HOWTO backup your Telegram chats (if you don’t fear the terminal) (2024)

Table of Contents
apapau 2015-01-05 on 17:33 giomba 2015-01-07 on 16:52 azzam 2015-01-19 on 01:27 Joe 2015-02-18 on 20:09 Alex 2015-03-14 on 13:57 loser 2015-04-07 on 17:46 Oldboy 2015-04-10 on 14:23 Anand 2015-05-04 on 10:03 rinaldosjr 2015-05-12 on 15:59 Farhad Malek 2015-05-18 on 16:55 maryam 2015-06-24 on 12:50 Samim Pezeshki 2015-06-26 on 07:07 Alex 2015-07-19 on 06:01 Alex 2015-07-19 on 07:06 Bart 2015-07-24 on 23:31 Bart 2015-07-24 on 23:33 g3r4 2015-07-30 on 18:59 hasti 2015-08-08 on 05:24 Tim 2015-08-12 on 21:00 Alex 2015-09-03 on 14:40 vvvv 2015-09-08 on 10:00 vvvv 2015-09-08 on 11:46 Nima 2015-10-14 on 13:56 Anonymous 2015-10-23 on 16:16 Tim 2015-10-23 on 17:16 salah makki 2015-11-30 on 07:45 Matze 2015-12-24 on 13:00 Richard steuart 2016-01-03 on 06:28 Ashkan 2016-02-08 on 08:30 angel 2016-02-23 on 07:56 Wenyan 2016-02-28 on 01:04 Ivan 2016-02-28 on 08:55 jojo 2016-03-01 on 09:30 Bernie Calucci 2016-03-04 on 21:08 Bernie Calucci 2016-03-04 on 21:10 Abdullah 2016-03-17 on 20:08 Dron 2016-03-21 on 06:16 Dron 2016-03-21 on 06:19 A.Turk 2016-03-26 on 21:24 vocative A 2016-04-14 on 05:13 EHSANZAHIRABADI 2016-04-20 on 09:13 Tim 2016-04-29 on 09:30 Marry 2016-05-16 on 03:55 Zach 2016-05-18 on 00:31 User 2016-06-15 on 09:26 mansor 2016-07-04 on 09:18 @m_reezza_d 2016-07-06 on 19:02 bahareh mostofi 2016-07-06 on 20:01 Ronz 2016-08-29 on 02:14 Silom 2016-09-01 on 06:00 anon 2016-09-04 on 09:06 Somebody 2016-09-25 on 22:21 Michael 2016-11-03 on 17:27 Renier 2016-11-09 on 13:41 mahan Irani 2017-01-10 on 10:40 mahan Irani 2017-01-10 on 10:41 Ali 2017-03-26 on 06:41 Espedu Tamadre 2017-07-29 on 12:13 vaishnavi 2017-12-14 on 19:24 MK 2018-02-03 on 19:59 FR 2018-04-14 on 06:56 Anonymous 2018-04-15 on 13:41 wcat 2018-04-28 on 20:55 Neda 2018-04-30 on 16:01 Telegramalyzer 2018-05-23 on 09:15 farda 2018-06-19 on 09:08 redh 2018-10-03 on 19:40 Susan 2018-10-21 on 00:41 Zahra 2018-11-01 on 14:57 Emma 2019-01-22 on 03:05 Ya 2019-04-14 on 13:15 Denny 2020-07-15 on 07:53 References

Update: Telegram Desktop version 1.3.8 added an option to export all your data as either a set of HTML files or a JSON file. This was added to comply to the European GDPR directive. I’ve tried this out and it works as promised and is now definitely the easiest option to export your data. Thanks European Union!

This article is kept for archiving purposes but the methods outlined probably shouldn’t be used anymore.

Note: i’ve updated this article in april 2016 with a new method that’s still clunky, but works a little bit better.

Considering that WhatsApp was sold in February 2014 to Facebook for a petty $19 billion dollars you might have looked around for alternatives. Currently the most promising messaging client is Telegram, an alternative mostly financed by Pavel Durov, who ironically founded Facebook’s biggest competitor in Russia: VK.

Now some people might suggest switching from WhatsApp to Telegram is simply trading one evil (Facebook) for another (VK). However, Durov has nothing to do with VK anymoreand the people behind Telegram say theyrespect your privacy. Telegram ismostly open sourceas well. Time will tell if Telegram can stay true to their promises.

Anyway, one missingfeature (the only one, in my opinion) is the ‘export chat’ option that is available onWhatsApp. I’m not that interested in transferring messages between devices, but i do think it’s important to have an export of your digital history, whether it’s e-mail, instant messaging or your tweets.

There are multiple feature requests for the various (semi) official apps, but currently there doesn’t seem to be a simple solution.

Anyway, i found a hack, but unfortunately it’s pretty technical and not for those afraid of the command line.Unfortunately it’s only for Linux and Mac systems as well.

Basically you’re using a combination of the command line tgcommand and a Ruby script called telegram-history-dump. Used in conjunction, you get a set of JSON files that you can further process, for example using a Python script that compiles it to a CSV file you can open in Excel. Here’s something i wrote for that.

Alternatively, if you don’t want to run the telegram-history-dump script for some reason you could also try these steps with just tg:

I know, this is all pretty clunky. Hopefully the people at Telegram and/or the coders who create the clients will create a better export option in the future.

  • apapau


  • giomba

    Hey, under GNU/Linux (and MAC, I suppose) you can simply use the ‘script’ command, to log everything on terminal.
    So, for example:
    $ script my_conversations.log # starts logging in file my_conversations.log
    $ telegram-cli # runs telegram-cli
    > history my_friend 65536 # prints history (which is logged)
    > safe_quit # stops telegram client
    $ exit # stops logging
    To read conversations, you can use:
    $ less -R my_conversations.log
    so they’re colourful and highlighted too!

  • azzam

    i cant run tg (bin/telegram-cli) ,

    the output is bash: syntax error near unexpected token `bin/telegram-cli’

    please help me, cause i really want to back up my important massage/chat

  • Joe

    Same here, totally new to this, granted! I can’t get tg installed to begin with, be that via Homebrew:

    “./configure: line 1827: config.log: Permission denied
    ./configure: line 1837: config.log: Permission denied”

    or Mac Ports:

    “-bash: ./configure: No such file or directory”


    “-bash: export: `./configure’: not a valid identifier”

    What am I doing wrong? Appreciate any productive hints and help

  • Alex

    Great, thanks for this article. I tried this first in a VM with ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso, didn’t work (always crashed and some users reported the same problems on Github). Then I moved to an AWS EC2 instance and did it from there, worked without problems this time.


  • loser

    omg so hard.. i wish somebody could do it for me :(

  • Oldboy

    It’s strange that there is no easier way of doing this. On my iPhone 5S, Telegram messages are stored in plain text in an SQLite database called “tgdata_index.db”. Making a jailbreak tweak or something wouldn’t be difficult I suppose.

    The file can be found at: var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application//Documents/tgdata_index.db

  • Anand

    Here is a tiny script that works (today) on browser firebug console.

    var msgss = ”;
    $.each($(‘.im_history_message_wrap’), function(i,e){
    var msgwrp = $(e);
    var dtsplit = $($(‘.im_message_date_split > .im_service_message’, msgwrp)).text();
    var cnts = $(‘.im_content_message_wrap’,msgwrp);
    $.each(cnts, function(ii,ee){
    var cntwrp = $(ee);
    var athr = $(‘.im_message_author’,cntwrp).text();
    var dte = $(‘.im_message_date’,cntwrp).text();
    var txt = $(‘.im_message_text’,cntwrp).text();

    var imgg = $($(‘.im_message_photo_thumb > .im_message_photo_thumb’, cntwrp)).attr(‘src’)

    msgss+=(athr + ‘[‘ + dtsplit + ‘ ‘ + dte + ‘]:’ + txt + ((imgg)? imgg : ”) + ‘\n’);

  • rinaldosjr

    I’ve got the following error in a Mac Yosemite:

    gcc -I. -I. -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/Cellar/readline/6.3.8/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include -I/usr/include -I/usr/include -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wno-deprecated-declarations -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-omit-frame-pointer -ggdb -Wno-unused-parameter -fPIC -c -MP -MD -MF dep/main.d -MQ objs/main.o -o objs/main.o main.c
    main.c:836:5: error: ‘__builtin___snprintf_chk’ will always overflow destination buffer [-Werror,-Wbuiltin-memcpy-chk-size]
    snprintf (serv_addr.sun_path, 108, “%s”, unix_socket);
    /usr/include/secure/_stdio.h:57:3: note: expanded from macro ‘snprintf’
    __builtin___snprintf_chk (str, len, 0, __darwin_obsz(str), __VA_ARGS__)
    1 error generated.
    make: *** [objs/main.o] Error 1

    Any clue? Thanks!

  • Farhad Malek

    Can someone help please?
    Is it possible to print out a history of my telegram chat with my wife?! Unfortunately it is required for her visa, to prove that we are a proper couple!


    Farhad Malek

  • maryam

    Can someone perhaps make a video of this please. I’m so confused :'( Thanks

  • Samim Pezeshki

    I created a Lua script which saves as many messages as you want into a sqlite database.

  • Alex

    These instructions and the instructions in the links are frustratingly vague. For example:

    2. Now run tg (bin/telegram-cli) and follow the steps to get an activation code.

    What on earth does that mean?! Is the user to type in terminal “tg” or “bin/telegram-cli” or “telegram-cli” or “/bin/telegram-cli” or to navigate to the folder? At any rate, this file does not exist, because in step 1, the instructions are all over the place and unclear:

    At one point it just says: “Install these ports:


    Yes. HOW?? With what Terminal-command?? Sorry, this incompleteness is just lazy.

  • Alex

    Update (regarding the installation instructions in step 1):

    sudo port install devel/libconfig
    sudo port install devel/libexecinfo
    sudo port install lang/lua52

    do not work. The ports are not in the library, even after executing sudo port selfupdate, etc.

    The command ./configure is also problematic, even despite having successfully carried out the first steps of the Macports instructions.

  • Bart

    To those having trouble, it’s really doable.

    Look for the on your computer.

    Look here: install ‘brew’ by copy pasting the line in the Terminal. This will allow you to install stuff with brew using the Terminal.

    Next install git with brew: copy paste in the Terminal ‘brew install git’.

    Install tg, follow the instructions on

    1. copy paste this: git clone –recursive && cd tg
    2. copy paste these line by line:
    brew install libconfig readline lua python libevent jansson
    export CFLAGS=”-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/Cellar/readline/6.3.8/include”
    export LDFLAGS=”-L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/Cellar/readline/6.3.8/lib”
    ./configure && make

    (note these commands might change, look at the url)

    When you are done, copy paste: ‘bin/telegram-cli’

    Now everything should be pretty self-explanatory.

  • Bart

    A final note, you might need to have Command Line Tools installed for brew to work. Look here:

    This and my previous comment should allow total newbs to follow this guide.

  • g3r4

    I’ve been looking in the internet for the folder where Telegram keeps all the media without luck, I found it myself, it is at:

    /Users/[YOUR USER]/Library/Containers/ru.keepcoder.Telegram/Data/Library/Caches/ru.keepcoder.Telegram/cache/

    Hope this is useful to someone. (This is on Mac OS X Yosemite, Telegram version Version 1.71.23467)

  • hasti

    If we deactivate our telegram and then we install it again..will we be able to recover all previous chats?

  • Tim

    Thanks for the article! Unfortunately a plain text dump is pretty limited, and both the tg history command and telegram-cli-backup seem to have trouble with large backlogs now. But they did inspire my final solution, which I’ll leave here in case anyone finds it useful.

    It’s Python script for tg which will export conversations of any size to newline separated JSON format:

    Writing a conversion script to turn the JSON into nicely formatted text would be fairly trivial.

  • Alex

    Evernote!! (no terminal required)

    Open the web-version of your telegram account e.g. in google chrome. have the evernote plugin installed and once you select the desired chat conversation that you want to be archived, click on the evernote button in your chrome menu bar and save the chat thread as “article” – and hurray! ALL your chat including images will be saved (and can then further be exported as html via the evernote export function within its own native app).

  • vvvv

    Hi, thanks for these instructions. When I run telegram-cli I get the following error:
    *** No public keys found
    I do have a public key in .ssh but obviously here something else is meant. Any help would be appreciated!

  • vvvv

    found the solution here:

  • Nima

    Hi folks,
    as we see, most command lines posted here are related to Linux or Mac OS. Now I wanna know how to use command line Telegram client “tg” in win 10. Could someone please tell me that?

  • Anonymous

    You do not need to use
    Use redirection:
    command > file
    will redirect the output of command
    One can wrap this to a script with a loop to get all of messages.

  • Tim

    New project in Ruby supporting both plain text and json output, and also media downloads:

    See this readme for building telegram-cli on Windows:

  • salah makki

    keep previous history

  • Matze

    thanks Tim for the hint on Windows!! will try that.

  • Richard steuart

    It could never ring the bell to me !

  • Ashkan

    when I apply command to connect to Telegram DC IP address, I get this error:

    *** Connect with Time Out.

    I wonder where in what file I can change this IP address to a new one.


  • angel

    As I can get the information of a group?

  • Wenyan

    Thanks for the article! But I am totally new with computer, is anyone can teach me ? Thanks a lot.


  • Ivan

    Hey folks, there is a Chome extension available called “Save Telegram Chat History”. It’s very simple, no command line and so forth, just works with your web-browser.

  • jojo

    @ ivan
    thanks man
    you made my day !

  • Bernie Calucci

    WHERE THE f*ck are these files on OS X how is it POSSIBLE that there’s ABSOLUTELY NO DOCUMENTATION as to where this retarded app which claimed to protect our privacy WRITES our PRIVATE conversations! WHERE is the COMPLETE file location list for EVERY platform!?!

  • Bernie Calucci

    I don’t WANT NO STUPID SCRIPT I WANT ACCESS TO THE ACTUAL FILE TO PROTECT IT!!!! How is it possible that I’ve been hours on the internet and there is no clear documentation about this!!

  • Abdullah

    Same here.

  • Dron

    Updated Anand’s script to show correct time and quoted text:

    var msgss = ”;
    $.each($(‘.im_history_message_wrap’), function(i,e){
    var msgwrp = $(e);
    var dtsplit = $($(‘.im_message_date_split > .im_service_message’, msgwrp)).text();
    var cnts = $(‘.im_content_message_wrap’,msgwrp);
    $.each(cnts, function(ii,ee){
    var cntwrp = $(ee);
    var athr = $(‘.im_message_author’,cntwrp).text();
    var dte = $(‘.im_message_date’,cntwrp).attr(‘data-content’);
    var txt = $(‘.im_message_text’,cntwrp).text();

    var imgg = $($(‘.im_message_photo_thumb > .im_message_photo_thumb’, cntwrp)).attr(‘src’)

    var quoteAuthor = $($($(‘.im_message_reply_author span’, cntwrp))[1]).text();
    var quoteText = $($($(‘.im_message_reply_body span’, cntwrp))[1]).text();

    msgss += dtsplit ? ‘\n’ + dtsplit + ‘\n’: ”;
    if (quoteAuthor) {
    msgss += ‘| ‘ + quoteAuthor + ‘:\n’+
    ‘| ‘ + quoteText + ‘\n’;

    msgss += (athr + ‘ [‘ + dte + ‘]’ + ‘:\n’ +
    txt + ((imgg)? imgg : ”) + ‘\n\n’);

  • Dron

    pastebin . com / Hwb57pJa
    (remove spaces)

  • A.Turk


  • vocative A

    فریبا عباسی


    Dear Telegram
    I lost My Channel
    Yesterday i delet my telegram account in your site and when i connect again , i can\’t access in my channel admin .
    my user name :
    My Channel is:

  • Tim

    Is it possible to convert the cache4.db to another format, say html or excel?

  • Marry

    LOL I guess I need to pay someone to do this for me. It is so techy and difficult :(

  • Zach

    I might do a video tutorial for linux soon. However I have an issue with large group exports not writing to anything other than .json

  • User

    Let me test if this works!

  • mansor

    I want …… How do I backup all my telegram

  • @m_reezza_d

    Im delet acount telegram.plz

  • bahareh mostofi

    i can not sing in and download telegram

  • Ronz

    Wish the best

  • Silom

    Can anyone backup the messages of a deleted telegram account?if so how can I vanish messages forever that no one reach them,tnx

  • anon

    just log in from a web browser, open convo, right click and select print, print to pdf. way easier

  • Somebody

    This saves medias too?

  • Michael

    Many thanks. Works like a charm.

  • Renier

    Thanks a lot man – worked great!

  • mahan Irani

    hi dear all
    instead of these confusing commands just check the following link in google chrome extensions and then use telegram web. u can easily export chat content in ur pc. :)

  • mahan Irani

    google chrome extension:

    Check out “Save Telegram Chat History”:

  • Ali

    I delete my account . And my channnel is in the air. I want to backup my telegram channel.

  • Espedu Tamadre

    > “Telegram is mostly open source as well”

    LOL! Far from it! Only the client is ‘mostly’ open source, although it allegedly contains some binary blobs. The server is obviously proprietary and closed source.

  • vaishnavi

    I need my chat log back. Awaiting your help

  • MK

    look into

  • FR

    TY, working great for me on mac.
    Got all chats with telegram-history-dump!

  • Anonymous

    great job!
    thank you

  • wcat

    Very nice thank you for showing me those tools. FYI you can output to different formats now like html.

  • Neda

    I deleted my account so i register again but i lose my all memory backup please help me i want it

  • Telegramalyzer

    While this is a nice method, it appears a little easier to me to use a Chrome plugin (which actually works very well). Those video explains it pretty straightforward:

    It\’s actually just installing the Chrome plugin, accessing, receiving the chat history and saving it.

    By the way (and I hope it is okay that I write this here): Yesterday we published our webapp Telegramalyzer where you can analyze your Telegram chat logs (that you retrieved via the Chrome plugin). That way you can see what your most used emojis are, your messages over time, who writes, weekdays, hour chart,…
    Would be glad if someone checked it out :)

  • farda

    Hi, how can I recover deleted telegram chats on my iPhone?
    Thanks in advance.

  • redh

    Hi. What about a service in windows that will actually collect last x messages (I need from a group to fetch last message) with a predefined frequency? Maybe this feature could transform in Telegram to SMS (for those who are in a meeting and want to not miss any important info from a group).

  • Susan

    I have a very serious problem. Someone has hacked my telegram. I want to change the number, it says I have to delete the other account and I don’t have it. what should I do? please help. Thanks

  • Zahra

    Thanks for your help

  • Emma

    pretty clunky – is not the word! I wasted three hours by just solving a problem with sending messages (this helped: ) and then I finished with it – your arcticle about backup was just in time! H*king thanks.

  • Ya

    Thanks a lot! The GDPR feature of Telegram is INCOMPELTE! It does not allow downloading whole history of group chats!
    Side note: tg-cli is very unstable, and I had to mod it to make it work. The script is also unstable and loves to crash on some occasions.

  • Denny

    Thanks pal for this feature. Now i can backup and save telegram chats and files :)

  • HOWTO backup your Telegram chats (if you don’t fear the terminal) (2024)


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