rise peacefully. They won’t shoot themselves in the foot. They see how Germany’s belligerent rise in the late 19th century got it encircled and crushed in WWI. They aren’t stupid enough to say they want changes, but we shouldn’t be stupid enough to believe them either, especially given point 1 above. 3. China has a historical legacy of xenophobia and cultural supremacism. You can overcome history of course; the Germans did. But the Chinese aren’t there at all, and its historical reservoir of national myths clashes badly with just being ‘one more country.’ 4. As countries grow and get wealthier, their perceptions of their national interests change, ie, grow. So yes, today, the Chinese do want to rise peacefully, and maybe they are sincere. But eventually, as its sense of its global role grows, and as the scope of its interests grow, it will become pushier and probably more belligerent. This usually happens when countries grow to new prominence. Britain in the 19th century intervened all over Asia. The US got more involved in Latin America and the Pacific. The USSR dabbled in all over the place during the Cold War. Maybe China

is different, but the historical record of big states developing new ‘needs’ and ‘appetites’ is pretty clear. Expect it here. 5. What will they want after they get rich? James Fallows’ work at the Atlantic

suggests that China just wants to get rich, and that’s true, but what happens after they get there? As states become richer and more influential, their perceptions of their national interests expand – particularly as states trade more and import resources more (as most rising states must). It is all but inevitable that China’s global footprint will expand as it already has in Central Asia, Africa, and the South China Sea. This does not

mean it must be belligerent, but it does mean that there are more possible loci of conflict. The sheer size of China and its reach will insure friction and collisions – just as it did with the British Empire, the USSR, and the US. Add to this China’s rather toxic internal politics. China is hypernationalist

(the replacement ideology after Tiannamen), mercantilist, and repressive. I see nothing benign in that mix. If you were China, wouldn’t you be chafing at the bit, having to listen to Bush or Hillary lecture you about human rights and your exchange rate? And once the first missile lands on Tibet, all the talk of peaceful China will fly out the window. My first-cut schtick on the US and China is in galleys at Geopolitics for publication this fall; here it is in brief. For China’s muscle in the Northeast Asia, try here and here. In short, I lean toward the view that China is a rising power likely to collide with the US, because its range of interests

will expand as its power expands. In 20 years, when China has a bigger navy, it will suddenly ‘discover’ national interests in the South Pacific or Indian Ocean. Rome, Britain, the US, the USSR all went down this path. It is worse, because China has the Sinocentric history of informally dominating its Confucian neighbors. And the regime ideology is still fairly illiberal – mercantilism, hypernationalism, internal repression.

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Chinese nationalism, military investments and economic power will inevitably make them a threatRoss 9 (Professor of Political Science at Boston College and Associate of the John King Fairbank Center for East Asian Research at Harvard (Robert S. “China’s Naval Nationalism Sources, Prospects, and the U.S. Response, International Security, Volume 34, Number 2, Fall, Project Muse, 62-5, DB)

Popular support within China for a large navy has been growing, especially since the international relief effort for the victims of the 2004 Indonesian tsunami. According to interviews, support for an aircraft carrier has now become the “mainstream” view. A mass-market edition of Mahan’s The Influence of Seapower upon History is marketed with a cover banner that asks in large type, “Does China need an aircraft carrier?” and with a foldout map highlighting U.S. naval facilities along China’s coastal perimeter.43 When Chinese military officers give public presentations, they are pressed to explain when China will

build a carrier. More and more Chinese have offered their own personal funds to support construction of an aircraft carrier.44 China’s Soviet-era aircraft carrier, the Minsk, is a popular tourist attraction. Thirty-three thousand visitors toured the Minsk in just seven days during the 2006 Chinese New Year holiday. 45 Talk shows on Chinese Central Television (CCTV), China’s national television network, focus on the merits of an aircraft carrier; the popularity of televised debates on maritime policy led CCTV to air additional programs on the subject. Among the most popular television programs in China in recent years was the December 2006 CCTV program “The Rise of the Great Powers.” It stimulated widespread

public discussion over the lessons of history for China’s emergence as a great power. According to the documentary, all successful great powers have possessed a large blue-water navies.46 [End Page 62] China’s late 2008 antipiracy operations in the Gulf of Aden stimulated even greater mass interest in an aircraft carrier. The cover story of World Knowledge, the foreign ministry’s biweekly magazine, focused on China’s growing maritime interests. It reported that the “largest-ever discussion of Chinese maritime power was enthusiastically developing on the web, in the media, research seminars, policymaking circles, and even in casual street conversation.” This widespread national conversation focused on “the long-held dream of so many people” that China would “build

its own aircraft carrier.”47 Over the past decade, Chinese leaders have increasingly bolstered their prestige with high-profile programs that serve various national interests but that are also symbols of great power status. They use the state-controlled media to promote popular pride derived from such grand projects as the Three Gorges Dam, the largest dam in the world (despite its many environmental and demographic problems); the recent completion of the Beijing air terminal, the largest air terminal in the world; the development of a jumbo jet to rival Boeing’s 747 aircraft and the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company’s A380 “double-decker”

aircraft; and the domestic development of the Shanghai-to-Beijing high-speed train. China’s space program is an especially strong focus of the government’s campaign. It includes plans for a manned-lunar excursion, an orbiting space station, and exploration of Mars. The leadership promoted its legitimacy through the hosting of the 2008 Olympics and extensive media coverage of China’s “coming out” on the world stage. The Chinese media paid widespread attention to China’s 2007 antisatellite test, its expanded development of a scientific research station around the highest point of Antarctica, and its development of a third research station in Antarctica.48 [End Page 63] The 2006 China-Africa summit held in Beijing was a major media event that purportedly established China’s world leadership. Military nationalism has become increasingly important to the Chinese Communist Party’s domestic prestige. China’s contribution to antipiracy operations in the Gulf of Aden in 2009 received prominent and prolonged coverage in the Chinese media. The Chinese media also gave extensive coverage to the 2009 naval procession in the East China Sea on the sixtieth anniversary of the PLA Navy, and it reported widespread Chinese support for an aircraft carrier. On its sixtieth anniversary on October 1, 2009, China held its largest-ever military parade with extensive displays of advanced Chinese

weaponry.49 Chinese academics, government analysts, and military officers believe that in this nationalist environment, it will be difficult for Chinese leaders to continue to defer construction of China’s first aircraft carrier without degrading their nationalist credentials. A senior Chinese intelligence officer remarked that the leadership can “hardly resist the pressure” from society.50 In addition, the PLA Navy has taken advantage of popular nationalism and growing impatience for Taiwan unification to develop its reputation as the defender of Chinese interests and to strengthen its demands for an aircraft carrier and a larger budget.51 In this environment, analysts believed that following the August 2008 Beijing Olympics and the 2008–09 economic crisis, the aircraft carrier would be China’s next high-profile nationalist project. It would enable the government to “show the flag” to the Chinese

people and enhance its prestige.52 A wide spectrum of Chinese observers in the military, academia, government think tanks, and the intelligence community now believes that the Chinese leadership has already succumbed to the combination of mass nationalism [End Page 64] and military pressure and that the decision to construct an aircraft carrier is irreversible.53 Thus, the issue is no longer if, but when, China will build one. Xu Guanyu, director of China’s Arms Control and Disarmament Association, reported in late 2007 that “it has almost been decided that the Chinese Navy will build carriers.”54 Civilian and military analysts believe that President Hu Jintao will order construction of China’s first aircraft carrier prior to the end of his presidency in 2012.55

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Pan Kritik - [DOC Document] (2024)


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